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Apache Groovy:
the language and its ecosystem
Kostas Saidis, Agapios Avramidis
Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting
April 16, 2016
Apache Groovy
Top 10
to use it
We are a software company
using a Java/Groovy/Javascript stack
Niovity Butterfly
We offer a web-based repository platform
for end-to-end data management
Our clients include Academic Libraries, Public Benefit Foundations, Research Institutes and Private Companies
Public Open Data Hackathon 2014
Target audience
FOSS hackers
that  the Java Platform
and have a little experience with
dynamic languages*
like Javascript, Ruby, Python or Perl
Target audience
FOSS hackers
that  dynamic languages
and have a little experience with the
Java Platform
The Java what?
The Java Platform
1. The Java language
2. The Java development kit (JDK)
3. The Java virtual machine (JVM)
The JVM is the key component!
The JVM goes Polyglot
The Java Virtual Machine
A rock-solid, enterprise-grade runtime environment that can
execute multiple languages (not only Java).
Groovy, Javascript, Ruby, Python, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Fantom
and many others...
Most of the additional JVM languages are dynamic ones!
Dynamic Languages
Execute many common programming behaviors at runtime –in
contrast to static languages that perform them during
Dynamic type checking.
Dynamic method dispatch†
Support meta-programming (compiled constructs can be
modified programmatically at runtime).
made faster with the invokedynamic bytecode instruction introduced in Java 7.
Flame War
Static vs Dynamic
The best of both worlds in the JVM
Part I
Meet Apache Groovy
A feature-rich, Java-friendly, dynamic language for the Java Platform
Groovy Tools
1. groovyc: Compliles groovy sources to JVM bytecode (class files).
2. groovysh: Executes code interactively (REPL).
3. groovyConsole: GUI app for interactive code execution.
4. groovy: Executes groovy scripts (you can use it like bash, perl,
python, etc).
5. groovydoc: Generates documentation (like javadoc).
6. Grape: An embedded jar dependency manager.
@groovylang #groovylang
The best place to start
Start from the Groovy console (GUI app)
Or the Groovy Web Console
Why Groovy
Top 10 + 1 reasons to use Groovy
Why Groovy #1
Groovy feels like a superset of Java with a simpler syntax
Designed as a companion language for Java: Groovy is
syntactically aligned with Java.
Augments Java with additional features.
Literals for lists, maps, ranges, regular expressions, string
interpolation with GStrings.
GDK libraries extend JDK libraries in so many helpful ways.
Supported by all major Java IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ, Netbeans).
Groovy is Java on Steroids!
Groovy powerful switch statement
1 switch(val) {
2 case ”String”: //a string
3 break
4 case 10..100: //a range
5 break
6 case Date: //a date instance
7 break
8 case ~/gw+/: //a reg−ex
9 break
10 case [’A’, ’B’]: //a list
11 break
12 case { it instanceOf Number && it > Integer.MAX_VALUE }
13 //a closure
14 break
15 default:
16 //the default, treated as an ”else” in Groovy.
17 }
New methods introduced in Java libraries
List files recursively
groovy −e ”new File(’.’).eachFileRecurse { println it }”
The method eachFileRecurse has been added to the class.
Also an example of executing code given directly as text. All
dynamic languages support this.
A better syntax for common things
1 //lists
2 List<Integer> list = [1, 2, 3]
3 assert list[0] == 1
4 //operator overloading
5 list << 4
6 assert list.size() == 4
7 //maps
8 Map<String, String> map = [’one’:’1’, ”two”: ”2”, three:’3’]
9 assert list[1] == map[’two’] as Integer
10 = ’none’
11 //GStrings
12 String s = ”string”
13 println ”value of s = $s”
14 //Java ordinary methods are here
15 map.put(s, ’4’)
16 //with optional parentheses
17 map.put s, 4
Why Groovy #2
Groovy is Object-oriented
Supports Java Interfaces, Classes and Enums.
With some additional conventions and facilities (e.g. Groovy
properties) that make our life easier.
Supports Traits: a controlled way to implement multiple
inheritance, avoiding the diamond issue.
POGOs: Fat-free POJOs
1 class Person {
2 String name
3 String surname
4 }
5 Person p = new Person(name:”N”, surname:”S”)
6 assert == ”N”
7 assert p.getName() == ”N”
8 test.surname = ”F”
9 test.setSurname(”F”)
Maximize reuse
1 interface Greeter {
2 String greet()
3 }
4 trait Someone implements Greeter {
5 String name
6 String greet() { ”Hello, I’m $name, a ${class.getName()}!” }
7 }
8 trait Robot implements Greeter {
9 String id
10 String greet() { ”Hello, I’m $id, a ${class.getName()}!” }
11 }
12 class Person implements Someone {
13 String surname
14 }
15 class Cyborg implements Someone, Robot {
16 String greet() { System.currentTimeMillis() % 2 == 1 ?
Someone.super.greet() : Robot.super.greet() }
17 }
Why Groovy #3
Groovy supports Closures smartly and elegantly
A closure is an anonymous function together with a referencing
Think of closures as anonymous blocks of code that:
can accept parameters or return a value,
can be assigned to variables,
can be passed as arguments,
capture the variables of their surrounding lexical scope.
1 //a closure assigned to a variable
2 def multiplier = { Number x, Number y −> x * y }
3 //invocation of the closure
4 assert multiplier(2, 3) == 6
5 //partial application
6 def doubler = multiplier.curry(2)
7 assert doubler(3) == 6
8 //another doubler
9 def otherDoubler = { it * 2 } //it −> the first arg
10 otherDoubler(3) == doubler(3)
11 //closure as the last argument pattern
12 void method(X x, Y y, Closure c)
13 def c = { println ’booh booh’ }
14 //invoke the method
15 method(x, y, c)
16 //alternate, more readable syntax
17 method(x, y) { println ’booh booh’ }
Collection Manipulation
1 //a groovy list (ArrayList behind the scenes)
2 def list = [12, 2, 34, 4, 15]
3 //Collection.collect(Closure c) − extra method available in
Groovy JDK
4 //So, given a closure
5 def inc = { it + 1 }
6 //we can invoke
7 list.collect(inc) == [13, 3, 35, 5, 16]
8 //or pass the closure code directly
9 assert list.collect{ it + 1 } == [13, 3, 35, 5, 16]
10 //some more fun
11 list.findAll{ it > 10 }.groupBy{ it % 2 == 0 ? ’even’ : ’odd’ }
== [even:[12, 34], odd:[15]]
Owner and delegate
1 class Test {
2 long x = 2
3 def xTimes = { l −> x * l }
4 }
5 Test test = new Test()
6 assert test.xTimes.owner == test
7 assert test.xTimes.delegate == test
8 test.xTimes(3) == 6
9 test.x = 3
10 test.xTimes(3) == 9
11 def map = [x:4]
12 assert test.xTimes.resolveStrategy == Closure.OWNER_FIRST
13 test.xTimes.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
14 test.xTimes.delegate = map
15 assert test.xTimes(3) == 12
Why Groovy #4
Groovy supports meta-proramming
Annotations and AST transformations: compile-time
Meta-object protocol: runtime metaprogramming.
Compile-time meta-programming
Annotations example
1 @Canonical Person {
2 String name
3 String surname
4 }
5 //@Canonical = @EqualsAndHashCode, @ToString and
6 def p1 = new Person(name:”N”, surname:”S”)
7 //but also
8 def p2 = new Person(”N”, ”S”)
9 //Groovy == is Java’s equals()
10 assert p1 == p2
Runtime meta-programming
Introduce a new method in Strings
1 String.metaClass.isUpperCase = {
2 delegate.toCharArray().every{ Character.isUpperCase(it) }
3 }
4 String.metaClass.isLowerCase = {
5 !delegate.isUpperCase()
6 }
7 assert ”JAVA”.isUpperCase()
8 assert ”groovy”.isLowerCase()
Why Groovy #5
Groovy offers seamless integration with Java
Syntactically correct Java will work in Groovy (with some
You get all groovy magic by just adding a jar in the classpath.
