April 16, 2024
WAI discusses home, housing, migration, and justice as part of d.talks at Contemporary Calgary

On the topic of Let's talk About home... was was invited to offer the keynote and be part of a panel discussion at Contemporary Calagary. The discussion included presentations by Dustin Couzens of MODA, Ryan Hall , housing manager of Siksika Nation, and poet and scholar Uchechukwu Umezurike.

March 30, 2024
WAI publishes ACSAJUSTICE.org as part of ACSA Fellowship to Advance Social Justice in Architecture

In an effort to centralize scholarship on Social and Ecological Justice, WAI has designed and edited acsajustice.org. The website includes letters of demand and solidarity, free access to articles in the Journal of Architectural Education, links to open access books, links to platforms of design and social justice and more. The Website is part of Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski ACSA Fellowship to Advance Equity in Architecture.

March 20, 2024
WAI Les Grands Principes de L'Architecture 100 clés pour penser et concevoir les bâtiments et villes de demain published in France

The French edition of Universal Principles of Architecture is now available in French bookstores under the title Les Grands Principes de L'Architecture 100 clés pour penser et concevoir les bâtiments et villes de demain.

Discipline ancrée dans l’histoire et le patrimoine humains, l’architecture ne peut rester muette face aux grands enjeux sociaux, démographiques et écologiques de notre temps. Loin d’une perspective eurocentrée et d’un discours soi-disant universaliste, les auteurs de cet ouvrage piochent dans l’histoire de leur discipline, dans la richesse de ses pratiques et dans les débats qui l’animent pour répondre aux questions actuelles d’adaptabilité, de flexibilité et d’inclusivité.

S’appuyant sur de multiples références, mouvements de pensée et exemples concrets, leur réflexion se structure en cinq parties, qui balaient tout le spectre de l’architecture contemporaine :

— Archétypes : idées et concepts d’organisation à la base de l’architecture ;

— Méthodes : différents processus et approches à l’œuvre dans une conception d’espace ;

— Contextes : facteurs externes qui influencent l’architecture ;

— Relations : manières de vivre et interactions induites par l’espace public ;

— Imaginaires : perspectives et projections d’avenirs plus souhaitables et durables.

Ce livre offre ainsi une perspective novatrice et indispensable sur une discipline millénaire, qui intéressera étudiants, enseignants et professionnels de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme, ainsi que toute personne qui se questionne sur le bâti, les villes et leurs usages.
March 12, 2024
WAI and Hasan Shurrab "A drawing of a camp far away and a town between the river and the sea" published in momento crítico

The Spanish and Arabic translations of "A drawing of a camp far away and a town between the river and the sea" have been published in the series Poemas por Palestina of the socialist democracy digital magazine momento crítico

From the website:
En la última entrega de la serie dedicada al 8M, Día Internacional de las Mujeres, compartimos una selección de Poemas por Palestina como expresión de nuestra solidaridad con las luchas y resistencias de las mujeres en Gaza y el pueblo palestino. Abren esta página dos poemas de la periodista, poeta y activista de derechos humanos, Rafeef Ziadah (Líbano, 1979) de ascendencia palestina. Incluimos un ensamble de poemas e imágenes de WAI Think Tank (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski), con la colaboración en los textos de Hasan Shurrab, arquitecto nacido y criado en Gaza, y traducciones al árabe de Amani Taleb, Noor Qutub, and Abdulelah Qutub. Compartimos también una selección de los poemas que se leyeron en la actividad de “Lectura y micrófono abierto” que organizó el Programa de Estudios de Mujer y Género de la Facultad de Estudios Generales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, el 29 de noviembre de 2023, en el marco de los 16 días de activismo contra de la violencia de género y del Día de Solidaridad con Palestina. La selección incluye poemas de Zaira Pacheco, Alexandra Pagán, Marili Pizarro, Anita Rojas y Sole Torres. También incluimos contribuciones de las poetas puertorriqueñas Ana María Fuster y Natalia Santos Orozco.

Read the text and the full series in Momento Critico here.
February 27, 2024
WAI Monument to the Victims of Capitalism featured in PLAT No.12: Divine

WAI has been featured in Plat 12: Divine with a narrative architecture project titled: Monument to the Victims of Capitalism. (read the project here)

From the issue:
To divine is a vehicle whereby the field of architecture can manifest diverse places of difference and reconstruct narratives of the past, present, and future. From the most religious to the most secular, from the mystical to the ordinary, from the individual to the collective, the intertextual links in this volume orchestrate a journey that unfolds in three acts: divinings, divinations, and divinizations.

In the first act, the diviners dissect the meaning of the word “divine” itself. Their meditations on ethereal concepts reveal parallelisms with the practice of architecture. These ruminations eventually wrestle with the realization of ghastly profanities—even the divine cannot escape commodification. Against this disconcert arises a collective desire for the reclamation of meaning. The search for resolve in our material and tectonic cultures vis-à-vis this capitalistic milieu immerses us into a journey within.

In the second chapter, diviners excavate meanings and processes for architectural futures and worldbuilding from various sources: faith, pop culture, traditions, and shit. Building into this interface to divinize the profane and to profane the divine, they yield fertile ground for cultural critiques on the deceptive desires we have come to uphold as sacralities.

The third act explores the calcification of humanity’s derailed priorities into the absolutist religion of global capital, and the subversive determinations to recover virtues worth celebrating. They show that the delight of meaning may coexist in spite of, within, and around mounds of commodification. Throughout these acts, encounters with spaces, words, and bodies reveal new parts of an infinite waiting to be divined

Co-Editors: Maximilien Chong Lee Shin & Tasiana Paolisso

Team: Alice Bian, Luke Blair, Elina Chen, Andy Entis, Sarai Huamán, Andrew Jiao, Kexuan Shang, Elliot Yamamoto, Juchen “Ignis” Zhang

With contributions from:

Igor Marjanović, Maximilien Chong Lee Shin & Tasiana Paolisso, Jake Deluca, Stephanie Choi, Amir Halabi + Christopher Sanders, Evan Pavka, Vivien Sansour—Seed as Vessel, Civil Architecture, Brendon Carlin & Maria Paez Gonzalez, Carlos Jiménez, Besler & Sons, Sabrina Chou, Kordae Jatafa Henry, Lesley McIntyre, Léo Figuet & Telmo Escapil-Inchauspé, Tsuyoshi Tane, Khoa Vu, Sumayya Vally, Ece Duran & Oğul Can Öztunç, Kyle Dugdale, Alex Yueyan Li & Will Fu, Timothy Wong, WAI ArchitectureThink Tank, Jeffrey Zhenhua Liu & Haylie Chan, Rachel Chapman, Anoushka Mariwala.

To order copies go here.

February 27, 2024
WAI speaks at Thomas Jefferson University

As part of the NOMAS organized presentation part of the lecture series at Thomas Jefferson University, WAI presented History Doesn't Exist.

February 10, 2024
From LandBack to Abolition presents abolitionist discourses and practices at Universidad de Puerto Rico

You can now watch the entire From LandBack to Abolition at the Universidad de Puerto Rico. For more information go to Loudreaders.com

January 25, 2024
WAI to co-organize From LandBack to Abolition at Universidad de Puerto Rico

On February 8, WAI is co-organizing From LandBack to Aboliton with Women and Gender studies at the Universidad de Puerto Rico.

More on the event:
From LandBack to Abolition

While Land Grab is part of the extractive logic of capitalism, with its systems of accumulation, toxicity, and incarceration, LandBack seeks forms of redistribution, rematriation, and abolition. In the face of imperial and colonial military escalation, and the expansion of the prison-complex into perpetual states of exception at the planetary scale, abolitionist imaginaries point towards futures of social and ecological justice and the collective emancipation of the oppressed peoples of the world. Building on the foundations of “From Land Grab to LandBack,” From LandBack to Abolition outlines infrastructures of resistance and the architectures of worldmaking. Through a series of talks, film screenings, roundtable discussions, and workshops From LandBack to Abolition interrogates the many intersections between anti-colonial struggles, and abolitionist practices.

De la restitución a la abolición

Si bien la desposesión es parte de la lógica extractiva del capitalismo, con sus sistemas de acumulación, toxicidad y encarcelamiento, la restitución (LandBack) busca formas de redistribución, rematriación y abolición. Frente a la escalada militar imperial y colonial, y la expansión del complejo penitenciario hacia perpetuos estados de excepción a escala planetaria, los imaginarios abolicionistas apuntan hacia futuros de justicia social y ecológica y la emancipación colectiva de los pueblos oprimidos del mundo. Partiendo de los cimientos de “From Land Grab to LandBack” (de destitución a restitución) , De la restitución a la abolición (From LandBack to Abolition) describe las infraestructuras de resistencia y las arquitecturas de la creación del mundo. A través de una serie de charlas, proyecciones de películas, mesas redondas y talleres, De la restitución a la abolición interroga las numerosas intersecciones entre las luchas anticoloniales y las prácticas abolicionistas.

Fecha: 8 de febrero de 2024
Horario: 1:00 a 6:00 p.m.
Lugar/plataforma: Anfiteatro #2
Modalidad: Presencial
Tipo de actividad: Conversatorio
Departamento: Estudios de Mujer y Género
Descripción: En continuación a la actividad del semestre anterior (De la desposesión a la restitución) convocamos un junte multidisciplinario que, bajo el concepto de la abolición y los ángulos de raza y género, atenderemos temas de territorialidad,incluyendo el genocidio en Palestina.


1-1:30 Saludos
1:30- 2:00 Marili Pizarro (poesía y performance)

2:00- 3:00- Panel sobre el abolicionismo:
Sofía V. Delgado Torres
Victoria King Martínez
Paulina G. Seneriz Gómez
Ariana S. Villegas Cruz
(Catherine Marsh, moderadora)
2:30- 3:50- Papel Machete, presentación y conversatorio con Jorge Díaz, directorartístico y otres
(Alexandra Pagán, moderadora)

4:00- 5:20- panel con Mariana Iriarte y Natalia Ibrahim Abufarah Dávila
sobre Palestina
(moderador Cruz García)
5:30- 6:00- presentación de Informa (Revista), Luis Othoniel Rosa, Nora Akawi, Ilze Wolff, Nathalie Frankowski y Cruz García

December 11, 2023
WAI studio at Iowa State presents " A Caribbean Event of Future Worlds"

As part of the studio "A Caribbean Event of Future Worlds" students from ARCH403 presented their models and narrative architectures to a panel of writers, architects, and historians, inlcuding Luis Othoniel Rosa, Fredo Rivera, Peter Zuroweste, Consuelo Nunez,

December 9, 2023
WAI presents Acts of Refusal as part of "What is Settler-Colonialism" at Columbia University

As part of the series of What is Settler-Colonialism? organized by Phd Students from the Center for Palestine Studies and GSAPP, WAI discussed acts of refusal together with Amani Agbaria.

November 30, 2023
WAI loudreads Beyond Reparations at Princeton University

As part of the first collaboration between Media + Modernity Lecture series and African American Studies, WAI presented Beyond Reparations: Post-Colonial Loudreaders, Colonial Footprints, and the Case for White Studies at Princeton University on November 28, 2023.

