$0.10 CPI


Yes, it sounds absurdly low, but it’s possible. At Tapstream we provide the plumbing that allows all sorts of user acquisition strategies to take place. We can now provide you with a channel to acquire users for an absurdly low 10-cent CPI.

Unleash The Power Of Your Own Userbase
We’ve just launched a private pilot for this new product and we’d love you to be a part of it. If you have a game or an app currently active in the app store and have advertised it in the past, email us to apply.
Once you’re accepted we can share more details on the program, but rest assured it is not an ad network or a spamming tool.
What You get
Early access to help you acquire highly engaged and valuable users at a very very low CPI. Your feedback will also shape what we finally deliver.
What We Get
Better understanding of your needs so that in the end we deliver a product that you’ll love.
So join us and apply below:
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