Call Groovy from Java == call Java from Java.
Joint compilation: mix Java and Groovy.
Mix Java and Groovy
1 public interface Fetcher<V> {
2 V fetch();
3 }
1 @Canonical class Person implements Fetcher<String>{
2 String name
3 String surname
4 @Override
5 String toString() { ”$surname, $name” }
6 @Override
7 String fetch() { toString() }
8 }
Mix Java and Groovy
1 public class UsingPerson {
2 public static void main(String[] args) {
3 Person p = new Person(”Theodoros”, ”Kolokotronis”);
4 System.out.println(p.fetch());
5 }
6 }
Joint compilation
> groovyc Person.groovy −j
> java −cp groovy−all.jar:. UsingPerson
> Kolokotronis, Theodoros
Why Groovy #6
Groovy is a Java-powered scripting language
1 public class Echo {
2 public static void main(String[] args) {
3 if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
4 //for Java < 8 you need a third−party library
5 System.out.println(String.join(” ”, args));
6 }
7 }
8 }
Echo.groovy (no boilerplate)
1 if (args) {
2 println args.join(’ ’)
3 }
Querying a MySQL database using JDBC
1 @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true)
2 @Grab(’mysql:mysql−connector−java:5.1.6’)
3 import groovy.sql.Sql
4 try {
5 def sql = Sql.newInstance(args[0], args[1], args[2], ”com.mysql
6 def query=”select count(*) as c, date(cDate) as d from table
group by d order by c”
7 sql.eachRow(query) { row −> println ”${row.c}:${row.d}” }
8 }
9 catch(e) { e.printStackTrace() }
Exploit the full power of Java effectively
Isn’t this Groovy or what?
> groovy db jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test test test123
1 9427:2004−08−20
2 6615:2004−10−29
3 5498:2004−10−08
4 5103:2004−08−31
5 4864:2004−10−14
6 4675:2004−10−31
7 4583:2004−10−05
8 4570:2004−08−21
9 4339:2004−09−30
10 4235:2004−10−30
Why Groovy #7
Groovy is well-suited for implementing custom DSLs
Domain-Specific Languages are tailored to expressing a particular
For Example
Regular expressions: a DSL for text pattern matching.
SQL: a DSL for querying and managing relational data.
Groovy-based DSLs: builders, template engines and more.
FOSSCOMM 2016 Programme
The data
1 def presentations = [
2 [
3 date : ’2016−04−16’,
4 start: ’10:30’,
5 end : ’11:00’,
6 title: ’Welcome’,
7 who : [’Software Libre Society’]
8 ],
9 [
10 date : ’2016−04−16’,
11 start: ’16:00’,
12 end : ’17:00’,
13 title: ’Apache Groovy: the language and the ecosystem’,
14 who : [’Agapios Avramidis’, ’Kostas Saidis’]
15 ]
16 ]
FOSSCOMM 2016 Programme
Groovy MarkupTemplateEngine
1 yieldUnescaped ’<!DOCTYPE html>’
2 html(lang:’el’) {
3 head {
4 meta (’http−equiv’:’...’)
5 title (’FOSSCOMM 2016’)
6 }
7 body {
8 [’2016−04−16’, ’2016−04−17’].each { date −>
9 h1 (date)
10 list.findAll{ == date}.sort{it.start}.each{ p−>
11 div {
12 span (”${p.start} − ${p.end} − ”)
13 big (p.title)
14 br()
15 strong (p.who.join(’,’))
16 }
17 }
18 }
19 }
20 }
FOSSCOMM 2016 Programme
The generated HTML
1 <!DOCTYPE html><html lang=’el’>
2 <head>
3 <meta http−equiv=’...’/><title>FOSSCOMM 2016</title>
4 </head><body>
5 <h1>2016−04−16</h1><div>
6 <span>10:30 − 11:00 − </span><big>Welcome</big><br
/><strong>Software Libre Society</strong>
7 </div><div>
8 <span>16:00 − 17:00 − </span><big>Apache Groovy: the
language and the ecosystem</big><br/><strong>
Agapios Avramidis,Kostas Saidis</strong>
9 </div><h1>2016−04−17</h1>
10 </body>
11 </html>
Why Groovy #8
Groovy supports optional type checking and static compilation
In Groovy, most of the type checking is performed at runtime.
Use @TypeChecked & @CompileStatic annotations to maximize
static checks during compilation.
@TypeChecked performs static type checking, yet it
dispatches methods through the MOP (permits runtime
@CompileStatic = @TypeChecked + “static” method linking (no
MOP); is the closest you can get to javac-generated bytecode
(in both behavior & performance).
Default type checking behavior
1 class Test {
2 def s1
3 Integer s2 = 2016
4 void test() {
5 s1 = ”fosscomm”
6 assert s1.class == String.class
7 s1 = 2016
8 s1.class == Integer.class
9 s2 = ”fosscomm” //fails at runtime
10 }
11 }
12 new Test().test()
Enable static type checking
1 import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
2 @TypeChecked class Test {
3 def s1
4 Integer s2 = 2016
5 void test() {
6 s1 = ”fosscomm”
7 assert s1.class == String.class
8 s1 = 2016
9 s1.class == Integer.class
10 s2 = ”fosscomm” //fails at compile−time
11 }
12 }
13 new Test().test()
Languages and Typing
A statically-typed language resolves the types of variables during
compilation  you cannot change the type of a variable. Java, opt.
A dynamically-typed language resolves the types of variables at
runtime  you can change the type of a variable. Ruby, opt. Groovy
A strongly-typed language guarantees type conformance  you
can’t coerce a variable to a wrong type. Java, Ruby, Groovy
A weakly-typed language has type abstractions that leak  you can
screw everything up in all possible ways. C
Why Groovy #9
Groovy runs on Android
Java on Android is very verbose(i.e. anonymous inner classes)
Use groovy 2.4.+ (smaller core jar, grooid compiler)
Supported by Gradle (plugin groovyx.grood.groovy-android) and
Android Studio
Groovy dynamic features can be used but avoid generating
classes at runtime
Use @CompileStatic and properly configure ProGuard to be safe
Java and groovy on Android
1 button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
2 @Override
3 void onClick(View v) {
4 startActivity(intent);
5 }
6 });
1 button.onClickListener = { startActivity(intent) }
Why Groovy #10
A mature open source technology that is here to stay!
More than a decade long history‡
Free and Open Source Software (Apache License v2).
Joined the ASF in 2015.
Groovy was the first “second language” proposed for the JVM (back in 2004).
Why Groovy #10 + 1
Groovy has a vibrant community and ecosystem
Everything that runs on the JVM is part of the Groovy ecosystem.
Including all Java tools, libraries and frameworks out there!
Thank you!
Just kidding!
Part II
The Groovy Ecosystem
Awesome tools, libraries and frameworks written in Groovy
or for Groovy§
We are only including projects with commit activity in 2016. Apologies if we missed some!
All things groovy
SysAdmin & DevOps
Building & Testing
Web & Cloud
Desktop & Mobile
Documents & Pages
All projects are licensed under the Apache Software Foundation License v2, expect noted otherwise.