November 17, 2023
WAI to lecture at Princeton University as part of Media + Modernity Series

WAI will be presenting 'Beyong Reparations: Post-Colonial Loudreaders, Colonial Footprints, and the Case for White Studies' as part of Princeton University Media + Modernity series and in collaboration with African American Studies. For more info go here.

November 16, 2023
WAI featured in The Architect's Newspaper 20th Year Anniversary Issue

As part of their 20th Year Anniversary, The Architect's Newspaper asked architects and writers about the future of architecture and media. WAI is featured in both pieces. To read about architecture in the future go here, and to read about media go here.
November 10, 2023
WAI presents their new book Universal Principles of Architecture at Dog Eared Books in Ames

WAI presented their new book as part of the Meet the Author series of Dog Eared Books in Ames, Iowa. Universal Principles of Architecture: 100 Architectural Archetypes, Methods, Conditions, Relationships, and Imaginaries can now be ordered online in many bookstores and on loudreaders.com

November 9, 2023
WAI to participate on 'What is Settler-Colonialism?' series at Columbia University

'What is Settler-Colonialism?' is a series of teach-ins co-organized by the Post-Conflict Cities Lab and students from M.S. and PhD programs at Columbia University GSAPP.

Planned for December 8 addressing the topic of Refusal, What is Settler Colonialism? includes presentations on Politics/Space (Nora Akawi, Leopold Lambert), Machines (Ali Musleh, Caitlin Blanchfield), Settlement/Camp (Nasser Abourahme, Anas Alkhtib & Raneem Ayyad), and Refusal ( Amani Agbaria with WAI Think Tank).

Register here.

November 7, 2023
WAI featured in Dimensions #36

The 36ht issue of Dimensions, a journal run by students from Taubman School of Architecture at the University of Michigan, features Towards an Anti-Architecture, a conversation with Cruz Garcia about the work of WAI Architecture Think Tank, Loudreaders, and more.

November 2, 2023
WAI workshops and lectures as part of ELEA 35 in Costa Rica

As part of the 35th encounter of Latin American Students of Architecture WAI offered the workshop Manifiestos Regimenes y Crisis y Linda Schilling Cuellar an Alejandro Alcazar, and offered the closing keynote lecture of the event celebrated in San Jose, Costa Rica.

October 20, 2023
Bz Zhang review of A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education now online on The Architect's Newspaper

In WAI Architecture Think Tank's A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education offers tools supporting antiracist practice Bz Zhang writes about the manual, its reach, and intentions.

From the review:
Continuing this work, the Manual approaches the framework of antiracism praxis in design pedagogy through three distinct vantage points: Before, During, and After architectural education. These are shared using three distinct devices, respectively: an essay, an annotated diagram, and a manifesto. This structure suggests that chapters can be read in sequence, or as a guide for readers to explore within our own unique contexts and scenarios. In deliberately framing its research, writings, and analysis as a “manual,” WAI offers this book as a companion for students, educators, and spatial practitioners to keep close at hand. And by varying its approaches to each chapter, WAI models the abundantly varied ways we might explore our world with a recursiveness that echoes the rhythms of the decolonial oral and written traditions from which they draw.

Read the full review on The Architect's Newspaper online here.

October 18, 2023
The New York Review of Architecture Reviews From Land Grab to LandBack

Sasha Plotnikova writes 'Time, Colonial Construct, a review of From Land Grab to LandBack, hosted at Iowa State University from September 25-30.

Read the full review here.

October 15, 2023
WAI publishes Notes on (Post-)Modernist Abstractions and (Post-)Colonial Resolutions as part of Jencks Foundation publication series

As part of their series 'Isms and 'Wasms: Chronograms of Architecture, The Jencks Foundation commemorates the original Evolutionary Trees with the commission of series of diagrams and essays. WAI contributed the critical essay 'Notes on (Post-)Modernist Abstractions and (Post-)Colonial Resolutions'. Read the full text here.

October 14, 2023
WAI presents keynote during NOMA 2023 Conference in Portland

On a keynote presentation and discussion titled 'Just Practice Joyful Learning', Cruz Garcia spoke on emancipatory models of education built on anti-racist, anti-heteropatriarchal, and anti-colonial practices and forms of knowledge at the NOMA 2023 Conference Building Bridges: Towards just and joyful futures. The presentation took place on Downtown Portland and included Daisy Williams, Toshiko Mori, and Robert Easter.

October 13, 2023
(Dark) Notes on the Caribbean manifesto published on Architect Magazine

As part of Dark Matter University guest editorial of Architect Magazine, Cruz Garcia joined Pedro Cruz Cruz, Jelissa Blumberg, and Venesa Alicea-Chuqui in the collaborative manifesto '(Dark) Notes on the Caribbean'.

Read the entire piece here.
October 9, 2023
Universal Principles of Architecture book release slated for October 31

WAI's new book Universal Principles of Architecture: 100 Architectural Archetypes, Methods, Conditions, Relationships, and Imaginaries (Rockport Universal, 7) is set to be available on bookstores and online retailers on October 31st.

Divided into Archetypes, Methods, Conditions, Relationships, and Imaginaries, each of the five sections in the book introduces in 20 principles architecture at different scales and stages of the design process. Through an inclusive and holistic approach, the book refers to initial design ideas, creative design approaches, reflections on the effects of the built and destroyed environments, and architectural desires and aspirations to transform the world and engage with the cosmos.

The book's initial endorsements include:
In 'Universal Principles of Architecture,' Nathalie Frankowski and Cruz García skillfully guide us through history and a transdisciplinary journey that challenges conventional design thinking and knowledge and evolves its application and relevance for the multitude. This ambitious volume redefines the language of architectural design, urging us to collectively embrace critical creativity in addressing the pressing social and ecological issues of our time. It is must-read for those seeking to reimagine and build more just, equitable, and sustainable communities.
―Justin Garrett Moore, Humanities in Place Program Director, Mellon Foundation

Universal Principles of Architecture is simply the most compact and comprehensive survey of the tricks, techniques, elements, and ideas every architect should know. Written with pizzazz and presented with great clarity, this opinionated compendium of contemporary architecture packs a punch: it shows us that other worlds —more beautiful, more just, and more sustainable ones— are not just possible, but must be built.
―Aaron Betsky, Critic

Many a universal concept has a subjectivity lurking with in it. In their principles of architecture Frankowski and Garcia embrace this, offering an expansive catalogue of the knowledge they have built up over the years. This work is an excellent entrance into architecture’s multiverse for new comers and old hands alike.
―Jess Myers, Assistant Professor Syracuse University

A timely, compelling and exquisitely illustrated guide to contemporary architectural ideas that will hold equal appeal across a wide generational spectrum. A lexicon that combines thoughtful conjectural definitions with occasional polemical provocations, the book offers a refreshing set of useful orientations within the rapidly morphing and frequently perplexing landscape of contemporary architecture.

Organised under five distinct rubrics - archetypes, methods, conditions, relationships, and imaginaries - the Universal Principles are all clearly explained and illustrated to provide lucid précis and articulations of a range of traditional and emergent ideas and concepts.

―Prof Mark Raymond, Director – Graduate School of Architecture, University of Johannesburg

In this new book WAI Think Tank has generously provided a dictionary of terms so that we can construct, discover, refer to and extend important and urgent ideas on spatial justice. For this we give thanks.
―Wolff Architects, Cape Town

Like a dinner conversation with Garcia and Frankowski, Universal Principles of Architecture is at once challenging, expansive, and ultimately optimistic. I recommend it to a wide array of inquisitive learners: from a pre-college student considering a major in architecture, a student of architecture wondering what non-extractivist or post-domestic architecture might look like, to a discerning thinker in search of provocative questions. For us all, the book will surely challenge our preconceptions of what architecture is and whom it serves. With captivating collages that are both critical and playful, the book helps us imagine how architecture has been understood and, most importantly, what it could be now and in the future.
―Aki Ishida, Associate Professor of Architecture, Virginia Tech

Through this wonderful book Cruz García and Nathalie Frankowski provide a unique public pedagogical platform that expands the normative understanding of architecture as an inclusive discipline that coexists within a multitude of readings, traditions, memories and desires.
―Francisco Javier Rodríguez, FAIA, Director University of Illinois School of Architecture

On November 6, WAI will present the book at Dog Eared Books in Ames, Iowa.
The book can be order online in Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop.org, RIBA Bookstore, Books-a-Million,

October 8, 2023
WAI to lecture as part of Princeton University's Media and Modernity series

As part of the Media and Modernity Lecture Series, WAI will present a talk on Reparations, Colonial Footprints, Spirals, Loudreading, and more.
WAI's presentation will have a response by V.Mitch McEwen.

About Media and Modernity:
The Program in Media and Modernity promotes the inter-disciplinary study of the unique cultural formations that came to prominence during the last century, with special attention paid to the interplay between culture and technology, centering on architecture, art, film, photography, literature, philosophy, music, history, and media from radio to information technology.

More information here.
October 6, 2023
WAI to present as NOMA Portland 2023 Conference Keynote

On Thursday, October 12,Cruz Garcia will participate on the first Keynote of NOMA Conference Building Bridges: Towards Just and Joyful Futures. Moderated by Wilson Smith, Professor of Product Design at University of Oregon, the session titled Just Practice, Joyful Learning Panel, included panelists:
Toshiko Mori, FAIA, founding principal of Toshiko Mori Architect PLLC, and the Robert P. Hubbard Professor in the Practice of Architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD)
Robert L. Easter, FAIA, NOMAC, chair of the department of architecture at Hampton University
Cruz Garcia, designer, educator, author, artist, and co-founder of WAI Architecture Think Tank
Daisy-O'lice Williams, associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at University of Oregon

About the session.
The cultivation of successful professionals begins during educational training. Since its inception, architecture has been criticized for being a profession best suited for affluent white males. As the demographics on this planet continue to change, "minorities" are growing as the global majority. The past few years have heralded an inspired emphasis of diversity, equity, justice and inclusion across most of the design schools worldwide, alluding to a major shift in design education. Still, this growth has been set against an overall environment that has seen female deans targeted in the media, student and educator protests, public call outs of accreditation entities regarding their history of biased processes, monumental lawsuits against Affirmative Action, and the striking of critical race theory from curricula in the US. The panel will address questions focused on what needs to change in the education system and what new systems need to be implemented and supported.

More info soon.

October 6, 2023
WAI announces Traveling Lecture Series as Part of ACSA Fellowship to Advance Equity in Design

As Part of their role as the first recipients of the ACSA Fellowship to Advance Equity in Design, WAI is co-organizing a traveling lecture series where speakers engage with a range of social and ecological justice topics that are contextual to each of the hosting institutions. The spring series includes lectures, presentations, and workshops by Shelley Buffalo and Sikowis Nobiss of Great Plains Action Society, to present as part of From Land Grab to LandBack at Iowa State University, followed by Michael Smith-Masis of Entro Nos Atelier Central (Costa Rica) to participate at The University of Texas at Arlington, and Chris Cornelius of studio:indigenous to lecture at the University of New Mexico.

