Create App Clips for iOS 14 in React Native

Nazır Doğan
4 min readJun 30, 2020

Apple announced the release of a feature called App Clips in WWDC 2020.

I think App Clips are the most useful feature of iOS 14. If you don’t hear yet, you may this news useful.

After seeing this feature, I started to think about how can create POC for that with React Native. so I did something it can be useful for everyone interested in this feature.

Let's get started to create App Clip

Firstly I created a very very normal React Native project.

npx react-native init ReactNativeAppClips

Then I opened the project in Xcode. (Version 12.0 beta)

Then I click File -> New -> Target. search App Clip

More info:

After that, I use this selection to create App Clip. I also tried with SwiftUI but no luck. maybe there is a way to work with Swift but for now, I skipped it.

Then you will see your target inside your project. RNClip is our App Clip. it seems to be a very regular iOS project.

Now we have App Clip Target. When I run this it open clip app but there is nothing inside.

so I tried to add React Native on App Clip project. in normal project React and other dependencies consume Cocoapods. so I went through to Podfile and add RNClip as a target and run pod install again

After that step, I can access React’s RCTRootView inside my App Clip project.

I implemented loadView method of UIViewController like above.

but as you can see App Clip have different bundle root and module name

so I also made some addition to Javascript side

I created one file named index.appclip.js

then I run the main project to start the packager.(after packager start I kill the main app and removed it from the simulator) after that, I changed the target then run again.

But there was one small problem in the app. it doesn’t load an insecure bundle. so I added this to Info.plist file to solve the problem. React Native apps have by default.


so that's it. It worked very well.

Here is the repo of the project.

some people asked me about app size. Because there is a 10 MB limitation for App Clips.

I simply exported App. Here is the result without any optimization. I may remove some pod from App Clip.

I also noticed when I run on release mode. App didn’t locate bundle correctly. To solve this problem, I’ve created Run Script in Build Phase step.

export NODE_BINARY=node../node_modules/react-native/scripts/ index.appclip.js

PART — 2- Handling App Clips URL in React Native