SysAdmin & DevOps
A tool for managing different versions of SDKs
At a glance
Install, switch, remote and listing candidate SDKs
Inspired by RVM and rbenv
Written in bash and requires curl and unzip
Easy to install ( curl -s | bash)
Command line client (CLI) and APIs
List Candidates
sdk list
List all versions of Groovy
sdk list groovy
Install latest Groovy
sdk install groovy
A Shell for the JVM
At a glance
Standalone and Attach through attach API of Hotspot JVM)
Embedded (web apps)
JVM, SSH, Telnet, Web (requires WebSocket)
Connect to any JVM (ssh, telnet, web)
Completion, help, pipes.
Built-in commands (jmx, jdbc, thread, memory usage)
Extensible (create new commands in java or groovy)
Authentication (simple, Jaas, key-based)
Free and Open Source Software (LGPL v2.1)
Reduces startup time of the JVM
At a glance
Quick startup of Groovy scripts (groovyClient)
Utilizes a JVM process running in background (server)
If a server is not running when a client is invoked, the client
runs a server in background
Available in sdkman
A DSL for working with remote SSH servers
1 import static com.aestasit.infrastructure.ssh.DefaultSsh.*
2 remoteSession(’user:pass@host:port’) {
3 exec ’ls −la’
4 remoteFile(’/tmp/test.txt’).text = ’test’
5 //uploading
6 scp {
7 from { localFile ”$buildDir/test.file” }
8 into { remoteFile ’/tmp/test.file’ }
9 }
10 }
Groovy VFS
A DSL that wraps the Apache Commons VFS
1 def vfs = new VFS()
2 //simple copy
3 vfs.cp ’ftp://foo.example/myfile’, ’sftp://bar.example/yourfile’
4 vfs {
5 // Lists all files on a remote site
6 ls (’http://first.example’) { println }
7 // Streams the output
8 cat (’http://first.example/myfile’) { strm−>
9 println strm.text
10 }
11 // Create a new folder on a remote site
12 mkdir ’sftp://second.example/my/new/folder’
13 }
Building & Testing
Emerge from build hell
At a glance
Combines the best of Ant, Ivy and Maven (files, dependencies,
In a smart and extensible way (Deep API, Groovy DSL, Plugins)
Offering clean builds that are easy to read and maintain
Polyglot (not only Java)
Multi-project builds
Incremental and parallel execution
Backed by Gradle Inc
Example build script
1 apply plugin: ”java”
2 //Introduces a set of Maven−style conventions
3 //(tasks, source locations, dependency configurations, etc)
4 group = ””
5 version = ”1.0−SNAPSHOT”
6 repositories {
7 //resolve all external dependencies via Maven central
8 mavenCentral()
9 }
10 dependencies {
11 //each name (compile, testCompile, etc) refers to
12 //a configuration introduced by the java plugin
13 compile ”commons−io:commons−io:2.4”
14 testCompile ”junit:junit:4.11”
15 runtime files(”lib/foo.jar”, ”lib/bar.jar”)
16 }
The enterprise-ready testing and specification framework
At a glance
Tool for performing unit/integration/functional tests for Java &
Groovy software.
Combines JUnit, Mockito and JBehave (units, mocks and BDD)
using a Groovy DSL.
Well-structured, given-then-when/setup-expect-where
That read like plain English (and generate readable reports, too).
Clear insights of what went wrong.
Parameterized tests, data-driven specifications.
Example spock spec
1 class DataDrivenSpec extends Specification {
2 def ”maximum of two numbers”() {
3 expect:
4 Math.max(a, b) == c
5 where:
6 a << [3, 5, 9]
7 b << [7, 4, 9]
8 c << [7, 5, 9]
9 }
10 def ”minimum of #a and #b is #c”() {
11 expect:
12 Math.min(a, b) == c
13 where:
14 a | b || c
15 3 | 7 || 3
16 5 | 4 || 4
17 9 | 9 || 9
18 }
19 }
A browser automation tool
At a glance
Tool for functional/web/acceptance testing (integration with
Spock, JUnit, TestNG).
Also, can be used for scripting, scraping and general browser
Build on top of WebDriver library (Selinium 2.0)
Provides a content definition DSL (jQuery-like)
Geb from groovy
1 import geb.Browser
2 {
3 go ””
4 assert $(”h1”).text() == ”Please Login”
5 $(”form.login”).with {
6 username = ”admin”
7 password = ”password”
8 login().click()
9 }
10 assert $(”h1”).text() == ”Admin Section”
11 }
Tool for mocking external HTTP resources in tests
At a glance
Mock HTTP resources such as Web services or REST APIs.
Inspired by Ruby’s VCR.
Intercepts HTTP connections, stores their responses to “tapes”,
and replays previously recorded responses from the tape.
Tapes are stored to disk as YAML files. Different tests can have
different tapes.
Works well with Geb, JUnit and Spock. One liner to add it to
A Spock spec with Betamax
1 class TwitterServiceSpec {
2 @Rule Recorder recorder = new Recorder()
3 def twitterService = new TwitterService()
4 @Betamax(tape=”twitter”)
5 def ”searches tweets ok”() {
6 when:
7 def tweets =”#hashtag”)
8 then:
9 tweets.every{ it.text ~= /#hashtag/ }
10 }
11 }
A static code analysis tool for groovy
At a glance
Analyzes and reports code for defects and inconsistencies
Reporting (HTML, XML)
Contains a predefined set of rules (348)
Provides a framework for creating new rules
Integration with other tools (Gradle, Maven, Grails, Sonar,
Jenkins, Grails, Griffon)
Using Codenarc
1 apply plugin: ’codenarc’
2 codenarcMain {
3 configFile file(’config/codenarc−rules.groovy’)
4 }
5 codenarcTest {
6 configFile file(’config/codenarc−test−rules.groovy’)
7 }
1 ruleset {
2 description ’Rules for my Groovy Gradle Project’
3 ruleset(’rulesets/basic.xml’) { exclude ’ClassForName’ }
4 LineLength { length = 150 }
5 StatelessClass {
6 name = ’StatelessDao’
7 applyToClassNames = ’*Dao’
8 }
9 }
Project creation tool that uses packaged templates
At a glance
Project creation tool that helps you bootstrap a project from a
Lazybones templates are like Maven archetypes or Yeoman
Project templates can incorporate sub-templates.
Simple and effective.
Available in sdkman.
Install Lazybones
sdk install lazybones
Use Lazybones to create a project
lazybones create <template name> [template version] <target
directory> [options]
lazybones create java−app my−app − −−with
lazybones generate controller
Web & Cloud
Mainly Java Projects
Spring IO
The most widely used
Java server-side
Backed by Pivotal.
Spring Boot supports
Groovy scripts.
The polyglot toolkit for
reactive applications
on the JVM.
Backed by the Eclipse
Full support for Groovy.
The Java distributed
cluster for real-time
Backed by Elastic.
Supports Groovy
server-side scripts and a
Groovy client.
Powerful web application framework for the JVM
At a glance
Convention over configuration, app profiles, reasonable
defaults, opinionated APIs, DSLs and more.
Inspired by Ruby on Rails.
Wraps Spring MVC and offers a GORM supporting Hibernate,
MongoDB, Neo4j, Cassandra & Redis.
Over a 100 plugins.
Available in sdkman.
Hello world Web app with Grails
grails create−app helloworld
cd helloworld
grails create−controller hello
1 package helloworld
2 class HelloController {
3 def index() {
4 render ”Hello World!”
5 }
6 }
grails run−app
Lean & powerful HTTP apps for the JVM
At a glance
A set of libraries that facilitate fast, efficient, scalable and
evolvable HTTP apps.
Flexible and unopinionated.
Inspired by Sinatra, built on Netty networking engine.