October 1, 2023
From Land Grab to LandBack week of events take place at Iowa State University

From September 25 to September 30, Iowa State University hosted From Land Grab to Landback, a transdisciplinary symposium and multimedia platform that investigates and offers critical perspectives that tie architecture across different scales to urgent questions about land, territory, property, sovereignty, ecology, and life. In response to planetary-scale calls for social and ecological justice, architecture is called to confront its legacy as the material manifestation of systems of power, occupation, territorialization, extraction, capture, identity, development, and modernity. Drawing from the work, research, and practices of leading activists, designers, planners, artists, political-scientists, anthropologists, scholars, journalists, and philosophers, the symposium provides an intersectional approach to questions about land, and the many struggles that ensue during an era of technological escalation and ecological urgency. Through a series of talks, film screenings, roundtable discussions, and workshops From Landgrab to Land back: architecture and positions on land engages with many temporalities while looking at the past and present of critical questions on land and architecture. The symposium offers a platform for the presentation and dissemination of critical imaginaries operating in the immediate and distant future.

The planetary-scale symposium takes place and is co-organized by the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Johannesburg, Estudios de la Mujer y Género (Women and Gender Studies) at the Universidad de Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, the Department of Architecture with support of the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities at Iowa State University, and LOUDREADERS with the support of the Mellon Foundation, re:arc institute, and ACSA Fellowship to Advance Equity in Architecture.

Co-organizing institutions and keynote participants
GSA Johannesburg: Nomalanga Mahlangu, Oratile Mothoagae, Naadira Patel, and Simphiwe Mlambo. Estudios de la Mujer y Género UPR-RP: El Hangar en Santurce, Organización Can (Organización Del Pueblo Indígena Can-Jíbaro Borikua de Boriké), La Colectiva Feminista en Construcción, Rocio Zambrana, Pedro Cardona Roig, Marakiani Olivieri, Alexandra Pagan. ISU: Anthony Warrior, Sikowis Nobiss, Shelley Buffalo/ Great Plains Action Society, Sean Connelly, Dima Srouji, Gabriela Leandro Pereira, Nell Gabiam, Abu Salma Khalil, Doug Spencer, Nadia Huggins, Jason Mena, Killian O’ Dochartaigh & Edward Lawrenson, Jason Fitzroy Jeffers, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Maria Parazo Rose, Oleksiy Radynski, Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski / WAI Architecture Think Tank.

See the full program here.

September 20, 2023
A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Eduction review in The Architect's Newspaper

Bz Zhang reviews A Manual of Architecture Education for the most recent issue of The Architect's Newspaper.
You can read the review and the entire September issue here.

September 15, 2023
The Puerto Rican edition of the From Land Grab to LandBack symposium takes place in Rio Piedras

Co-organized by Estudios de la Mujer y Genero (Women and Gender studies) at the Universidad de Puerto Rico, From land Grab to LandBack included presentations by El Hangar en Santurce, Organización Can (Organización Del Pueblo Indígena Can-Jíbaro Borikua de Boriké), La Colectiva Feminista en Construcción, Rocio Zambrana, Pedro Cardona Roig, Marakiani Olivieri, Alexandra Pagan.

See the full information here.

September 14, 2023
WAI lecture at the Graduate School of Architecture of the University of Johannesburg is now online

You can now watch Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski lecture at the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Johannesburg. The lecture was presented on August 30, 2023.
Time: 18:30 – 20:00
Venue: GSA Home, JBS Park
69 Kingsway Avenue Auckland Park, Johannesburg

Spirals and Loudreaders

By narrating a non-linear journey, Nathalie Frankowski and Cruz Garcia, now joined by their child Ema Yuizarix address how alternative platforms of action and dissemination allow them to coalesce different collective practices that include designing, teaching, researching, writing, publishing, and organising. 

September 15, 2023
WAI Lectures, offers workshop, and co-organizes From Land Grab to LandBack discussion at the GSA of the University of Johannesburg

As part of the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Johannesburg's Architecture Week, WAI offered a public lecture, a workshop on critical research, and co-organized the South African portion of From Land Grab to LandBack.

September 13, 2023
WAI to present as part of the 76th Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians

As part of the 76th Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, WAI will be part of a panel titled Architectural Studio and History: Reflections on Alternative, Radical, and Mainstream Pedagogies. Some of the questions of the panel will address the challenges and successes of employing architectural history in a studio context, pedagogical approaches support the introduction of alternative histories (unwritten histories, oral histories, or non-canonical architectural history narratives), the function and practicality of architectural history in the studio environment, along with its design educational potential.

Moderated by
Juan Luis Burke, University of Maryland
Jana Kristina Vandergroot, University of Maryland

David Fortin, University of Waterloo
Nathalie Frankowski, Iowa State University
Cruz Garcia, Iowa State University
Adnan Morshed, Catholic University
Francisco Mustieles, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico
Astrid Petzold Rodríguez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

More information here.
September 11, 2023
The Earth is a poem full of trees like mushrooms of the air exhibition opens at Iowa State University

In his book of poems for the nation X/EX/EXIS, Puerto Rican poet Roque Raquel Salas Rivera writes about queer time and trans memories, about nation and identity, borders and revolutions, colonial and capitalist violence (and how they can be EXchanged one for the other).

The earth is a tree full of poems like mushrooms of the air explores questions at the intersection of land, water, extraction, sovereignty, accumulation, occupation, dispossession, institutionalization, historization, violence, and resistance through material and speculative works across a wide panorama of media, geopolitical, and narrative approaches.

In the form of a spatial spiral temporality, the exhibition transitions and embodies exercises of resistance and provocations, as both, fictions and realities materialize by means of installations, documentaries, activist props, science-fiction plots, and anti-colonial poetry.

The exhibition continues the conversation initiated in The Planetary Wretched and Unpayable Debts (two curatorial projects presented in 2022 and 2023 respectively), to offer a parallel realm to the planetary symposium “From Land Grab to LandBack: Architecture and Positions on Land.”

Curated by WAI Think Tank, the exhibition will be on view at the Gallery of the College of Design at Iowa State University from September 11 to September 30, 2023.

The exhibition includes works by Dima Srouji, Samiha Meem, Nadia Huggins, Jason Mena, Killian O’ Dochartaigh & Edward Lawrenson, Sikowis Nobiss, Moselle Singh, Lance Foster, and Sunrose IronShell / Great Plains Action Society, Colectiva Feminista en Construcción, Jason Fitzroy Jeffers, Pete Goche, Roque Raquel Salas Rivera, Post-Novis / Hilary Wiese, Rose Florian, Christopher Rey Perez, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Ophelia S. Chan, Claire Alexandre, Holly Craig, Coco Allred, and WAI Think Tank.
August 22, 2023
WAI to lecture and offer workshops the XXXV ELEA in San Jose, Costa Rica

WAI will be in Costa Rica as part the XXXV Encuentro Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Arquitectura (XXXV Latinamerican Encounter of Architecture Students) organized by the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Estudiantes de Arquitectura y la Organizacion Nacional de Estudiantes de Arquitectura de Costa Rica. More info soon.

September 6, 2023
WAI lecture Columbia University GSAPP now online

As part of Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation Arguments lecture series WAI presented 'Not a Test-Lab: Loudreading, Spirals, and Post-Colonial Methods on July 5.
August 20, 2023
WAI to lecture and offer workshops at the GSA Johannesburg

As part of the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Johannesburg's Architecture Week, WAI will present the lecture 'Spirals & Loudreaders' and offer a workshop in collaboration with GSA Faculty Simphiwe Mlambo.

While at the GSA WAI will also start the transAtlantic symposium From Land Grab to LandBack.

More info soon.

August 5, 2023
WAI announced as the inaugural recipients of ACSA Fellowship to Advance Equity in Architecture

The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) announced the awarding of its first Faculty Fellowship to Advance Equity in Architecture to Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski of WAI Architecture Think Tank. The educators, who are also associate professors in the Iowa State University College of Design, will use the $80,000 in funding to extend the impact of ACSA’s work on racial equity and climate action through public programming, outreach, and partnerships.

WAI projects during the 12-month fellowship include the the design of a website with articles and links to organizations and programming on social and ecological justice. WAI will also organize a lecture series to be held at ACSA member schools during the 2023-24 academic year. The presentations will be recorded and published through their fellowship website and ACSA’s YouTube channel. Finally, the fellows will create a newspaper-style publication that will supplement and document the many initiatives, scholarship, and events taking place during the fellowship.

Read the full press release here.
July 18 2023
WAI to receive a Graham Foundation Grant for The LOUDREADER

The LOUDREADER, a new digital and print journal published annually by Loudreaders Trade School is one the recipients of Grants to Organizations awarded by the Graham Foundation for the Advancement of the Fine Arts.
In the form of an antidisciplinary and multilingual publication, The LOUDREADER considers the Caribbean’s geopolitical, linguistic, historical pluriversality as it documents, disseminates, and thinks collectively about the future of social and ecological justice, reparations, repatriations, reconstructions, while accounting for incompatibilities, contradictions, ironies, and strategies of subversion and reinvention. The LOUDREADER imagines the “becoming Caribbean of the world,” as the brutality of extraction and exploitation, that was the blueprint of the plantation (and its economies), has spilled out onto the rest of the world like organic matter.

Read more here.

July 18 2023
WAI featured in Collage and Architecture book

The collage work of WAI is featutred in the second edition of Collage and Architecture by Jennifer A.E.Shields. Published by Routledge, the book surveys over 100 years of collage making in architecture with works ranging from Le Corbusier and Mies van der Robe, to Superstudio, OMA, and Tatiana Bilbao, Point Supreme and others.

ISBN 9780367647940
284 Pages 261 Color Illustrations
Published July 4, 2023 by Routledge

See more or order the book go here.

July 7 2023
Loudreaders Trade School Pilot launches a summer school in Puerto Rico

From June 23 to July 2nd, Loudreaders organized a Trade School in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico where multiple practices from the Caribbean coalesced and presented worldmaking workshops and loudreading sessions.
The 10-day multimedia program includes sessions, interventions, and workshops by Nadia Huggins (St. Vincent and the Grenadines), Isabelle Jolicoeur (Haiti), Comunal / Jesica Amescua Carrera & Mariana Ordóñez Grajales (Mexico), Mark Raymond (Trinidad & Tobago / GSA Johannesburg), Marcos Barinas (Dominican Republic), Jason Fitzroy Jeffers (Barbados / USA), Estudio Ele Siete / Ching Ling Ho, Elvin Diaz (Dominican Republic), Island City Lab / Dorraine Duncan and Jhordan Channer (Jamaica), Alice Grandoit-Šutka (USA / Haiti /Denmark), Puerto Rico-based practices and authors including Mara Olivieri, La Impresora / Nicole Delgado and Amanda Hernandez, Roque Raquel Salas Rivera, Regner Ramos, Julio Ramos, Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, and Post-Novis (WAI Architecture Think Tank/ Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski, Rose Florian, Hilary Wiese, Christopher Rey Perez, Holly Craig, Coco Allred, Ophelia S. Chan, Luis Othoniel Rosa)

July 4, 2023
WAI to lecture as part of Columbia GSAPP AAD Arguments lecture series

As part of the Arguments Lecture Series of the Advanced Architectural Design program at Columbia University, WAI presented the lecture: Not a Test Lab: Loudreading, Spirals, and Post-Colonial Methods. The lecture was followed by a discussion with Oscar Oliver-Didier and Uriel Fogue.

see more info here.

