
We all subscribe to newsletters, right?

I mean, you’re subscribed to a newsletter about newsletters, so I have to assume it’s not the only one that hits your inbox.

And while the metrics we all focus on are the ever important open and click rates, I find myself wishing there was a way to measure deletion rates.


I’ll explain.

There are some emails I get that I open, scan, determine they serve no purpose for me, and delete.

There are some that contain links I deem worth clicking and open new tabs, either to read right away or “save for later.”

I then typically satisfy some bit of my brain that does a happy dance when I delete the email.

“There. I’ve processed this. I can move on.”

As if it’s a pesky task I just conquered.

But there are some I know I’m not done with yet.

Some that either contain or link to such good information that I cannot bear to destroy them.

“What if I accidentally close that open tab?”

“What if I forget how the sender made a topic that never made sense before suddenly so clear? Or just wrote so well I wish I could add it to my bookshelf?”

Those are rare.

They get saved, flagged, added to swipe files.

I know those words warrant revisiting.

They’re too good to delete.

Is your newsletter undeletable?

Do your readers feel like they found a secret goldmine that gets delivered right to their inbox?

Here’s the kicker: This issue of Opt In might be one you delete. It’s Thanksgiving week and I’m trying to take a little break from work and count my blessings.

So I’m reducing the usual content overload down to an appetizer and will hit you with a feast next Tuesday.

There are less links and less commentary than usual. If this is your first issue, hang in there.

Or go check out the archives. Every issue is available on the publication site and you can search by topic if that’s your thing.

It’s been 10—wait, 11—amazing weeks.

And we’re just getting started.

Happy Thanksgiving, all.

Ashley Guttuso  

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Newsletter Tips


Curated News Curated News

Hot of the Presses

We’ve had some really amazing new newsletters launched using Curated recently. Check out these two that seem to fit the season.


Spoonful of Optimism


Opt In ChallengeOpt In Challenge

Like this newsletter?

Let me know. Reply, email me at Ashley[at], or find me on LinkedIn to hit me with some feedback. I’d love to know what you think.

Also, I’d appreciate it if you shared it with fellow email newsletter creators. All archived issues will be available on, so you can send them the link to check it out.

Have a great week sending, y’all.

Thanks for reading,