Asynchronous, non-blocking, event-driven architecture (like
Offers lazybones templates.
Hello world Web app with Ratpack
1 @Grapes([
2 @Grab(’io.ratpack:ratpack−groovy:1.2.0’),
3 @Grab(’org.slf4j:slf4j−simple:1.7.12’)
4 ])
5 import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
6 ratpack {
7 handlers {
8 get {
9 render ”Hello World!”
10 }
11 get(”:name”) {
12 render ”Hello $!”
13 }
14 }
15 }
A toolkit for Google App Engine
At a glance
Lets you develop and deploy applications to Google App Engine
Best suited for small-medium complexity apps
Provides a simple Webb App Structure
Has almost zero configuration
Supports hot reloading
Uses Gaelyk
Available in sdkman
Desktop & Mobile
A framework for developing desktop apps
At a glance
Inspired by Grails
Convention over Configuration, Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY), MVC
Testing supported out of the box
Swing and JavaFX UI toolkits
Extensible via plugins
griffon create−app my−app
Groovy bindings for JAVA FX 8
At a glance
Aims to simplify the development of Java FX applications
Relies on groovy’s DSL features and AST transformations to
reduce boilerplate.
Provides a SceneGraphBuilder, which supports for all JavaFX
Each class in JavaFX has a corresponding GroovyFX node (i.e.
Scene class will be scene node)
Hello world GroovyFX
1 import static groovyx.javafx.GroovyFX.start
2 start {
3 stage(title: ’GroovyFX Hello World’, visible: true) {
4 scene(fill: BLACK, width: 500, height: 250) {
5 hbox(padding: 60) {
6 text(text: ’Groovy’, font: ’80pt sanserif’) {
7 fill linearGradient(endX: 0, stops: [PALEGREEN,
8 }
9 text(text: ’FX’, font: ’80pt sanserif’) {
10 fill linearGradient(endX: 0, stops: [CYAN, DODGERBLUE
11 effect dropShadow(color: DODGERBLUE, radius: 25,
spread: 0.25)
12 }
13 }
14 }
15 }
16 }
Annotation Library for Android
At a glance
Based on ButterKnife and AndroidAnnotations
Relies on groovy AST transformations
Inject resources
Inject views dynamically
Add callback methods to actions
Execute in the UI thread or the background
Inject Resources
1 @StringRes(R.string.msg)
2 String msg
3 @AnimationRes(R.anim.fade_in)
4 Animation fadeInAnim
Inject views
1 @InjectView(
2 Button button1
3 @InjectView(
4 ListView listView
Add callback method
1 @OnClick(
2 public void onButtonClicked(Button button) {
3 Toast.makeText(this, ”Button clicked”, Toast.LENGTH_SHOT).
4 }
Documents & Pages
Static website generator
At a glance
Supports compression and minification for sources
Has built-in SASS/SCSS support
Supports Markdown, reStructuredText and AsciiDoctor
Each static resource is represented as a Groovy map.
Resources can be processed with groovy code
Resource mapper closure:Executed upon change
1 resource_mapper = { resources −>
2 resources.collect { Map resource −>
3 if (resource.location =~//blog/.*/) {
4 // Select all the resources which
5 // contain files placed under /blog dir
6 // Rewrite url for blog posts
7 def unParsedDate =
8 def date = Date.parse(site.datetime_format,
9 .format(’yyyy/MM/dd/’)
10 def title = resource.title.toLowerCase()
11 .replaceAll(”s+”,”−”)
12 resource + [url: ”/blog/$date$title/”]
13 } else {
14 resource
15 }
16 }
17 }
Groovy Document Builder
A DSL for creating Word & PDF documents
1 @Grab(’com.craigburke.document:pdf:0.4.14’)
2 @Grab(’com.craigburke.document:word:0.4.14’)
3 import com.craigburke.document.builder.PdfDocumentBuilder
4 import com.craigburke.document.builder.WordDocumentBuilder
5 def word = new WordDocumentBuilder(new File(’example.docx’))
6 def pdf = new PdfDocumentBuilder(new File(’example.pdf’))
7 word.create {
8 document {
9 paragraph ’Hello World (Word)’
10 }
11 }
12 pdf.create {
13 document {
14 paragraph ’Hello World (PDF)’
15 }
16 }
Groovy Reactive Extensions for the JVM
At a glance
ReactivX: APIs for asynchronous programming with observable
streams (aka ReactiveExtensions –Rx).
RxGroovy is the Groovy adapter of RxJava.
ReactiveX is a combination of the best ideas from the Observer
pattern, the Iterator pattern, and functional programming.
Fetch wikipedia articles asynchronously
1 def fetchWikipediaArticle(String... articleNames) {
2 return Observable.create { subscriber −>
3 Thread.start {
4 for (articleName in articleNames) {
5 if (subscriber.unsubscribed) {
6 return
7 }
8 subscriber.onNext(new URL(”
9 }
10 if (!subscriber.unsubscribed) {
11 subscriber.onCompleted()
12 }
13 }
14 return subscriber
15 }
16 }
17 fetchWikipediaArticle(”Tiger”, ”Elephant”)
18 .subscribe { println it.substring(0, 100) }
Concurrency and parallelism framework for the JVM
At a glance
Offers high-level concurrency and parallelism while leveraging
the multi-core hardware.
Software Transactional Memory
And more..
A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines
At a glance
Polyglot dataflows on Linux.
Nextflow scripts are defined by composing many different
Each process can be written in any scripting language
supported by Linux.
Coordinate and synchronize the processes execution by simply
specifying their inputs and outputs.
Requires Java 7, easy to install (curl -fsSL |
Based on GPars.
1 str = Channel.from(’hello’, ’hola’, ’bonjour’, ’ciao’)
2 process printEnv {
3 input:
4 env HELLO from str
5 ’’’
6 echo $HELLO world!
7 ’’’
8 }
hello world!
ciao world!
bonjour world!
hola world!
Groovy to Javascript transpiler
1 @Grab(’org.grooscript:grooscript:1.2.3’)
2 import org.grooscript.GrooScript
3 def groovy = ’’’
4 def sayHello = { println ”Hello ${it}!” }
5 sayHello(’Javascript’)
6 ’’’
7 println GrooScript.convert groovy
8 //the JS
9 var sayHello = function(it) {
10 return gs.println(”Hello ” + (it) + ”!”);
11 };
12 gs.execCall(sayHello, this, [”Javascript”]);
A language that doesn’t affect the way
you think about programming is not
worth knowing.
Alan Perlis (1922 - 1990)
ACM Turing Award, 1966
Apache Groovy
The best language for diving into dynamic features
for Java hackers
The best language for diving into the Java platform
for Javascripters, Rubyists and Pythonistas¶
Perl hackers are diving into Perl 6, aren’t they? 
after Rhino/Nashorn, JRuby and Jython respectively
Thank you
Proudly powered by
Using the Beamer class &
the Wronki theme (slightly modified).

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Apache Groovy: the language and the ecosystem

  • 1. Apache Groovy: the language and its ecosystem Kostas Saidis, Agapios Avramidis 9th FOSSCOMM Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting April 16, 2016
  • 2. Outline Apache Groovy Top 10 reasons to use it The Ecosystem       
  • 3. Niovity We are a software company using a Java/Groovy/Javascript stack
  • 4. Niovity Butterfly We offer a web-based repository platform for end-to-end data management Our clients include Academic Libraries, Public Benefit Foundations, Research Institutes and Private Companies
  • 6. Target audience FOSS hackers that  the Java Platform and have a little experience with dynamic languages* * like Javascript, Ruby, Python or Perl
  • 7. Target audience FOSS hackers that  dynamic languages and have a little experience with the Java Platform
  • 8. The Java what? The Java Platform 1. The Java language 2. The Java development kit (JDK) 3. The Java virtual machine (JVM) The JVM is the key component!