June 2, 2023
WAI to teach Loudlistening studio as part of Columbia University GSAPP Advanced Architectural Design Studios

As part of Columbia GSAPP AAD program, WAI will offer the studio 'Loudlistening to Payable Debts...Measuring Chronocartographies of Displacement on Artifacts at the planetary scale." The sudio continues the research initiated in previous AAD iterations offered by WAI, as students explore the footprint of collections in New York.

More soon.

June 1, 2023
WAI to respond to Lawrence Abu Hamdan's lecture Air Conditioning

As part of GSAPP AAD Arguments lecture series, WAI will respond to Lawrence Abu Hamdan's lecture Air Conditioning. Presented on the occasion of his performance at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA NY), the lecture addresses his work as a 'private ear', forensic journalism, and architecture or listening.

From the website: Lawrence Abu Hamdan is a Private Ear, listening to, with and on behalf of people affected by corporate, state, and environmental violence. Abu Hamdan’s work has been presented in the form of forensic reports, lectures and live performances, films, publications, and exhibitions all over the world. He received his PhD in 2017 and has held fellowships and professorships at the University of Chicago, the New School, New York and most recently at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz where he developed his research AirPressure.info.

See more here.

May 27, 2023
WAI to lecture as part of Columbia University GSAPP AAD Arguments Series

As part of the Arguments Lecture series at Columbia GSAPP, WAI will present 'Not a Test Lab: Loudreading, Spirals, and Post-Colonial Methods', on July 5. The lecture series includes presentations by Rchaporn Choochuey, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Shannon Mattern, Junya Ishigami, Troy Vettese & Drew Pendergrass, WAI Think Tank, Mio Tsuneyama & Fuminori Nousaku (studio mnm & Fuminori Nousaku Architects), and Chip Lord (Ant Farm). Lectures take place on Wednesdayas a5 11:30am in Avery 113.

More info soon.

May 14, 2023
WAI publishes feminist Manifesto for a Lazy Home I, Like Things publication at Yale Architecture

Edited by Diana Smiljković, Gustav Nielsen, Rachal Tsai and Jack Rusk and published by Yale School of Architecture 'I, Like Many Things' includes WAI's feminist manifesto for a Lazy Home.

Reflecting on life during the pandemic, the issue features contributions by Kyriacos Christofides, Meera Badran, Francesco Casetti, Stefano Masserini, Raqs Media Collective, Rachael Marie Scicluna, Michelle Millar Fisher, Lee Scrivner, Kathryn-kay Johnson, Nathalie Frankowski, Cruz Garc­a, Zachariah A. Michielli, Adonis Archontides, Jennifer C. Nash, Simone C Niquille, Simon Str¸yer, Patricia Dom­nguez, Athar Mufreh, Joshua Tan, Lu­sa Sol, Nikolaj Schultz, Ellen Blumenstein, Markus Miessen, Pinar Yoldas, Deirdre Barrett, Oxana Timofeeva, Martina Potlach, Shahla Alharthi, Leidy Karina Gomez Montoya, Andrea Sanchez Moctezuma, Rachel Ghindea, Athiba Balasubramanian, Konstantinos Ballis, Abhishek Ambekar, Katie Colford, William Beck, David Bruce, Dhruv Gulabchande, Edgar Papazian, Andrew Economos Miller, Chase Ireland, Anthony Iovino, Giada Puccinelli, Pete Pham, Sofia Guzman, Nick Massarelli, Sangji Han, Ethan Lethander, Helen Farley, Megan Panzano, Drew Doyle, Alondra Correa, Renata Cesar, Michelle Nguyen, Christina Zhang, Michelle Bunch, Rukshan Vathupola, Matthew Liu, Anishwar Tirupathur, Mari Kroin, Montgomery Balding, Jessica Jie Zhou , Miguel Astete, Hoby Horak, Benjamin Tan, Tarranum Akhter, Jonathan Bolch, Andr© Caetano, Katie Lau, Elias Vera Carrion, Nathan Garcia, Morgan Anna Kerber, Yanara Formandoy, Rhea Schmid, Olivia Epstein, Abby Sandler, Shreya Suman, Robbin Juris, Viet Nguyen, Katharine Blackman, Rachel Skof, Christina Anastase, Kaitlin Baker, Deirdre Plaus, Tyler Krebs, Aaron Payne, Lisann Mahnke, Sofia Alfaro Pailacura, Araceli Lopez

Read more about I,Like Many Things here.

May 10, 2023
Hardcover edition of A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education can be ordered and downloaded online

A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education is an unprecedented tool that centers architecture and architectural education in the struggles against racism and the material legacy of white supremacy.

A valuable resource for designers, educators, students, and anybody who’s lives are affected by the built and destroyed environment, this anti-racist manual unveils how architecture and architectural education is shaped by the construction of race and outlines ways to imagine emancipatory architectures. Divided in three parts, the manual discusses economic, cultural, political, spatial, and historical hurdles that must be overcome before, during, and after school. An appendix presents an overview on the precarious labor of anti-racist education.

Through diagrams, analytical texts, and manifestos, A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education asks many questions about the current state of architecture and imagines a future centered on social and ecological justice.

Written, illustrated, and designed by architects, educators, and authors Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski of WAI Architecture Think Tank, A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education is equally a tool for activism, design education, and worldmaking.

Order and download directly on Loudreaders webpage.

May 8, 2023
Unpayable Debts exhibition catalog published in newspaper form

In Unpayable Debt, Denise Ferreira da Silva ties questions of race, colonialism, “separability, determinacy, and sequentiality” to infrastructures of violence, legacy, extraction, expropriation, and subjugation. In the relationship between “actuality (as it is accessed by the senses)” and “virtuality (as it is accessed by the intuition),” Unpayable Debts confronts the limits of space-time while engaging with the historical materialist account of the production of value. As such, “Unpayable Debt” addresses the intrinsic ethical and economical questions of historical debts which are not the (indebted) peoples to pay.
Unpayable Debts is a group exhibition exploring questions of disposition, raciality, coloniality, global capital, feminism, memory, fractality, value, debt, and time. Through cosmogonical, asynchronous, and archival narratives as well as archeological documentation and propositions, the exhibition renders multiple fields of questioning and imagination. The work presented delves into futures and pasts that are always entangled and continuously redefined, continuing the conversation of Planetary Wretched.
Unpayable Debts includes works by Wolff Architects and Cara Stacey, Adriene Lilly, Jess Myers, Dele Adeyemo, Bz Zhang, Post-Novis / Hilary Wiese, Rose Florian, Christopher Rey Perez and a video produced by hibatullah هبة الله, 夏逢雪, Karl Mauro, 王思童, S. Barger, 陈帅卿, Vic Chen, Ruodi Zhang, Luke McDonell, Finn C. Cleveland, Daniel Leira, Lilian Agya Juma, Mercedes Cooper, Andrawes Tawfik أندراوس توفيق. for the seminar Post-Colonial Landscapes.

Co-edited with students of Loudreading seminar at ISU: Andrea Gutierrez, Sydney Chicos, Dakota Dehnke, Haylee Kjeldgaard, Brandon Edwards, Amani TvBellizzi , Jayden Yeong, Sarah Bartlett, Andrea Muchori

May 4, 2023
WAI studio 'After El Apagon: Networks of Solidarity at the End of...to present at Iowa State University on May

As part of After El Apagón: Networks of Solidarity at the End of...Landscape Architecture, architecture, and interiors students worked on imaginaries of solidarity in Puerto Rico across different timelines. By engaging with contemporary science fiction, poetry, music, and activism, students developed a series of narrative architecture projects presented here.

April 23, 2023
WAI announces call for contributions to From land Grab to Landback Trans-Atlantic Symposium

Scholars, designers, artists, authors, planners and activists are invited to submit proposals to participate in From Land Grab to Landback: Architecture and Positions on Land. A multimedia and interdisciplinary symposium spanning three continents, From Land grab to Landback explores the role of architecture and spatial practices in the politics of land and water rights, occupation, displacement, sovereignty, property, dispossession, reparations, ecological spoliation, capital, wealth accumulation and distribution, production, and on-going struggles against settler colonialism. The symposium seeks to bring together diverse perspectives on how the built and destroyed environment shape and are shaped by power relations, struggles for land rights, stewardship, and extraction, and alternative visions of land use and custodianship.
Loudreaders is Co-organizing the symposium with Department of Architecture at Iowa State University with support from the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities, the School of Architecture of the Universidad de Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, Graduate School of Architecture at Johannesburg, and Loudreaders. The symposium is part of a series of events, exhibitions, roundtables, and publications to be celebrated in Ames (USA), Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico), and Johannesburg (South Africa).

Read the call here.
April 15, 2023
WAI to speak as part of TU Munic Chair of Unlearning event Architecture Discriminates

As part of TU Munich first student-led Chair, WAI will offer a lecture on the occasion of 'Empowering Students Positions'.
April 10, 2023
WAI featured in Re:Arc Institute's 'Architectures of Planetary Wellbeing

In conversation with environmental journalist and writer Yessenia Funes, WAI discusses the architectures of planetary well-being.
Blueprints for Planetary Well-Being is part of Re:Arc Institute's new project Revisions. Revisions is a platform for conversation around architectures of planetary well-being.

Listen to the podcast here.

March 28, 2023
WAI to lecture as part of The Placeless Academy in Lybia, Morocco, and Austria

WAI will offer the lecture Loudreaders, Methods, and Narratives as part of The Placeless Academy 'Rethinking the Heritage of Modern Architecture in The Mena Region.'

From the platform:
Co-organized by Tajarrod (Libya), MAMMA (Morocco), Philomena+ (Austria) The Placeless Academy is a digital platform that aims to analyze and critique the legacy of architecture in the MENA region, and produce alternative critical canons beyond the Western colonial conception of modernity. The Project provides a space for challenging research and knowledge production, dedicated to supporting emerging architects in Libya, Morocco, and Austria with critical tools, mentorship, and global outreach. By linking the south (Morocco and Libya) to the north (Austria) we aim to establish a contemplative cross-cultural dialogue to exchange knowledge and share learning. The project will select 15 participants, and will consist of a 1 month digital workshop for producing critical research and speculative designs for the chosen sites in Casablanca, Benghazi, and Vienna, and finally exhibit the output in an exhibition hosted by Philomena+ in Vienna, Austria by the end of the year.

