John Bonini’s Post

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Consultant helping B2B SaaS companies establish and grow their Content Brand | SaaS marketing leader | Dad x5 | Shoots 85% from the free throw line

*Nothing* is preventing you from creating the next truly great content program in your industry.  Is it harder to rank? Maybe. Who cares. Is there more competition? Maybe. So what. Is there more content being published on a daily basis than ever before? Maybe. Doesn't matter. Companies, teams, and individuals succeed because the work is great. Not (only) because it ranks.  Forget ranking for a minute. Instead of looking at it as if there’s an abundance of content out there that you have to compete with, think of it this way: ✅ There’s a shortage of truly great content in your niche.  ✅ There’s a shortage of *you* and *your team’s* unique worldview.  ✅ There’s a shortage of captivating angles that most other teams in your space haven’t explored. ✅ There’s a shortage of solid reporting in your space. Someone needs to address these areas in your space. It might as well be you.

John Bonini

Consultant helping B2B SaaS companies establish and grow their Content Brand | SaaS marketing leader | Dad x5 | Shoots 85% from the free throw line


I'll be launching The Good Content Newsletter in the coming weeks where I'll be exploring the details of what makes content good (beyond keywords and shares virality and all that). Subscribe to get the first issue:

Brendan Hufford

Exploring how SaaS companies *actually* get customers


📣 Number one thing I tell people is that more noise makes the SIGNAL more clear. It makes the good stuff even MORE obvious. Because there's so much bad out there, we can tell what's good. It doesn't make it harder. Counterintuitively, it makes it easier.

Royce Blake

Lead-Generating Freelance Marketer - "Handcrafted Words That Make People Want Your Stuff" | Licensed, Certified, Marketing Coach | Major Market Radio Personality 🎤


So true, John! How many times have you "heard" the same info, but it never "clicked" until it came in a different "package"? A new angle, a different person, or even a new medium. You just might create something people "Feel". 😉

Vivek Shankar

Fintech Content Writing and Strategy | Financial Writer


Great points John. Most teams are sadly unaware that they have a unique voice though. Helping them discover it is half the fun. The easiest way IMO is to ask "why" and "why not" of what's already out there. Leads to interesting conversations and great content down the line.

Jacob Statler

Stop wasting 🕒 and 💸 on content that doesn't drive signups. Want more signups in 90 days? | Fractional Content Team for B2B SaaS |


And a lot of the time, addressing those 4 areas is 90% of what it takes!

Nicole Ayres

Founder + CEO of an independent agency and an ethical AI tech company // on a personal quest to becoming more of a “human being” and less of a “human doing”


Yes to all of this!

Obaid Durrani

Helping B2B SaaS companies increase ARR through strategic media engines


And chances are, there's probably no one in your space delivering their insights or perspectives through creative concepts or focused on creating memorable experiences That, to me, is the biggest gold mine

Harsh Shah

Over $50k Attributed to Revenue through Organic | 📈 Accelerate Your B2B SaaS Growth Engine! Double Your MQLs & SQLs in 90 Days! | SEO Manager @ SpearGrowth


💯 Agree on this. We lost in ranking, competition at the extent that we forgot to focus on creating the content that our users looking for we forgot to focus on the spending more time exploring the different types of content that target audience is looking for If content creation and distribution aligned together perfectly then it will automatically gets rank if content you have created is adding value to your users.

Hannah Davies

Strategic Marketing & Business Development Specialist


Royce Blake John Bonini I've been exploring this very point in my latest post about marketing #prominence and #salience, through a better understanding of a behavioural concept called 'the Von Restorff effect'. It's far riskier to play it safe these days.

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