  • 9. The JVM goes Polyglot The Java Virtual Machine A rock-solid, enterprise-grade runtime environment that can execute multiple languages (not only Java). Groovy, Javascript, Ruby, Python, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Fantom and many others...
  • 10. Most of the additional JVM languages are dynamic ones! Dynamic Languages Execute many common programming behaviors at runtime –in contrast to static languages that perform them during compilation. Dynamic type checking. Dynamic method dispatch† . Support meta-programming (compiled constructs can be modified programmatically at runtime). † made faster with the invokedynamic bytecode instruction introduced in Java 7.
  • 12. Groovy  The best of both worlds in the JVM
  • 13. Part I Meet Apache Groovy A feature-rich, Java-friendly, dynamic language for the Java Platform
  • 14. Groovy Tools 1. groovyc: Compliles groovy sources to JVM bytecode (class files). 2. groovysh: Executes code interactively (REPL). 3. groovyConsole: GUI app for interactive code execution. 4. groovy: Executes groovy scripts (you can use it like bash, perl, python, etc). 5. groovydoc: Generates documentation (like javadoc). 6. Grape: An embedded jar dependency manager. @groovylang #groovylang
  • 15. The best place to start Start from the Groovy console (GUI app) Or the Groovy Web Console
  • 16. Why Groovy  Top 10 + 1 reasons to use Groovy
  • 17. Why Groovy #1 Groovy feels like a superset of Java with a simpler syntax Designed as a companion language for Java: Groovy is syntactically aligned with Java. Augments Java with additional features. Literals for lists, maps, ranges, regular expressions, string interpolation with GStrings. GDK libraries extend JDK libraries in so many helpful ways. Supported by all major Java IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ, Netbeans).
  • 18. Groovy is Java on Steroids! Groovy powerful switch statement 1 switch(val) { 2 case ”String”: //a string 3 break 4 case 10..100: //a range 5 break 6 case Date: //a date instance 7 break 8 case ~/gw+/: //a reg−ex 9 break 10 case [’A’, ’B’]: //a list 11 break 12 case { it instanceOf Number && it > Integer.MAX_VALUE } 13 //a closure 14 break 15 default: 16 //the default, treated as an ”else” in Groovy. 17 }
  • 19. New methods introduced in Java libraries List files recursively groovy −e ”new File(’.’).eachFileRecurse { println it }” The method eachFileRecurse has been added to the class. Also an example of executing code given directly as text. All dynamic languages support this.
  • 20. A better syntax for common things Example 1 //lists 2 List<Integer> list = [1, 2, 3] 3 assert list[0] == 1 4 //operator overloading 5 list << 4 6 assert list.size() == 4 7 //maps 8 Map<String, String> map = [’one’:’1’, ”two”: ”2”, three:’3’] 9 assert list[1] == map[’two’] as Integer 10 = ’none’ 11 //GStrings 12 String s = ”string” 13 println ”value of s = $s” 14 //Java ordinary methods are here 15 map.put(s, ’4’) 16 //with optional parentheses 17 map.put s, 4
  • 21. Why Groovy #2 Groovy is Object-oriented Supports Java Interfaces, Classes and Enums. With some additional conventions and facilities (e.g. Groovy properties) that make our life easier. Supports Traits: a controlled way to implement multiple inheritance, avoiding the diamond issue.
  • 22. POGOs: Fat-free POJOs Employee.groovy 1 class Person { 2 String name 3 String surname 4 } 5 Person p = new Person(name:”N”, surname:”S”) 6 assert == ”N” 7 assert p.getName() == ”N” 8 test.surname = ”F” 9 test.setSurname(”F”)
  • 23. Traits Maximize reuse 1 interface Greeter { 2 String greet() 3 } 4 trait Someone implements Greeter { 5 String name 6 String greet() { ”Hello, I’m $name, a ${class.getName()}!” } 7 } 8 trait Robot implements Greeter { 9 String id 10 String greet() { ”Hello, I’m $id, a ${class.getName()}!” } 11 } 12 class Person implements Someone { 13 String surname 14 } 15 class Cyborg implements Someone, Robot { 16 String greet() { System.currentTimeMillis() % 2 == 1 ? Someone.super.greet() : Robot.super.greet() } 17 }
  • 24. Why Groovy #3 Groovy supports Closures smartly and elegantly A closure is an anonymous function together with a referencing environment. Think of closures as anonymous blocks of code that: can accept parameters or return a value, can be assigned to variables, can be passed as arguments, capture the variables of their surrounding lexical scope.
  • 25. Example 1 //a closure assigned to a variable 2 def multiplier = { Number x, Number y −> x * y } 3 //invocation of the closure 4 assert multiplier(2, 3) == 6 5 //partial application 6 def doubler = multiplier.curry(2) 7 assert doubler(3) == 6 8 //another doubler 9 def otherDoubler = { it * 2 } //it −> the first arg 10 otherDoubler(3) == doubler(3) 11 //closure as the last argument pattern 12 void method(X x, Y y, Closure c) 13 def c = { println ’booh booh’ } 14 //invoke the method 15 method(x, y, c) 16 //alternate, more readable syntax 17 method(x, y) { println ’booh booh’ }
  • 26. Collection Manipulation 1 //a groovy list (ArrayList behind the scenes) 2 def list = [12, 2, 34, 4, 15] 3 //Collection.collect(Closure c) − extra method available in Groovy JDK 4 //So, given a closure 5 def inc = { it + 1 } 6 //we can invoke 7 list.collect(inc) == [13, 3, 35, 5, 16] 8 //or pass the closure code directly 9 assert list.collect{ it + 1 } == [13, 3, 35, 5, 16] 10 //some more fun 11 list.findAll{ it > 10 }.groupBy{ it % 2 == 0 ? ’even’ : ’odd’ } == [even:[12, 34], odd:[15]]
  • 27. Owner and delegate 1 class Test { 2 long x = 2 3 def xTimes = { l −> x * l } 4 } 5 Test test = new Test() 6 assert test.xTimes.owner == test 7 assert test.xTimes.delegate == test 8 test.xTimes(3) == 6 9 test.x = 3 10 test.xTimes(3) == 9 11 def map = [x:4] 12 assert test.xTimes.resolveStrategy == Closure.OWNER_FIRST 13 test.xTimes.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST 14 test.xTimes.delegate = map 15 assert test.xTimes(3) == 12
  • 28. Why Groovy #4 Groovy supports meta-proramming Annotations and AST transformations: compile-time meta-programming. Meta-object protocol: runtime metaprogramming.
  • 29. Compile-time meta-programming Annotations example 1 @Canonical Person { 2 String name 3 String surname 4 } 5 //@Canonical = @EqualsAndHashCode, @ToString and @TupleConstructor 6 def p1 = new Person(name:”N”, surname:”S”) 7 //but also 8 def p2 = new Person(”N”, ”S”) 9 //Groovy == is Java’s equals() 10 assert p1 == p2
  • 30. Runtime meta-programming Introduce a new method in Strings 1 String.metaClass.isUpperCase = { 2 delegate.toCharArray().every{ Character.isUpperCase(it) } 3 } 4 String.metaClass.isLowerCase = { 5 !delegate.isUpperCase() 6 } 7 assert ”JAVA”.isUpperCase() 8 assert ”groovy”.isLowerCase()
  • 31. Why Groovy #5 Groovy offers seamless integration with Java Syntactically correct Java will work in Groovy (with some gotchas). You get all groovy magic by just adding a jar in the classpath. Call Groovy from Java == call Java from Java. Joint compilation: mix Java and Groovy.