March 20, 2023
WAI co-edited Journal of Architectural Education issue on Reparations! is out

WAI co-edited with V.Mitch McEwen the 77th volume of the Journal of Architectural Education by focusing on a question eluded by architectural practice and education for as long as there are settler colonial states. Divided in “Futurisms and Other Systems”, “Bad Bodies, Bad Lands,” and “Riotous Repertoire,” we had the privilege to discuss with Mabel O. Wilson, Rasheedah Phillips, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Sean Connelly, and Dream the Combine. The issue includes many contributions ranging from photo narratives to historical essays, to reflections on education, history, and documentation.

March 8, 2023
WAI to lecture at the Universidad de Puerto Rico on March 15

WAI will offer the lecture "Loudreadersin PfknR" in the auditorium of the school of architecture of the Universidad de Puerto Rico Rio Piedras.

The lecture will take place at 6:00pm on March 15, 2023.
More soon.

February 25, 2023
WAI is published in Revista Arq issue on Deconstruction

As part of their Arq112th issue, WAI publishes the Spanish and English editions of Un-Making Architecture: An Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto.

From Arq:
Los proyectos no siempre se pueden formular antes de su realización. Algunas veces se conceptualizan durante la marcha. En otras ocasiones, son demasiado radicales para ser anunciados. Pero la mayoría de las veces su formulación se hace en retrospectiva simplemente porque el tiempo otorga mayor claridad sobre lo que se ha hecho. Por eso es que recién ahora podemos darnos cuenta de las ideas que intentamos desplegar en los últimos ocho años. Dado que ARQ existe desde 1980 – y esperamos que continúe por muchas décadas más – podemos mirar lo acontecido desde aquel ya lejano 2015 como un viaje que se desvió del camino previo, adentrándose en territorios menos conocidos y, quizás por lo mismo, más interesantes de explorar. Ese desvío era muy necesario: la trayectoria era tan predecible que no era difícil anticipar que se encontraba en curso de colisión.

Deconstruir esas ideas anquilosadas sobre el sentido de una revista ha sido una forma de direccionar la ruta que ARQ ha tomado en estos últimos años. Desmontar las estructuras de pensamiento que predefinían cómo hacer las cosas para luego recombinarlas de maneras distintas ha sido una de las estrategias. Tal como nos recuerda Mark Wigley en la entrevista que le hicimos para este número, deconstruir no significa destruir, sino desarmar para repensar las preguntas de otra forma. Sin un “de” inicial, las estrategias “re” parecen condenadas a no ser más que un ingenuo remix.

Por eso nos hemos desviado. Para ver qué hay más allá. Para saber qué otras ideas, propuestas y puntos de vista nos pueden ayudar a complejizar, reforzar o bien hacernos dudar de nuestras formas de pensar. Lo hemos hecho sin miedo de perdernos, pues el antiguo camino seguirá ahí y quien así lo desee puede regresar a él. Pero quienes nos acompañaron en este desvío tal vez pudieron darse cuenta de que no hay sólo un camino, sino que son múltiples, y que el mundo que ellos abren para la arquitectura es mucho más rico y desafiante que el que encontramos en el camino habitual, como si condujéramos con piloto automático.

Read more here.

February 18, 2023
WAI curates Unpayable Debts group exhibition at Iowa State University

In Unpayable Debt, Denise Ferreira da Silva ties questions of race, colonialism, “separability, determinacy, and sequentiality” to infrastructures of violence, legacy, extraction, expropriation, and subjugation. In the relationship between “actuality (as it is accessed by the senses)” and “virtuality (as it is accessed by the intuition)” Unpayable Debts confront the limits of space-time while engaging with the classic historical materialist account of the production of value. As such, Unpayable Debt addresses the intrinsic ethical and economical questions of historical debts which are not the (indebted) people to pay.

Unpayable Debts is a group exhibition exploring questions of land, extraction, raciality, coloniality, global capital, feminism, memory, fractality, value, debt, and time. Through cosmogonical, spiraling, asynchronous, archival, narrative, and archeological documentation and propositions, the exhibition renders multiple fields of questioning and imagination, continuing the conversation of the planetary wretched, and delving into futures and pasts that are always entangled and continuously redefined.

Unpayable Debts includes works by Wolff Architects and Cara Stacey, Adriene Lilly, Jess Myers
Dele Adeyemo, Bz Zhang, Post-Novis / Hilary Wiese, Rose Florian, Christopher Rey Perez.
And a video produced hibatullah هبة الله, 夏逢雪, Karl Mauro, 王思童, S. Barger, 陈帅卿, Vic Chen, Ruodi Zhang, Luke McDonell, Finn C. Cleveland, Daniel Leira, Lilian Agya Juma, Mercedes Cooper, أندراوس توفي Andrawes Tawfik. For the seminar Post-Colonial Landscapes

Curated by WAI Think Tank with the students from the seminar Loudreading Bits and Paper Manifestoes: Sarah Bartlett, Gianna Bellizzi, Luis Bran Quintana, Sydney Chicos, Dakota Dehnke, Brandon Edwards, Weston Fantz, Haylee Gunnerson, Andrea Gutierrez, Andrea Muchori, Monique Nespor, William Sanders, Amani Taleb, Jayden Joshua Yeong Wei Gang.

February 14, 2023
WAI hosts Unpayable Debts roundtable with Bz Zhang, Jess Myers, Hilary Wiese, and Rose Florian at Iowa State University

As part of the Unpayable Debts exhibition currently on view at the Gallery of the College of Design at Iowa State University, WAI and students from their seminars hosted Rose Florian, Hilary Wiese, Jess Myers, and Bz Zhang in a discussion about their works in the exhibition.

The discussion took place at the gallery on February 14.

February 10, 2023
WAI featured in Arch+ issue The Great Repair

As part ARCH+ 250 issue The Great Repair, WAI is featured as part of an interview with Paulo Tavares and the essay Land als Schlüssel zu Reparatur und Reparation by Hollyamber Kennedy.

Read more here.

Quelle: Hollyamber Kennedy: „Land als Schlüssel zu Reparatur und Reparation“, in: ARCH+ 250 The Great Repair – Politiken der Reparaturgesellschaft (Dezember 2022), S. 176–181, hier S. 176

Link: https://archplus.net/de/archiv/ausgabe/250/

February 3, 2023
WAI writes publishes Twenty Points on Invisible and Fictitious Fields in Arkive Magazine

As part of their growing collection, Arkive Museum's magazine invited WAI to reflect on the politics surrounding Allora & Calzadilla's Electromagnetic Field. The text moves between politico-economic critique, and the colonial history of Puerto Rico and tools of imagination and subversion.

Read the text here.

January 30, 2023
WAI announces LOUDREADERS Trade School Pilot Program in Puerto Rico

As announced in The Architect's Newspaper and E-Flux, LOUDREADERS is launching a pilot 10-day program on-site in Puerto Rico. LOUDREADERS is designed as an pan-Caribbean living archive and space for exchange of positions and discourses.Fiscally sponsored by The Tank via The Producer Hub, and supported by the Mellon Foundation and re:arc institute, LOUDREADERS will be offering a series of fellowships to spatial practitioners to participate on the trade school.
Enrollment for students is free.

Find more information about the application process here.

January 30, 2023
WAI guest-edits four columns for KoozArch Magazine

During the month of January, WAI guest-edited a series of columns exploring the Post-Colonial Method, Loudreading, Anti-Capitalist Realism, and the work of Post-Novis.

Read the first, second, third, and fourth columns in KoozArch.

January 20, 2023
WAI to lecture at University of Michigan

As part of the Wallemberg Sudio Lecture Series at the University of Michigan, WAI will discuss recent projects and positions.

January 27, 2023 - 3:00pm

January 15, 2023
WAI to publish Universal Principles of Architecture with Quarto Books

In October 2023, Rockport Publishers will publish Universal Principles of Achitecture, a book designed, written, and with over 100 images produced by WAI.

From the website:
Universal Principles of Architecture illustrates in 100 concepts the importance, possibilities, challenges, and roles that architecture plays in shaping the world.

Divided into Archetypes, Methods, Conditions, Relationships, and Imaginaries, each of the five sections in the book introduces in 20 principles architecture at different scales and stages of the design process. Through an inclusive and holistic approach, the book refers to initial design ideas, creative design approaches, reflections on the effects of the built and destroyed environments, and architectural desires and aspirations to transform the world and engage with the cosmos.

More info here.

January 10, 2023
WAI on a series of installments for koozArch

To start the new year, WAI will be publishing a series of columns exploring the Post-Colonial Method, Loudreaders, and the work of Post-Novis. The first editorial contribution A Loudreaders Guide to the Post-Colonial Method. #1 Introducing the Post-Colonial (not the postcolonial) Method can be read here.

December 23, 2022
A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education available now on Loudreaders Publishers

A hardcover, printed, and extended edition of A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education can now be purchased on Loudreaders Publishers here.

December 13, 2022
Les Portes du Possible catalog published by Centre Georges Pompidou

With contributions by exhibition curator Alexandra Müller, and science fiction, and feminist futurist authors including Alain Damasio, Catherine Dufour, Sabrina Calvo, Kim Stanley Robinson, Michael Roch, Nadia Chonville, Laura Nsafou, Philippe Curval, Arial Kyrou the catalog of Les Portes du Possible offers a critical survey of the aim of the group exhibition currently showing at Centre Pompidou Metz.

More info on the exhibition and the catalog here.

December 13, 2022
Read WAI's Letter to Our Daughter Ema Yuizarix on The Funambulist Online

Originally published in The Funambulist issue on Land: from Settler Colonial Property to Landback, WAI Think Tank's directors write a letter to their daughter to explain the ancestral origins of her name and their ties to struggles for emancipation.

Read the letter on The Funambulist website here.

December 8, 2022
WAI studio presents The Possibility of Opaque Islands at Iowa State University

WAI's 5th year students will present their narrative architectures building on Edouard Glissant's The Right to Opacity at the Kings Pavilion at Iowa State University on Saturday, December 10.

November 30, 2022
Les Portes du Possible exhibition opens at Centre Pompidou Metz with Cities of the Avant-Garde Mural

The exhibition "Les Portes du possible, Art & science-fiction" (A Gateway To Possible Worlds: Art & Science Fiction) opened to the public on November 4, 2022.

Exhibition closes on April 2023.

Described as "laboratory of hypotheses that manipulate and extrapolate the repressive norms and dogmas of today's world, its ambitions, social afflictions, opportunities and perils", A Gateway To Possible Worlds exhibition brings together over 200 works from the late 1960s to the present day. Art & science fiction whisks visitors away to a 2300m² sci-fi world. The exhibition includes a special edition of WAI's mural Cities of the Avant-Garde.

November 30, 2022
French media covers Les Portes du Possible exhibition opens at Centre Pompidou Metz with Cities of the Avant-Garde Mural

See the documentation of the full exhibition and of WAI's work on French media here, Moselle Tv,

November 15, 2022
WAI featured as part of Places Journal Field Notes on Design Activism

As part of the ongoing series on Design Activism WAI writes about the multiple actions to generate change in architecture and architecture education.

Read WAI's and other contributions here.

From the website:
The past two years of pandemic and protest have seen intensifying calls for meaningful change — indeed transformation — in design practice and education.

