Unveiling API Testing: Orchestrating Digital Excellence

João Coelho
8 min readAug 17, 2023

In the intricate web of modern software development, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the connective threads that enable seamless interaction between diverse applications.

These digital bridges have become the backbone of the digital age, facilitating the exchange of data and functionality across a multitude of systems.

As the reliance on APIs continues to grow, ensuring their reliability, functionality, and security becomes paramount. It is in this context that the practice of API testing emerges as a crucial discipline.

With the global API testing market poised to reach a staggering 1.8 billion USD by 2026, as projected by a report from Global Industry Analysts Inc., it’s evident that the significance of API testing extends far beyond a mere technicality.

This substantial growth, up from 641.6 million USD in 2020, underlines the increasing recognition of API testing’s role in delivering robust and dependable software solutions.

In this article, we delve into the API testing subject, uncovering its intricacies, advantages, and challenges. From ensuring seamless user experiences to maintaining data integrity, API testing stands as a cornerstone of quality assurance in the digital landscape.

What is an API?

An API constitutes a collection of protocols designed to facilitate communication and data exchange between distinct software components.

They bridge the divides among discrete fragments of code, enabling the construction of robust, secure, and user-centric applications.

While often operating imperceptibly, APIs are omnipresent, operating ceaselessly behind the scenes to drive the digital encounters that have become integral to our existence.

How do APIs work?

APIs act as intermediaries for data interchange among applications, systems, and devices, using a restaurant analogy. Picture APIs akin to waitstaff: users place orders (requests) and the waiters (APIs) convey them to the kitchen (API server) with specific instructions. Once prepared, the kitchen hands the order back to the waiter for delivery.


Digging deeper, APIs include parts like the API client. This entity assembles and sends requests based on user actions to specific API endpoints (URIs).

For instance, to retrieve e-commerce product data, an API client sends a GET request to the /products endpoint, acquiring the desired information.

The API server, after receiving a request, verifies its validity, accesses or modifies the pertinent data, and furnishes a response to the client.

Upon a successful GET request to the /products endpoint, the response encompasses all store products and a 200 status code, indicating success.

What are the different API types?

APIs can be categorized by two main ways: based on who has access to them, or according to their architectural style.

Categorizing by Access

  • Private APIs (Internal APIs): these APIs orchestrate seamless communication between software components, ensuring efficient workflows without external involvement.
  • Public APIs: grant external developers access to an organization’s data and functionalities, empowering them to integrate these resources into their applications.
  • Partner APIs: facilitate secure data and functionality sharing between entities, promoting fruitful partnerships and shared ventures.

Architectural Styles

  • REST (Representational State Transfer): the cornerstone of data exchange, REST’s resource-centric approach employs standard HTTP methods to enable smooth client-server interaction.
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): praised for its structured XML messaging, SOAP caters to intricate enterprise needs, offering advanced security features albeit at a potential trade-off with speed.
  • GraphQL: a beacon of data optimization, GraphQL streamlines data retrieval through tailored API queries, reducing the need for multiple interactions between client and server.
  • Webhooks: triggering events with finesse, webhooks facilitate event-driven architectures by autonomously invoking HTTP requests upon specific occurrences.
  • gRPC (Remote Procedure Call): hailing from Google, gRPC transforms remote calls into local interactions, streamlining communication in distributed applications.
  • WebSockets: defined as a bidirectional protocol for client-server communication, allowing data exchange in both directions. This connection remains active until either party ends it, after which communication is severed.

In summary:

Source: ByteByteGo

So, how could we test an API? 🤔

API testing is a type of software testing that focuses on evaluating the functionality, performance, security, and reliability of an API.

It involves testing various aspects of the API, including request and response handling, data validation, error handling, and integration with other components, to ensure it works correctly and meets the intended specifications.

API testing is essential for validating the communication between different software systems and ensuring seamless interoperability.

Also, they are very different from GUI tests and won’t concentrate on the look and feel of an application, taking into consideration mainly the business logic layer of the software architecture.


What are the different API testing types?