  • 32. Mix Java and Groovy 1 public interface Fetcher<V> { 2 V fetch(); 3 } Person.groovy 1 @Canonical class Person implements Fetcher<String>{ 2 String name 3 String surname 4 @Override 5 String toString() { ”$surname, $name” } 6 @Override 7 String fetch() { toString() } 8 }
  • 33. Mix Java and Groovy 1 public class UsingPerson { 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 Person p = new Person(”Theodoros”, ”Kolokotronis”); 4 System.out.println(p.fetch()); 5 } 6 } Joint compilation > groovyc Person.groovy −j > java −cp groovy−all.jar:. UsingPerson > Kolokotronis, Theodoros
  • 34. Why Groovy #6 Groovy is a Java-powered scripting language 1 public class Echo { 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 if (args != null && args.length > 0) { 4 //for Java < 8 you need a third−party library 5 System.out.println(String.join(” ”, args)); 6 } 7 } 8 } Echo.groovy (no boilerplate) 1 if (args) { 2 println args.join(’ ’) 3 }
  • 35. Querying a MySQL database using JDBC db.groovy 1 @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true) 2 @Grab(’mysql:mysql−connector−java:5.1.6’) 3 import groovy.sql.Sql 4 try { 5 def sql = Sql.newInstance(args[0], args[1], args[2], ”com.mysql .jdbc.Driver”) 6 def query=”select count(*) as c, date(cDate) as d from table group by d order by c” 7 sql.eachRow(query) { row −> println ”${row.c}:${row.d}” } 8 } 9 catch(e) { e.printStackTrace() }
  • 36. Exploit the full power of Java effectively Isn’t this Groovy or what? > groovy db jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test test test123 Output 1 9427:2004−08−20 2 6615:2004−10−29 3 5498:2004−10−08 4 5103:2004−08−31 5 4864:2004−10−14 6 4675:2004−10−31 7 4583:2004−10−05 8 4570:2004−08−21 9 4339:2004−09−30 10 4235:2004−10−30
  • 37. Why Groovy #7 Groovy is well-suited for implementing custom DSLs Domain-Specific Languages are tailored to expressing a particular problem. For Example Regular expressions: a DSL for text pattern matching. SQL: a DSL for querying and managing relational data. Groovy-based DSLs: builders, template engines and more.
  • 38. FOSSCOMM 2016 Programme The data 1 def presentations = [ 2 [ 3 date : ’2016−04−16’, 4 start: ’10:30’, 5 end : ’11:00’, 6 title: ’Welcome’, 7 who : [’Software Libre Society’] 8 ], 9 [ 10 date : ’2016−04−16’, 11 start: ’16:00’, 12 end : ’17:00’, 13 title: ’Apache Groovy: the language and the ecosystem’, 14 who : [’Agapios Avramidis’, ’Kostas Saidis’] 15 ] 16 ]
  • 39. FOSSCOMM 2016 Programme Groovy MarkupTemplateEngine 1 yieldUnescaped ’<!DOCTYPE html>’ 2 html(lang:’el’) { 3 head { 4 meta (’http−equiv’:’...’) 5 title (’FOSSCOMM 2016’) 6 } 7 body { 8 [’2016−04−16’, ’2016−04−17’].each { date −> 9 h1 (date) 10 list.findAll{ == date}.sort{it.start}.each{ p−> 11 div { 12 span (”${p.start} − ${p.end} − ”) 13 big (p.title) 14 br() 15 strong (p.who.join(’,’)) 16 } 17 } 18 } 19 } 20 }
  • 40. FOSSCOMM 2016 Programme The generated HTML 1 <!DOCTYPE html><html lang=’el’> 2 <head> 3 <meta http−equiv=’...’/><title>FOSSCOMM 2016</title> 4 </head><body> 5 <h1>2016−04−16</h1><div> 6 <span>10:30 − 11:00 − </span><big>Welcome</big><br /><strong>Software Libre Society</strong> 7 </div><div> 8 <span>16:00 − 17:00 − </span><big>Apache Groovy: the language and the ecosystem</big><br/><strong> Agapios Avramidis,Kostas Saidis</strong> 9 </div><h1>2016−04−17</h1> 10 </body> 11 </html>
  • 41. Why Groovy #8 Groovy supports optional type checking and static compilation In Groovy, most of the type checking is performed at runtime. Use @TypeChecked & @CompileStatic annotations to maximize static checks during compilation. @TypeChecked performs static type checking, yet it dispatches methods through the MOP (permits runtime meta-programming). @CompileStatic = @TypeChecked + “static” method linking (no MOP); is the closest you can get to javac-generated bytecode (in both behavior & performance).
  • 42. Default type checking behavior Example 1 class Test { 2 def s1 3 Integer s2 = 2016 4 void test() { 5 s1 = ”fosscomm” 6 assert s1.class == String.class 7 s1 = 2016 8 s1.class == Integer.class 9 s2 = ”fosscomm” //fails at runtime 10 } 11 } 12 new Test().test()
  • 43. Enable static type checking Example 1 import groovy.transform.TypeChecked 2 @TypeChecked class Test { 3 def s1 4 Integer s2 = 2016 5 void test() { 6 s1 = ”fosscomm” 7 assert s1.class == String.class 8 s1 = 2016 9 s1.class == Integer.class 10 s2 = ”fosscomm” //fails at compile−time 11 } 12 } 13 new Test().test()
  • 44. Languages and Typing A statically-typed language resolves the types of variables during compilation  you cannot change the type of a variable. Java, opt. Groovy A dynamically-typed language resolves the types of variables at runtime  you can change the type of a variable. Ruby, opt. Groovy A strongly-typed language guarantees type conformance  you can’t coerce a variable to a wrong type. Java, Ruby, Groovy A weakly-typed language has type abstractions that leak  you can screw everything up in all possible ways. C
  • 45. Why Groovy #9 Groovy runs on Android Java on Android is very verbose(i.e. anonymous inner classes) Use groovy 2.4.+ (smaller core jar, grooid compiler) Supported by Gradle (plugin groovyx.grood.groovy-android) and Android Studio Groovy dynamic features can be used but avoid generating classes at runtime Use @CompileStatic and properly configure ProGuard to be safe
  • 46. Java and groovy on Android Java 1 button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 2 @Override 3 void onClick(View v) { 4 startActivity(intent); 5 } 6 }); Groovy 1 button.onClickListener = { startActivity(intent) }
  • 47. Why Groovy #10 A mature open source technology that is here to stay! More than a decade long history‡ . Free and Open Source Software (Apache License v2). Joined the ASF in 2015. ‡ Groovy was the first “second language” proposed for the JVM (back in 2004).
  • 48. Why Groovy #10 + 1 Groovy has a vibrant community and ecosystem Everything that runs on the JVM is part of the Groovy ecosystem. Including all Java tools, libraries and frameworks out there!
  • 50. Part II The Groovy Ecosystem Awesome tools, libraries and frameworks written in Groovy or for Groovy§ § We are only including projects with commit activity in 2016. Apologies if we missed some!
  • 51. All things groovy  SysAdmin & DevOps  Building & Testing  Web & Cloud  Desktop & Mobile  Documents & Pages  Concurrency  Other All projects are licensed under the Apache Software Foundation License v2, expect noted otherwise.
