Today I pushed a minor change to UpdateTitleEditor, in an attempt to make recipes incorporating it more flexible. I’ve noticed that Grahama Pugh uses true/false values in a autopkg environment variables (i.e. pkg_uploaded) to work with StopProcessingIf processors, and have really found myself liking the flexibility, so I decided to work title_updated in to be used as a predicate. Now a .jamf recipe can look this to:

  • Update Title Editor
  • If the version is not new, exit, If it is:
    • Upload the package.
    • If that does not succeed, exit. If it does:
      • Update a policy
-   Processor:
        title_id: '1001'
-   Arguments:
        predicate: title_updated == False
    Processor: StopProcessingIf

-   Processor: com.github.grahampugh.jamf-upload.processors/JamfPackageUploader
      pkg_name: '%NAME%-%version%.pkg'
      pkg_category: '%CATEGORY%'

-   Processor: StopProcessingIf
      predicate: pkg_uploaded == False

-   Processor: com.github.grahampugh.jamf-upload.processors/JamfPolicyUploader
      policy_name: '%POLICY_NAME%'
      policy_template: '%POLICY_TEMPLATE%'
      policy_category: '%CATEGORY%'
      icon: '%SELF_SERVICE_ICON%'
      replace_icon: 'True'
      replace_policy: 'True'
            <string>title_updated == False</string>
            <string>pkg_uploaded == False</string>

It can speed up recipe runs by exiting if the version hasn’t changed, but won’t affect your use case if you won’t want to. Most importantly, it’s easy.

Because there has to be an easier way.