Various approaches are employed in API testing, encompassing:

  • Functional testing: this verifies that an API provides accurate responses for specified requests.
  • Load testing: assesses how an API manages a high influx of requests within a brief timeframe.
  • Runtime and error detection testing: evaluates the API’s operational state, detecting execution errors, resource leaks, or other issues.
  • Security testing: analyzes the API’s resistance to cyber threats and its response to potential attacks.
  • Penetration testing: involves attempts by users with limited API knowledge to probe vulnerabilities, providing an external threat perspective.
  • Fuzz testing: utilizes numerous random requests to observe if the API handles errors, processes inputs accurately, or crashes.
  • Validation testing: validates API behavior and efficiency during later stages of testing.

Why do we need API testing? 🔍

There are several reasons why do we need to have our API tests implemented:

  • Functionality validation: ensures that the API operates as intended, generating accurate outcomes based on specific inputs.
  • Faster execution time: when compared with UI tests, API tests are faster to run. According to a study from Andersen Lab, an UI test runs in 7 minutes, while an API test runs in 12 seconds — about 35 times faster!!
  • Early issue detection: identifies and resolves API issues during development, preventing costly problems in later software stages.
  • Integration assurance: validates smooth data exchange and functioning among diverse software systems.
  • Enhanced security: pinpoints potential vulnerabilities, reinforcing the API against unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Regression monitoring: guards against unintended API behavior changes during software evolution.
  • Performance and scalability evaluation: evaluates API responsiveness and scalability under varying traffic loads for dependable production performance.
  • Problem isolation: isolates and diagnoses API issues independently, streamlining debugging processes.

Beyond these advantages, these tests often uncover several issues such as performance and security vulnerabilities, structural problems in response data, mishandling of valid argument values, missing or duplicated functionality, and even reliability concerns.

Can API tests also have disadvantages?

API testing can present certain drawbacks, namely:

  • Complexity: testing numerous APIs or those integrated with other systems can be intricate.
  • Security Risks: inadequate API testing and security measures can expose vulnerabilities, particularly concerning sensitive data.
  • Non-Functional Challenges: testing non-functional aspects like performance and scalability could be challenging.
  • Time-Consuming: developing and executing API test scripts may take longer compared to other testing methods.
  • Documentation Gaps: insufficient API documentation hampers testers’ understanding of expected behavior.
  • Test Coverage Limitations: full coverage of scenarios and edge cases can be challenging with API testing.
  • User-Friendliness Assessment Gap: it doesn’t provide insights into the user-friendliness of the application’s interface.
  • Maintenance Challenges: as APIs evolve over time, maintaining and updating API tests can become challenging, especially when APIs undergo changes that affect multiple interconnected systems.

What are API testing best practices? 🤔

In order to implement an API testing strategy that is efficient and sustainable, there are several best practices that should be followed:

  • Dedicated Environment: test in a controlled setting before deploying to production, mimicking real conditions with mock data.
  • Automate Tests: use automation tools to ensure consistent coverage and reduce human errors — stay tuned for the next article regarding PactumJS!!
  • Lifecycle Testing: test at each stage of development to catch issues early and ensure quality.
  • Reusable Subtests: create common rules as reusable subtests to maintain uniformity.
  • Organized Suites: organize tests logically, tag by purpose, and separate different test types for clarity and efficiency.

Conclusion 🚀

In this exploration of API testing, we’ve recognized the pivotal role that APIs play in modern software development. As the reliance on APIs continues to grow, ensuring their reliability, functionality, and security becomes increasingly important.

The projected global API testing market value of 1.8 billion USD by 2026 underlines the rising recognition of API testing’s significance.

We’ve delved into the intricacies, advantages, and challenges of API testing. These tests ensure accurate functionality, early issue detection, smooth integration, and security reinforcement, among other benefits.

While API testing offers undeniable advantages, it also comes with challenges, including complexity, security risks, and potential limitations in assessing non-functional aspects and user-friendliness.

In the upcoming article, we’ll delve into the practical aspects of API testing using PactumJS, a next generation free and open-source REST API automation testing tool for all levels in a test pyramid.

Stay tuned for a comprehensive guide to harnessing the capabilities of PactumJS for seamless and robust API testing!

I hope you enjoyed reading this article!

My name is João Coelho, and I am currently a QA Automation Engineer at Talkdesk. Lately, I have been writing articles regarding automation, QA and software engineering topics, that might not be known by the community.

If you want to follow my work, check my Linkedin and my author profile at Medium!

Furthermore, if you’re interested in further supporting me and my content creation efforts, you can do so by buying me a coffee! 😄👇

Your support goes a long way in helping me dedicate more time to researching and sharing valuable insights about automation, QA, and software engineering.

