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July 26, 2013 at 10:19am

New thing I do in code

Ever since I found out that a GCC C extension causes a code block to return a value if you enclose it in round brackets, I’ve been using it in my code. What do you think?

self.bounds = ({
	CGRect bounds = self.bounds;
	bounds.size.height = self.currentYPosition + SHEETINSETY;

I’m also using this for frame. The advantage is that with this construct I never forget to set the frame after altering it, which I did far too often otherwise.

self.helpButton = ({	// helpbutton
  UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
  [button setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"ParentalControlQuestionMarkButton"] 
  CGRect buttonRect = innerBounds;
  buttonRect.size = [button sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(400, 400)];
  buttonRect.origin.x = CGRectGetMaxX(innerBounds)-CGRectGetWidth(buttonRect);
  button.frame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(buttonRect, UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -10, -20, -10));
  [button addTarget:self action:@selector(helpAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
  [self addSubview:button];

The major benefits of this one are:

  • the instance variable in which I will store the generated object is in the first line, clearly showing what the next part of the code does. Prior to this, the assignment happend at the end.
  • the stack variables declared and used don’t pollute other code in the same function/method. I can feel free to use very generic names (view,frame,rect,button) and not get into conflict with other parts.

Update: And it all works with CLANG due to the great design policy of CLANG to support most of the GCC extensions to maximise compatibility. 


  1. chlebsonification reblogged this from alldonegoodbye
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  3. blistering-pree reblogged this from cocoa-dom and added:
    This is one of those really smart things I haven’t seen in Apple’s sample code yet.
  4. ura-urashima reblogged this from cocoa-dom and added:
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    เห้ยย ทำอย่างงี้ได้ด้วย >
  9. niueeee reblogged this from cocoa-dom
  10. ilwoody reblogged this from cocoa-dom and added:
    I’m not sure I like this yet but it may become handy to cleanup some code of mine
  11. whatcode reblogged this from cocoa-dom and added:
    Interesting :)
  12. sgamel reblogged this from cocoa-dom
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