By now these calls are familiar. They might center on the field’s capacity to respond to the interlocking wicked problems that define our time: climate crisis, decarbonization, habitat loss, unaffordable housing, rapid technological change. They might focus on design’s relationship to public policymaking, or to communities served (or not) by public projects, or to the accelerating decline of the public as both physical realm and social ethos. The key issues might be pedagogical: the decolonization of the canon and the redress of racist, sexist, settler-colonialist histories within the disciplines. Or they might concern the challenges of pay equity, hiring practices, and labor relations in professional offices and on university campuses.

For this narrative survey, educators and practitioners share perspectives on the issues they consider most urgent, and offer ideas for specific actions and practical interventions.

October 20, 2022
WAI lectures at Universidad Andres Bello in Chile

On the framework of paths to practice, WAI lectures at the School of Architecture at the Universidad Adres Bello in Santiago de Chile.

October 17, 2022
WAI summer studio at Columbia GSAPP featured The Architect's Newspaper

In response to the confiscation of many artifacts from the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, write wrote for The Architect’s Newspaper a reflection about the student’s work engaging with repatriations and reparations.

The article describes some of the works produced in the studio offered during the summer 2022 as part of the Advanced Architectural Design program at Columbia GSAPP.

Read the full text here.

October 16, 2022
WAI featured in O B L / Q U E journal on architectural conservation

On the occasion of the 4th issue of OBL/QUE dedicated to Anti-Racist Conservation Practices and Discourses, WAI writes ‘A Post-Colonial Conservation.’ Edited by Natalia Escobar Castrillón and Rayshad Dorsey, the issue includes contributions by Jay Cephas, Peggy King Jorde, Rayshad Dorsey, Studio MASH, Ann Hunter Lynch, Catherine McBain, Amanaarthi Janikir and WAI Think Tank.

O B L / Q U E is a journal on architectural conservation that acknowledges that there is no neutral historic site, place, or narrative. Read about and download the issue here.

October 14, 2022
WAI's L’Abékédaire: a multilingual architecture manifesto now on Sci-Arc channel

L’Abékédaire, a manifesto, performance, translation excercise, moving collage, and collaborative exercise produced with students and faculty from Sci-Arc is now online.

From the site:
L’Abékédaire is a multilingual architectural manifesto by WAI Architecture Think Tank (Cruz García and Nathalie Frankowski) spoken in English, French, and Spanish, translated by SCI-Arc students into eight languages. “Anti-capitalism articulates anti-racist actions . . . Brutalisme basculement banalisé brutal . . . Critical continuously confused, changing concept . . .” L’Abékédaire (French for “ABC”) is delivered in the form of a tautogram in which every word of each of the 26 alphabetical sections begins with the same letter. Sustaining this language game from A to Z, García and Frankowski exhaustively dissect the disciplinary, global, political, cultural, social, historical vocabularies that define the apparatus of contemporary architecture. Like the “lectores leyendo literatura liberadora, lecciones lingüísticas, lideraron legiones, logrando luchas liberadoras,” García and Frankowski perform as multilingual “loudreaders” who both indict and celebrate the histories and futures of architecture as a radical practice. SCI-Arc’s own radical multilingualism as a community multiplies the play of words through a student collaboration between WAI Architecture Think Tank, translating L’Abékédaire into Arabic (Sophie Akoury), Chinese (Qingyang “Karl” Zong), French (Sophie Akoury), Marathi (Shraddha Kemse), Spanish (Jorge de Ovando), Turkish (Ayse Eda Tarakci), and Russian (Maria Kuraeva, Marusia Popova, and Jessica Skitalinsky), displayed as an array of eight simultaneous subtitle layers.

Conceptualization: John Cooper and Hou, Chi-Chia

Read the page here.
October 6, 2022
WAI to be part of Gateway to Possible Worlds: Art & Science Fiction at Centre Pompidou, Metz

The group exhibition Gateway to Possible Worlds: Art & Science Fiction will open on November 14 at the Centre Pompidou, Metz. Les portes du possible Art & Science-Fiction will be on show until April 10, 2023.

Read more about the show here.

The exhibition includes works by Jennifer ALLORA & Guillermo CALZADILLA, David ALTMEJD, Ryuta AMAE, Christian ANDERSSON, Jean-Marie APPRIOU, Edgar ARCENEAUX, ARCHIGRAM, Bettina von ARNIM, Daniel ARSHAM, Rina BANERJEE, Guillaume BARTH, Eric BAUDELAIRE, Christophe BERDAGUER &Marie PÉJUS, Patrick BERNATCHEZ, Huma BHABHA, Diego BIANCHI, Sanford BIGGERS, Dara BIRNBAUM, Nuotama Frances BODOMO, Mathieu BRIAND, Lee BUL, CAO FEI, Pierre CASSOU-NOGUÈS, Stéphane, DEGOUTIN et Gwenola WAGON, Julian CHARRIÈRE, Gordon CHEUNG, Willie COLE, CONSTANT (Constant NIEUWENHUYS, dit), Max COOPER, Philippe CURVAL, Nicolas DARROT, Nicolas DAUBANES, Damien DEROUBAIX, Heather DEWEY-HAGBORG, Jeannette EHLERS, Vincent FOURNIER, Yona FRIEDMAN, Cyprien GAILLARD, Ellen GALLAGHER, GERIKO (Hélène JEUDY,Antoine CAËCKE), Dionisio GONZALEZ, Laurent GRASSO, Nancy GROSSMAN, Kiluanji Kia HENDA, Lynn HERSHMAN LEESON, Edi HILA, Hans HOLLEIN, Max HOOPER SCHNEIDER, Tishan HSU, Marguerite HUMEAU, Peter HUTCHINSON, John ISAACS, Renaud JEREZ, Ilya Iossifovich KABAKOV, Kiripi KATEMBO SIKU, Zsófia KERESZTES, Kapwani KIWANGA, Konrad KLAPHECK, Jürgen KLAUKE, Josh KLINE, Kiki KOGELNIK, Tetsumi KUDO, Kisho KUROKAWA, LINDER STERLING (Linda MULVEY, dit), Hew Donald Joseph LOCKE RA, Stéphane MALKA, Kevin MCGLOUGHLIN, Anita MOLINERO, Fabrice MONTEIRO, Nicolas MOULIN, Zanele MUHOLI, Aïda MULUNEH, Lavar MUNROE, Wangechi MUTU, MVRDV, Otobong NKANGA, Josèfa NTJAM, Motohiko ODANI, Lucy et Jorge ORTA, Neri OXMAN, Eduardo PAOLOZZI, Alexis PESKINE, Floriane POCHON et Alain DAMASIO, Julien PRÉVIEUX, Jon RAFMAN, Kim Stanley ROBINSON, Martha ROSLER, Aldo Loris ROSSI, Larissa SANSOUR, Ward SHELLEY, Yinka SHONIBARE, Mary SIBANDE, Charles SIMONDS, Lorna SIMPSON, Sandy SKOGLUND, Robert SMITHSON, Aïcha SNOUSSI, SODA_JERK (Dan et, Dominique Angeloro), Gerda STEINER & Jörg LENZLINGER, Tavares STRACHAN, SUPERSTUDIO, MARY MAGGIC (Mary TSANG, dit), Anna UDDENBERG, Uh513 (María CASTELLANOS &, Alberto VALVERDE), Atelier VAN LIESHOUT, Adriana VAREJÃO, WAI ARCHITECTURE THINK TANK (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski), James WINES, Erwin WURM, Tadanori YOKOO,Yang YONGLIANG, Liam YOUNG, HAUS-RUCKER-CO, (ZAMP KELP/HAUS-RUCKER-CO, dit)

September 16, 2022
A Pause is Not a Break published in a double Vinyl Album featuring WAI

"A Pause Is Not A Break" is an exhibition on the intersection of sound and architectural practice. Curated by Jess Myers, the show brings together three sound works by Myers in collaboration with Adriene Lilly, Nathalie Frankowski and Cruz Garcia of WAI Architecture Think Tank, as well as Ilze Wolff of Wolff Architects in collaboration with Cara Stacey. Pressed on a double set of vinyls, A Pause is Not A Break is currently on view at the Gallery of the School of Architecture of the Rhode Island School of Design.

The Album includes:
0. A Pause is not a Break
1. As I Heard it
2. Sorry, Could you repeat That?
3. My Occupation
4. For Those who need understanding.
5. We must try to live.

Side B
1. Bolero Tropical (Post-Colonial Sounds)

Side C
1. Summer Flowers Side A

Side D
1. Summer Flowers Side B

More info in Jess Myer's podcast There Will Be Dragons here.

September 13, 2022
WAI to open lecture series at University of Texas at Arlington

With a lecture series titled 'Practice on the Periphery' WAI Think Tank will open the lecture series at University of Texas at Arlington with the talk "Manifesto for a Post-Colonial Reason'. The lecture will be offered in person at the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs.

September 8, 2022
WAI to be part of lecture series of Of Public Interest Lab at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm

As part of Of Public Interest Lab at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm, WAI will present recent positions and research.

More soon.

September 1, 2022
WAI designs custom made Post-Colonial Poster for the Site- Magazine in Canada

On the occasion of The Site- Magazine most recent issue, WAI designed a custom, Post-Colonial Propaganda poster for the magazines centerfold.

Order copies here.

August 30, 2022
WAI to be part of A Pause is not Break exhibition and presentation at Rhode Island School of Design

Curated by Jess Myers, and with contributions by WAI Think Tank, Ilze Wolff/Wolff Architects, Adriene Lilly, and Cara Stacey, A Pause is Not a Break is an installation, travelling exhibition and music production exploring narratives of security.

WAI will be part of a roundtable discussion on September 15 at BEB Auditorium, Rhode Island School of Design.

More info soon.

August 18, 2022
WAI to take part of Open Farm Festival in Copenhagen

As part of Open Farm Festival in Copenhagen, WAI will discuss anti-colonial architecture with Marie-Louise Richards and Alice Grandoit.

About open farm (from the website):



Through the 2022 program we intend to support pluralistic and diverse expressions, perspectives, sounds and flavours. We believe that community-led experiences rooted in a wish to care for everyone present is one of the most powerful ways to bring us closer to each other and build collective resilience.

The world is a very hard place to exist in these critical times and we honestly struggle to stay strong and hopeful. However, in communion and in being of service, we feel a healing power that makes us believe in a softer and more caring path forward.

Read more here.

August 11, 2022
WAI featured in Revista Arquine 100th Issue

As part of their 100th issue and 25th year anniversary dedicated to urgent architectural issues, WAI discusses with Alejandro Hernandez urgent issues in architectural education.

Read more here.
August 10, 2022
WAI featured in Proyecto Casamario Recipe Book

On their anniversary, Proyecto Casamario published Symposium. Recetario CasaMario a book where artists, curators, designers that have taken parts on their public programme in Montevideo contribute a recipe and an anecdote. WAI contributed Spaghetti all Carbonara Facon Vladimir Maiakovski, a text that connects WAI's global and conceptual journey.

More info here.

August 10, 2022
WAI featured in Inter·Punct at Carnegie Mellon University

With their issue dedicated to World Building, Inter·Punct, a publication by the students of the School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University, feature an interview with WAI.