  • 53. sdkman A tool for managing different versions of SDKs
  • 54. At a glance sdkman Install, switch, remote and listing candidate SDKs Inspired by RVM and rbenv Written in bash and requires curl and unzip Easy to install ( curl -s | bash) Command line client (CLI) and APIs Website
  • 55. Example List Candidates sdk list List all versions of Groovy sdk list groovy Install latest Groovy sdk install groovy
  • 56. CRaSH A Shell for the JVM
  • 57. At a glance Concepts Modes Standalone and Attach through attach API of Hotspot JVM) Embedded (web apps) Connectors JVM, SSH, Telnet, Web (requires WebSocket) Features Connect to any JVM (ssh, telnet, web) Completion, help, pipes. Built-in commands (jmx, jdbc, thread, memory usage) Extensible (create new commands in java or groovy) Authentication (simple, Jaas, key-based) Free and Open Source Software (LGPL v2.1) Website
  • 59. At a glance GroovyServ Quick startup of Groovy scripts (groovyClient) Utilizes a JVM process running in background (server) If a server is not running when a client is invoked, the client runs a server in background Available in sdkman Website
  • 60. sshoogr A DSL for working with remote SSH servers Example 1 import static com.aestasit.infrastructure.ssh.DefaultSsh.* 2 remoteSession(’user:pass@host:port’) { 3 exec ’ls −la’ 4 remoteFile(’/tmp/test.txt’).text = ’test’ 5 //uploading 6 scp { 7 from { localFile ”$buildDir/test.file” } 8 into { remoteFile ’/tmp/test.file’ } 9 } 10 } 
  • 61. Groovy VFS A DSL that wraps the Apache Commons VFS Example 1 def vfs = new VFS() 2 //simple copy 3 vfs.cp ’ftp://foo.example/myfile’, ’sftp://bar.example/yourfile’ 4 vfs { 5 // Lists all files on a remote site 6 ls (’http://first.example’) { println } 7 // Streams the output 8 cat (’http://first.example/myfile’) { strm−> 9 println strm.text 10 } 11 // Create a new folder on a remote site 12 mkdir ’sftp://second.example/my/new/folder’ 13 } 
  • 64. At a glance Gradle Combines the best of Ant, Ivy and Maven (files, dependencies, conventions) In a smart and extensible way (Deep API, Groovy DSL, Plugins) Offering clean builds that are easy to read and maintain Polyglot (not only Java) Multi-project builds Incremental and parallel execution Backed by Gradle Inc Website
  • 65. Example build script build.gradle 1 apply plugin: ”java” 2 //Introduces a set of Maven−style conventions 3 //(tasks, source locations, dependency configurations, etc) 4 group = ”” 5 version = ”1.0−SNAPSHOT” 6 repositories { 7 //resolve all external dependencies via Maven central 8 mavenCentral() 9 } 10 dependencies { 11 //each name (compile, testCompile, etc) refers to 12 //a configuration introduced by the java plugin 13 compile ”commons−io:commons−io:2.4” 14 testCompile ”junit:junit:4.11” 15 runtime files(”lib/foo.jar”, ”lib/bar.jar”) 16 }
  • 66. Spock The enterprise-ready testing and specification framework
  • 67. At a glance Spock Tool for performing unit/integration/functional tests for Java & Groovy software. Combines JUnit, Mockito and JBehave (units, mocks and BDD) using a Groovy DSL. Well-structured, given-then-when/setup-expect-where specifications. That read like plain English (and generate readable reports, too). Clear insights of what went wrong. Parameterized tests, data-driven specifications. Website
  • 68. Example spock spec DataDrivenSpec 1 class DataDrivenSpec extends Specification { 2 def ”maximum of two numbers”() { 3 expect: 4 Math.max(a, b) == c 5 where: 6 a << [3, 5, 9] 7 b << [7, 4, 9] 8 c << [7, 5, 9] 9 } 10 def ”minimum of #a and #b is #c”() { 11 expect: 12 Math.min(a, b) == c 13 where: 14 a | b || c 15 3 | 7 || 3 16 5 | 4 || 4 17 9 | 9 || 9 18 } 19 }
  • 70. At a glance Geb Tool for functional/web/acceptance testing (integration with Spock, JUnit, TestNG). Also, can be used for scripting, scraping and general browser automation. Build on top of WebDriver library (Selinium 2.0) Provides a content definition DSL (jQuery-like) Website
  • 71. Geb from groovy 1 import geb.Browser 2 { 3 go ”” 4 assert $(”h1”).text() == ”Please Login” 5 $(”form.login”).with { 6 username = ”admin” 7 password = ”password” 8 login().click() 9 } 10 assert $(”h1”).text() == ”Admin Section” 11 }
  • 72. Betamax Tool for mocking external HTTP resources in tests
  • 73. At a glance Betamax Mock HTTP resources such as Web services or REST APIs. Inspired by Ruby’s VCR. Intercepts HTTP connections, stores their responses to “tapes”, and replays previously recorded responses from the tape. Tapes are stored to disk as YAML files. Different tests can have different tapes. Works well with Geb, JUnit and Spock. One liner to add it to Gradle. Website
  • 74. Example A Spock spec with Betamax 1 class TwitterServiceSpec { 2 @Rule Recorder recorder = new Recorder() 3 def twitterService = new TwitterService() 4 @Betamax(tape=”twitter”) 5 def ”searches tweets ok”() { 6 when: 7 def tweets =”#hashtag”) 8 then: 9 tweets.every{ it.text ~= /#hashtag/ } 10 } 11 }
  • 75. CodeNarc A static code analysis tool for groovy
  • 76. At a glance Codenarc Analyzes and reports code for defects and inconsistencies Reporting (HTML, XML) Contains a predefined set of rules (348) Provides a framework for creating new rules Integration with other tools (Gradle, Maven, Grails, Sonar, Jenkins, Grails, Griffon) Website
  • 77. Using Codenarc build.gradle 1 apply plugin: ’codenarc’ 2 codenarcMain { 3 configFile file(’config/codenarc−rules.groovy’) 4 } 5 codenarcTest { 6 configFile file(’config/codenarc−test−rules.groovy’) 7 } config/codenarc-rules.groovy 1 ruleset { 2 description ’Rules for my Groovy Gradle Project’ 3 ruleset(’rulesets/basic.xml’) { exclude ’ClassForName’ } 4 LineLength { length = 150 } 5 StatelessClass { 6 name = ’StatelessDao’ 7 applyToClassNames = ’*Dao’ 8 } 9 }
  • 78. Lazybones Project creation tool that uses packaged templates
  • 79. At a glance Lazybones Project creation tool that helps you bootstrap a project from a template. Lazybones templates are like Maven archetypes or Yeoman generators. Project templates can incorporate sub-templates. Simple and effective. Available in sdkman. Website
  • 80. Example Install Lazybones sdk install lazybones Use Lazybones to create a project lazybones create <template name> [template version] <target directory> [options] lazybones create java−app my−app − −−with −git lazybones generate controller
  • 82. Mainly Java Projects Spring IO The most widely used Java server-side framework. Backed by Pivotal. Spring Boot supports Groovy scripts. Vert.x The polyglot toolkit for reactive applications on the JVM. Backed by the Eclipse Foundation. Full support for Groovy. ElasticSearch The Java distributed cluster for real-time search. Backed by Elastic. Supports Groovy server-side scripts and a Groovy client.
