The Male Sensitivity Reader© helps women compose social media posts in a way that won’t offend, threaten, trigger, or cause discomfort to male readers. Offering critique, explanation, and editing services, The Male Sensitivity Reader© is available to assist you in all your Male Sensitivity needs.

Examples of The Male Sensitivity Reader© at work:

Offending Post:
“Men: Please stop trying to help women reverse into parking spaces. It’s patronizing.”

This is offensive because I myself members of our staff have helped women reverse and would certainly help a man if the occasion ever arose. We mustn’t presume anything negative about men who do this or their motivations.

Post Male Sensitivity Reader© Edit:
“Men: Thank you for helping both women and men reverse into parking spaces. As for those who only help women, I realize that you’re acting from a sense of chivalry. Thank you as well.”

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Offending Post:
“I can’t even look at this photo. A bunch of men signing legislation so that they can control our bodies. I feel sick.”

You have missed the real injustice here, which is that in this room full of legislators, a woman was present. This photo has been mendaciously framed so that the woman doesn’t appear, thus giving a false impression about an unequal power structure.

Post Male Sensitivity Reader© Edit:
“Here is a photograph of wise men faithfully doing their jobs. It must be difficult to carry the weight of so many big decisions on their shoulders. They really haven’t gotten enough credit. This photo makes me feel buoyant.”

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Offending Post:
“I just read this puff piece about a 75-year-old man marrying a 24-year-old woman. My daughter turns seventeen tomorrow and we’re thinking we should move to a lesbian commune LOL

This post is ageist and homophobic. Aside from the bigoted comments you make about lesbian women and how they’re different from everyone else, you have gravely injured the dignity of older human beings. A mature man might very well have the wit, intelligence and vigor to be the perfect partner for a marginally younger woman. This is a failure of imagination and you’re also judging people you have never met, which exposes your own bias.

Post Male Sensitivity Reader© Edit:
“Oh, the mysteries of true love!”

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Offending Post:
“Is everyone aware that white conservative males are twice as likely to deny climate change? Just sayin’”

You’re making generalizations based on race and gender and everyone knows it’s wrong to be a racist and a sexist.

Post Male Sensitivity Reader© Edit:
“While some climate scientists believe that human beings and carbon emissions have caused the earth’s temperature to increase, we can’t really trust them because of their liberal bias and because scientific theory is just that — a theory. No one can know what will happen in the future, so let’s make good decisions based on what that scientist who got his funding from Exxon says.”

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Offending Post:
“I can’t believe this fucking pussy grabber POS is president”

By cursing, you expose yourself as hysterical. Also, by neglecting to mention Bill Clinton, and more importantly, by failing to call out Hillary Clinton for enabling her husband’s sexism, for victimizing his girlfriends, and for being the architect of Harvey Weinstein’s shocking behavior, you have done a disservice to all women. I’m not sure the feminist movement can recover from attacks such as this one. You’ve done grave damage.

Post Male Sensitivity Reader© Edit:
“Hillary Clinton is the greatest threat to women and to democracy.”

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Offending Post:
“If one more dude mansplains to me today, I will rip his head off.”

This seems like a threat that I take personally will likely get you into legal trouble and also might hinder your chances of getting married.

Post Male Sensitivity Reader© Edit:
“Women: It’s best to listen politely when men speak because they have many interesting and enlightening things to say. I learn so much from men and I hope that you too, dear woman reader of this post, will honor men by paying close attention to their words, heeding their advice, and obeying their unsolicited social media critiques. Thank you.”

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Devorah Blachor’s humor parenting book, The Feminist’s Guide to Raising a Little Princess comes out this week. She’s looking forward to receiving helpful comments about the book from sensitive males.