August 8, 2022
WAI featured in Patio

WAI is interviewed by Osvaldo Delbrey Ortiz and Leon Duval for the second issue of Patio, a publication produced by the Latin American students of Columbia GSAPP.

August 3, 2022
WAI studio at Columbia University to present After the Great Loudreading

As part of the Advanced Architectural Design studio 'After the Great LOUDREADING', students of WAI studio will present eleven narrative architecture projects on the possibility of repatriation, reparations, and the measuring of the colonial footprint of The Metropolitan Museum in New York.

Seeall the works here.

August 2, 2022
A Great LOUDREADING is in the Making featured in Frame Magazine

Gili Merin writes for Frame Magazine about MAGAZIN, its role within Vienna and Europe, and about their exhibitions programme, including A Great LOUDREADING is in the making. But No One has noticed.

Read the full text here.

July 28, 2022
WAI writes about (De)Colonializing Food Systems for Mold Magazine

As part of Mold Magazine
series on the most recent report of the International Panel on Climate Change, WAI writes on (De)colonizing Food Systems, measuring colonial footprints, and decolonial actions centering food.

From Mold:

As we enter a new phase of MOLD, we are starting a new series that once again places food and design in conversation with policy. Earlier this year, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, released its sixth report, a damning diagnosis of the irreversibility of many of climate change’s current impacts as well as a warning that it could get much worse if greater efforts are not taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Centered around the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030 in order to limit warming to around 1.5℃, the report includes recommendations to address our current unsustainable energy and land use, lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production. In this editorial series we’ve matched critics, food writers, scientists, and designers with specific strategies proposed within the report in hopes of creating a generative site to explore how design can and needs to be employed in our shared climate future.

Food and culture critic Alicia Kennedy kicks off the series by responding to the IPCC report’s call for collective social change towards less resource intensive lifestyles. In this piece, Alicia challenges the aspirational consumption habits sold by popular lifestyle media and considers how restriction can be redesigned to cultivate a more nourishing way of life. Biologist Christina Agapakis mines the tensions of sustaining environmentally damaging agricultural practices, particularly the use of nitrogen fertilizers in big agriculture, to produce enough food to feed the world’s population. She delves into the work of her fellow scientists at Ginkgo Bioworks who are developing new technologies that could reduce agriculture’s reliance on fossil fuels. Food writer and editor Helen Hollyman also speaks with Spirit Farms about regenerative farming practices that combine indigenous ways of knowing with systems thinking, examining the shortcomings of contemporary green solutions such as the carbon credit system. To close out the series, WAI Architecture Think Tank imagines how design can be used as a tool to shape a decolonial food system in response to the report’s first time naming colonization as a driver of climate change.

Read the piece here.

July 10, 2022
A Great Loudreading featured in E-Flux

Read about A Great Loudreading in E-Flux announcements.

June 20, 2022
'A Great LOUDREADING is in the Making. But No one has noticed.'opens at MAGAZIN Vienna

On June 17, MAGAZIN in Vienna opened Post-Novis exhibition 'A Great LOUDREADING is in the Making.But No One Has Noticed'.

The exhibition will be on view until July 30. More info here.

About the show:
On the call of ‘WORLDMAKERS UNITE!’, a traveling group of performers gathers in sessions all around the world to produce and disseminate emancipatory propaganda. Under the title Post-Novis (named after a combination of post-colonial and in commemoration of the collectivist group Unovis) the collective continues the banned practice originated in tobacco factories of the Caribbean of loudreading anti-capitalist, feminist, utopian, and anti-colonialist literature. Loudreading is simple. Workers who didn’t have any means of formal education, would choose one of their own to loudread during the entire workday. The practice of reading aloud classics and the news was transformed by loudreaders like Puerto Rican anarcho-syndicalist, feminist, and utopian author Luisa Capetillo who read about the emancipation of workers, women, land, and love, and helped forge an anti-capitalist imagination built on networks of solidarity.
In the centenary memorial of Capetillo, as anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, transfeminist, and emancipatory struggles consolidate at a planetary scale, the practice of Loudreading becomes ever more imminent.
A Great LOUDREADING is in the Making, But No One has Noticed borrows the title of Robert Musil’s last, unfinished chapter, to loudread worldmaking sessions in the heart of Vienna.
A Great LOUDREADING is in the making. But No One Has Noticed turns MAGAZIN into:
a tribune for loudreading post-colonial imaginaries
a stage for performing post-colonial Plays
a workshop for the production of post-colonial propaganda
an archipelago of broken effigies and defaced monuments
a living garden of historicized, fetishized, objectified, displaced, commodified botanical species
a collage of tropical opacity and avant-garde icons

June 15, 2022
WAI loudreads manifesto on Critical Architecture as Part of Hans Day at the Neue

Hans Day - Future Criticism from Het Nieuwe Instituut on Vimeo.

Watch the whole programme of Han's Day at Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam.

From the website:
Honouring the prominent architecture critic Hans van Dijk (1948-2021), this programme will reflect on his life and times while exporing the role, relevance, and future of architectural criticism. The book ‘Pathways through the Jungle’, a collection of Hans’ articles, will be presented at the conference.

Speakers include Rem Koolhaas, Arjen Oosterman, Tom Avermaete, James Taylor Foster, Jessica den Outer, WAI Think Tank (Nathalie Frankowski & Cruz Garcia), Anne Kockelkorn, Ethel Baraona Pohl, Anh-Linh Ngo, Jennifer Sigler, Bart Lootsma, Afke Laarakker, Eeva Liukku, Veronique Patteeuw en Stephan Petermann. Moderated by Saskia van Stein en Christine de Baan. This event is a collaboration with ROAM foundation.

June 5, 2022
'A Great LOUDREADING is in the making. But no one has noticed' exhibition to open at MAGAZIN Vienna

As part of the exhibitions programme of MAGAZIN in Vienna, Post-Novis, the antidiciplinary collective formed by WAI Think Tank, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Rose Mary Florian, Hilary Wiese, Holly Craig, Christopher Rey Perez and WAI's students, presents A Great LOUDREADING is in the making. But no one has noticed'. The total installation is the first Post-Novis installation in Europe.

More info on MAGAZIN website.

June 3, 2022
WAI to present as part of Hans Day: Future Criticism in Rotterdam

On June 12 WAI will present A Manifesto for a Post-Colonial Critical Reason as part of Hans Day: Future Criticism at Het Neue Instituut in Rotterdam.

About the event:
Honouring the prominent architecture critic Hans van Dijk (1948-2021), this conference will reflect on his life and times while debating the role, relevance and future of architectural criticism.

Speakers include Rem Koolhaas, Arjen Oosterman, Tom Avermaete, James Taylor Foster, Jessica den Outer, WAI Think Tank (Nathalie Frankowski & Cruz Garcia), Anne Kockelkorn, Ethel Baraona Pohl, Anh-Linh Ngo, Jennifer Sigler, Bart Lootsma, Afke Laarakker, Eeva Liukku, Veronique Patteeuw en Stephan Petermann. Moderated by Saskia van Stein en Christine de Baan.

More info here.

May 30, 2022
WAI to teach After the Great Loudreading studio at Columbia University

As part of the Advanced Architecture program at Columbia University in New York, WAI will offer the studio After the Great loudreading....On Post-Colonial reconstructions, repatriations, and reparations.

More info soon.

May 20, 2022
WAI to present workshop at The Power of Mapping in Copenhagen

WAI is thrilled to offer a workshop at The Power of Mapping, a series of workshops for activists, researchers, and artists in Copenhagen.

About the event:
A gathering for critical mapping methods and their radical potential
Throughout history mapping and cartography-making has been deeply embedded in the mechanisms of power. We see this in the on-going theft of indigenous land, in European colonization throughout the world, and in how city and state councils use maps to gentrify and evict marginalized communities.
Yet maps are also used by artists, activists and communities to draw themselves, their histories, struggles and hopes onto their own self-determined maps.
How can we use mapping to document? To make visible our realities? To explore ways of imagining our futures?
We are inviting you - activists, citizen groups, artists, researchers, intrigued people and mapmakers - for a workshop on the 22nd of May 12.00-20.00 to discuss, play around with, and learn more about this loaded tool.

* San Francisco Bay Anti-Eviction mapping: https://antievictionmap.com/.../narratives-of...
* WAI Architecture Think Tank: https://waithinktank.com/
* Abdul Dube and Janna Aldaraji
* “Voices in the Shadows of Monuments” Audio walk by Barly Tshibanda, Nanna Katrine Hansen and Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld
* Lauda Virginia Vargas Vargas

May 15, 2022
WAI featured in Engineering-News Record

Emell Andolphus writes about the challenges of critical pedagogy and new legislations in the state of Virginia for Engineering News Record.

Read the article here.

May 5, 2022
WAI ends semester at Iowa State University with two student presentations

On May 3 students from the Worldmakers Unite! present A Post-Colonial Mural, a collaborative video to be part of the Post-Novis Play. On May 6 the studio 'Loudreaders of the World, Unite! present a project reimagining the Roosevelet Roads naval base in Puerto Rico as a campus for Loudreaders.

More soon.

April 19, 2022
WAI publishes The Planetary Wretched: A Post-Colonial Narrative Architecture Poetry Book

Published by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Architecture, and edited by Nathalie Frankowski, Cruz Garcia with Charlotte Elo, Shravan Arun, Tejumola Bayowa, The Planetary Wretched is the result of a multi-institutional Loudreaders project that includes contributions by Raquel Salas Rivera, Pedro Neves Marques, Ilze Wolff, Traumnovelle, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Hilary Wiese, Holly Craig, Christopher Rey pPerez, Francisco Javier Rodriguez, Rose Mary Florian, Ophelia S. Chan, Liu Yujia, Ellen Larson, Kordae Jatafa Henry, and members of Post-Novis.

More info soon.
April 19, 2022
WAI publishes Chinese edition of Pure Hardcore Icons 纯粹极致标志

Translated to Chinese by Chen Hao, 纯粹极致标志 (Pure Hardcore Icons) has been published by China Architecture and Building Press. A redesigned (WAI Think Tank) and extended edition, Pure Hardcore Icons includes the original manifestoes and new interviews and texts including interviews to Liu Yichun (Atelier Deshaus), Chaz Pope (Arup), Francois Blanciak (Siteless), and texts by Chen Hao, and more.

More info on the book here.

April 17, 2022
WAI to lecture at Pratt Institute

On Tuesday, April 19, WAI will offer the public lecture 'History Doesn't Exist...Loudreading Manifestos and Other Methods' at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. The lecture will be followed with a workshop with faculty from the Interior Design department on Wednesday.

Register for the lecture here.

April 16, 2022
WAI joins InForma Journal as Editors-in-Chief, announce call for papers on 'Networks of Solidarity

WAI joins Universidad de Puerto Rico's peer-review architecture Journal InForma as Editors-in-Chief with a an editorial board that includes Ilze Wolff, Nora Akawi and Luis Othoniel Rosa (joining Benji Bross, Sabina Andron, and Danielle S. Willkens)

Read the full call for submissions here of the 15th issue on 'Networks of Solidarity / Redes de Solidaridad' .