  • 83. Grails Powerful web application framework for the JVM
  • 84. At a glance Grails Convention over configuration, app profiles, reasonable defaults, opinionated APIs, DSLs and more. Inspired by Ruby on Rails. Wraps Spring MVC and offers a GORM supporting Hibernate, MongoDB, Neo4j, Cassandra & Redis. Over a 100 plugins. Available in sdkman. Website
  • 85. Example Hello world Web app with Grails grails create−app helloworld cd helloworld grails create−controller hello 1 package helloworld 2 class HelloController { 3 def index() { 4 render ”Hello World!” 5 } 6 } grails run−app
  • 86. Ratpack Lean & powerful HTTP apps for the JVM
  • 87. At a glance Ratpack A set of libraries that facilitate fast, efficient, scalable and evolvable HTTP apps. Flexible and unopinionated. Inspired by Sinatra, built on Netty networking engine. Asynchronous, non-blocking, event-driven architecture (like node.js). Offers lazybones templates. Website
  • 88. Example Hello world Web app with Ratpack 1 @Grapes([ 2 @Grab(’io.ratpack:ratpack−groovy:1.2.0’), 3 @Grab(’org.slf4j:slf4j−simple:1.7.12’) 4 ]) 5 import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack 6 ratpack { 7 handlers { 8 get { 9 render ”Hello World!” 10 } 11 get(”:name”) { 12 render ”Hello $!” 13 } 14 } 15 }
  • 89. Glide A toolkit for Google App Engine
  • 90. At a glance Glide Lets you develop and deploy applications to Google App Engine Java Best suited for small-medium complexity apps Provides a simple Webb App Structure Has almost zero configuration Supports hot reloading Uses Gaelyk Available in sdkman Website
  • 92. Griffon A framework for developing desktop apps
  • 93. At a glance Griffon Inspired by Grails Convention over Configuration, Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY), MVC Testing supported out of the box Swing and JavaFX UI toolkits Extensible via plugins Website griffon create−app my−app
  • 95. At a glance GroovyFX Aims to simplify the development of Java FX applications Relies on groovy’s DSL features and AST transformations to reduce boilerplate. Provides a SceneGraphBuilder, which supports for all JavaFX components Each class in JavaFX has a corresponding GroovyFX node (i.e. Scene class will be scene node) Website
  • 96. Example Hello world GroovyFX 1 import static groovyx.javafx.GroovyFX.start 2 start { 3 stage(title: ’GroovyFX Hello World’, visible: true) { 4 scene(fill: BLACK, width: 500, height: 250) { 5 hbox(padding: 60) { 6 text(text: ’Groovy’, font: ’80pt sanserif’) { 7 fill linearGradient(endX: 0, stops: [PALEGREEN, SEAGREEN]) 8 } 9 text(text: ’FX’, font: ’80pt sanserif’) { 10 fill linearGradient(endX: 0, stops: [CYAN, DODGERBLUE ]) 11 effect dropShadow(color: DODGERBLUE, radius: 25, spread: 0.25) 12 } 13 } 14 } 15 } 16 }
  • 98. At a glance SwissKnife Based on ButterKnife and AndroidAnnotations Relies on groovy AST transformations Inject resources Inject views dynamically Add callback methods to actions Execute in the UI thread or the background Website
  • 99. Inject Resources 1 @StringRes(R.string.msg) 2 String msg 3 @AnimationRes(R.anim.fade_in) 4 Animation fadeInAnim Inject views 1 @InjectView( 2 Button button1 3 @InjectView( 4 ListView listView Add callback method 1 @OnClick( 2 public void onButtonClicked(Button button) { 3 Toast.makeText(this, ”Button clicked”, Toast.LENGTH_SHOT). show() 4 }
  • 102. At a glance Grain Supports compression and minification for sources Has built-in SASS/SCSS support Supports Markdown, reStructuredText and AsciiDoctor Each static resource is represented as a Groovy map. Resources can be processed with groovy code (SiteConfig.groovy) Website
  • 103. Example Resource mapper closure:Executed upon change 1 resource_mapper = { resources −> 2 resources.collect { Map resource −> 3 if (resource.location =~//blog/.*/) { 4 // Select all the resources which 5 // contain files placed under /blog dir 6 // Rewrite url for blog posts 7 def unParsedDate = 8 def date = Date.parse(site.datetime_format, 9 .format(’yyyy/MM/dd/’) 10 def title = resource.title.toLowerCase() 11 .replaceAll(”s+”,”−”) 12 resource + [url: ”/blog/$date$title/”] 13 } else { 14 resource 15 } 16 } 17 }
  • 104. Groovy Document Builder A DSL for creating Word & PDF documents Example 1 @Grab(’com.craigburke.document:pdf:0.4.14’) 2 @Grab(’com.craigburke.document:word:0.4.14’) 3 import com.craigburke.document.builder.PdfDocumentBuilder 4 import com.craigburke.document.builder.WordDocumentBuilder 5 def word = new WordDocumentBuilder(new File(’example.docx’)) 6 def pdf = new PdfDocumentBuilder(new File(’example.pdf’)) 7 word.create { 8 document { 9 paragraph ’Hello World (Word)’ 10 } 11 } 12 pdf.create { 13 document { 14 paragraph ’Hello World (PDF)’ 15 } 16 }
  • 107. At a glance RxGroovy ReactivX: APIs for asynchronous programming with observable streams (aka ReactiveExtensions –Rx). RxGroovy is the Groovy adapter of RxJava. ReactiveX is a combination of the best ideas from the Observer pattern, the Iterator pattern, and functional programming. Website
  • 108. Example Fetch wikipedia articles asynchronously 1 def fetchWikipediaArticle(String... articleNames) { 2 return Observable.create { subscriber −> 3 Thread.start { 4 for (articleName in articleNames) { 5 if (subscriber.unsubscribed) { 6 return 7 } 8 subscriber.onNext(new URL(” ${articleName}”).text) 9 } 10 if (!subscriber.unsubscribed) { 11 subscriber.onCompleted() 12 } 13 } 14 return subscriber 15 } 16 } 17 fetchWikipediaArticle(”Tiger”, ”Elephant”) 18 .subscribe { println it.substring(0, 100) }
  • 109. GPars Concurrency and parallelism framework for the JVM
  • 110. At a glance GPars Offers high-level concurrency and parallelism while leveraging the multi-core hardware. Map/Reduce Fork/Join Actors Dataflow Software Transactional Memory And more.. Website
  • 111. Nextflow A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines
  • 112. At a glance Nextflow Polyglot dataflows on Linux. Nextflow scripts are defined by composing many different processes. Each process can be written in any scripting language supported by Linux. Coordinate and synchronize the processes execution by simply specifying their inputs and outputs. Requires Java 7, easy to install (curl -fsSL | bash). Based on GPars. Website
  • 113. Example 1 str = Channel.from(’hello’, ’hola’, ’bonjour’, ’ciao’) 2 process printEnv { 3 input: 4 env HELLO from str 5 ’’’ 6 echo $HELLO world! 7 ’’’ 8 } hello world! ciao world! bonjour world! hola world!
  • 115. Grooscript Groovy to Javascript transpiler Example 1 @Grab(’org.grooscript:grooscript:1.2.3’) 2 import org.grooscript.GrooScript 3 def groovy = ’’’ 4 def sayHello = { println ”Hello ${it}!” } 5 sayHello(’Javascript’) 6 ’’’ 7 println GrooScript.convert groovy 8 //the JS 9 var sayHello = function(it) { 10 return gs.println(”Hello ” + (it) + ”!”); 11 }; 12 gs.execCall(sayHello, this, [”Javascript”]);
  • 116. Conclusion A language that doesn’t affect the way you think about programming is not worth knowing. Alan Perlis (1922 - 1990) ACM Turing Award, 1966
  • 117. Apache Groovy The best language for diving into dynamic features for Java hackers The best language for diving into the Java platform for Javascripters, Rubyists and Pythonistas¶ Perl hackers are diving into Perl 6, aren’t they?  ¶ after Rhino/Nashorn, JRuby and Jython respectively
  • 118. Thank you @niovity Proudly powered by LATEX Using the Beamer class & the Wronki theme (slightly modified).