April 13, 2022
WAI featured in A Student's Perspective program at Marywood University

As part of Marywood Univesity 'A Student's Perspective' program WAI talked with Jennife Brown about forms of critical practice and urgent architectural questions.

About a Student's Perspective (from the website):
A Student's Perspective is a collaboration between the University Hall of Innovation and the Marywood University Interior Architecture program highlighting multiple facets of the Interior Architecture/Design community through weekly interviews.

Watch the full conversation here.

April 8, 2022
WAI to present during Tulane Design Symposium 2022

On the occasion of Tulane Design Symposium dedicated to Utopia Dystopia, WAI will discuss critical questions on the role of design, imaginaries, and emancipation.

More soon.

April 5, 2022
WAI featured in Yale University Perspecta 54

Edited by Melinda Agron, Timon Covelli, Alexis Kandel, and David Langdon, the 54th issue of Perspecta The Yale Architectural Journal features 'Worldmakers Unite! Post-Novis Play produced by the Narrative Architecture Studios of Post-Novis'.

From the website:
Atopia as both the site of architecture's critical confrontation with hegemonic systems and the theoretical space in which its own processes can be challenged.

Buy Perspecta on MIT Press website here.

March 20, 2022
WAI featured in Room1000

On an issue dedicated to Breaks, WAI presents a Post-Colonial mural produced by students from UC Berkeley and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

About the issue:
Break(s) mean many things. a coffee break. the shattering of a plate glass window. Breaking convention. A difficult subject broken down into pieces. They are necessary structural failures that precede repair and require care, with activity intensifying at the breaking points. They can be acts of violence. They can be generative, breaking down what no longer serves you. In all, breaks imply lapses and gaps in time, space, and relationships at any scale. Removing and troubleshooting, breaking up, any physical or mental violence that can cause or result from a break. How we choose to fill these breaks is the question.

With work from Jane Cook, Bryony Roberts +Jia Yi Gu, WAI + POST-NOVIS, AL BORDE, Shalini Agrawal + Nupur Chaudhury, T+E+A+M, Shane Reiner-Roth, Kiki Cooper, Joseph Ongaco, & the RM 1000 team.

Buy Breaks here.
March 9, 2022
WAI featured DSM Magazine

With the title 'Designing the Future: Two Innovative ISU professors push to redefine the role architecture plays in our lives', Brianne Sanchez writes about WAI Think Tank's work, collaborations, and pedagogies.

Read the full interview online here, and the magazine here.

March 6, 2022
WAI featured in Crossing City Limits Podcast

WAI's Cruz Garcia talks about Post-Colonial Urbanism, methods, history, and more with Eduardo Guerrero for the City Limits Podcast.

Listen to the podcast here.

March 2, 2022
WAI featured in The Funambulist magazine issue on Land From Settler Colonial Property to Landback

With a 'Letter to our Daughter Ema Yuizarix' WAI Think Tank addressed their "newborn child, whose name was chosen as a map of her ancestral paths, Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski unpack the many layers of settler colonial domination over the lands she is from. They single out the university, the prison, and the museum as three spatial institutions that continuously strengthen the stronghold on stolen land."

The 40th issue of The Funambulist includes contributions by Brenna Bhandar, Rose Miyonga, Ana María León, Jen Rose Smith, Tshepo Madlingozi, WAI Architecture Think Tank), Alyosha Goldstein & Julia Bernal, Moen Bseiso & Jehan Bseiso, Daniela Catrileo, and Tanaya Winder, Lynda Handala, Cameron Rowland, Aly McKnight, Ola Hassanain, Fatima Anwar, and Maya Ober.

For more info or to order a copy go here.

February 19, 2022
WAI 5 Notes on the Future of Design featured in Interior Design, The Business of Furniture, and Think Lab

WAI Think Tank text 5 Notes on the Future of Design has been featured in Interior Design, Think Lab, and The Business of Furniture.

Read the full text in Interior Design here, in Think Lab here.

February 17, 2022
WAI featured on Dan Roche’s article on Architectural Labor on the New York Review of Architecture

The most recent issue of New York Review of Architecture is titled UNION FEVER and features a series of texts engaging with current labor struggles for architectural workers rights. Dan Roche’s text Organizing Shop, describing the current unionization efforts by architectural workers in New York includes comments by WAI Think Tank.

Read the text here and order NYRA here.

February 12, 2022
WAI featured in FOTOMuseum Trigger Magazine issue #3 Care

Trigger, an annual publication and platform for research, reflection, and debate on all things photographic by the Foto Museum in Antwerp, has published its third issue on the topic of Care. The issue includes WAI’s contribution ‘A Great Loudreading is in the Making: A Guide to the Post-Colonial Method’.
The issue includes works by Aurélie Bayad, Bindi Vora, Silvy Crespo, Pablo Lerma, Liz Orton & Sharon Young, Mashid Mohadjerin, Grace Ndiritu, WAI Architecture Think Tank, Lisa Barnard, Mónica Alcázar-Duarte, Mischa Vallejo, Gerard Ortín Castellví, Noémi Goudal, Mónica Alcázar-Duarte, Frida Orupabo, Rune Peitersen, The Archive of Public Protests.

With essay contributions and conversations by: Christoph Miler (Offshore studio), Rune Peitersen, Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski (WAI Architecture Think Tank), Laura Herman, Jana Johanna Haeckel, Sara Knelman, Macarena Gómez-Barris, Karolina Gembara, Grace Ndiritu, and George King.
Find more info on the issue here.

February 10, 2022
WAI featured ARCH+ issue on Contemporary Feminst Practices

Under the title Zeitgenössische feministische Raumpraxis (Contemporary Feminist Practices, the most recent issue of Arch+ include the work of WAI among several practices engaging with Feminist discourses and positions.

Read more here.

February 10, 2022
WAI featured in Ваш Досуг 'Mythmakers: 15 Artists Creating their own Worlds'

Russian art magazine Ваш Досуг has include WAI in Mythmakers: 15 Artists Creating their own Worlds', a list that includes artists Pavel Pepperstein, AES+F, Chao Fei, Uno Morales, Matthew Barney, among others.

Read the full article here.

January 18, 2022
WAI to lecture at Tianjin University

WAI Think Tank will lecture at the School of Architecture of Tianjin University on Monday, January 24.

Moderated by Li Shan, the talk will be followed by a discussion with Chen Hao, Zhang Xinnan, and Liang Chen.

January 7, 2022
WAI offers keynote on the occasion of AIAS Forum

As part of the keynote session dedicated to Dissent, Cruz Garcia offered on of two keynote presentations and was in discussion with Germane Barnes.

More info soon.

December 18, 2021
WAI to co-edit upcoming issue of the Journal of Architectural Education on 'Reparations!'

Together with V. Mitch McEwen, WAI Think Tank will co-edit Reparations!, the 77.1 issue of the Journal of Architectural Education.

"Is it possible to continue imagining an asymmetrically broken future without addressing the historical urgency of reparations? If gentrification is the means by which historically accumulated wealth reenacts its racial history in our present spatial reality, then why has a decade-plus of concern about gentrification not already generated wider speculations about redistribution and reparations? What if reparations do not require inventing processes of wealth transfer from scratch or tracking people in new ways, but rather redirecting flows and patterns that are already here? What if reparations and gentrification are similar processes, running in reverse directions? "

The submission deadline for all manuscripts for this theme issue is July 30, 2022. Accepted articles will be published in issue 77:1 (Spring 2023). For author instructions please consult: https://www.jaeonline.org/pages/submit.

Read the call for submissions here.

December 15, 2021
WAI discusses Towards Anticolonial Design: A Methodological Approach To Activist Practice

On December 7, WAI discussesd Anticolonial Deisign with Léopold Lambert , and Catalina Ortiz as part of the Urban Design Otherwise series.

About the Urban Design Otherwise series
Urban Design Otherwise offers a space to think together how to enact and foster emancipatory spatial practices. As designers and urban professionals we are faced with the mission of ‘creating and imagining new worlds’. This mission has to confront the historical juncture of COVID19, the climate crises, the upsurge of national regimes are adding pressure to long standing problems such as poverty, structural inequalities and violent colonial legacies. However, urban design has been complicit in the spatial reproduction of privilege. Recalibrating urban design thinking and practice requires on one side, a critical examination of theories, methodologies, and pedagogies. On the other hand, it requires talking, debating, acknowledging our role in today’s outcomes and expanding and reimagining our discipline “beyond the dominant Western solutionist and anthropocentric model of thought” (Mareis, C. & Paim, P., 2021:12).
Following the 2020 BUDD initiative “Urban Design Conversations” that focus on collective reflections with alumni about the agency of urban design to cope with the changing pace and emerging challenges during the initial strike of the pandemic

November 26, 2021
WAI featured in New York Review of Architecture

Vivian Schwab reviews Materialities of Architectural Discourse for the New York Review of Architecture. In relationship to the conversation between Jess Myers, Kate Wagner, and WAI Think Tank, Schwab writes 'the project of critical survival is based on dissolving systems that are unsustainable and preparing frameworks for their aftermath. For Garcia, this involves “grabbing whatever weapon is near you and using it to smash the system”; defining your work less by the medium you use, and more by its relationship to the institutions that are failing architects, students, and citizens.'

Read more here.

November 9, 2021
WAI to be part of Towards Anticolonial Design: A Methodological Approach To Activist Practice, at the Bartlett, December 7

On the 7th of the December, as part of the Design Otherwise series organized by the Bartlett Development Plan Unit, WAI will present as part of the event 'Towards Anticolonial Design: A Methodological Approach To Activist Practice'. Coordinated by Catalina Ortiz, WAI will present Loudreading guides to the Post-Colonial Method and join a conversation with fellow presenter Leopold Lambert, editor-in-chief of The Funambulist.

From the event:
Design, in its many scales, may not intend to promote racism but their naïve idealism and compliance with normative practices manufactures and maintains structural characteristics of racism and coloniality. While discursively innovative, mainstream urban design theory, practice and pedagogy rarely question their role in reinforcing normative relations that shape racialized societies. That is the set of normative and administrative practices of exclusion and oppression that create inequalities the discipline pledges to right. What are possibilities of emancipatory practices? For new narratives to emerge we need to unmake what we know, to look for radical approaches and practices that allows us to understand our responsibility, to create a counter storytelling and nurturing radical hope.

More info on the event here.

November 9, 2021
WAI lectures at Yale University

WAI delivered the 'Worldmakers Unite! A Guide to the Post-Colonial Method' as part of the Myriam Bellazoug Memorial Lecture at Yale University.

You can watch a video of the presentation and the round of questions in the link above.

November 1, 2021
WAI discusses Post-Colonial imaginaries at the MAAT Lisbon as part of Vulnerable Beings

As part of Vulnerable Beings, WAI discussed with Sofia Gallisa Murientes and Ivan Munuera Post-Colonial quesitons about Puerto Rico, the short-film Celaje, and Loudreaders.

Vulnerable Beings asks how pidemiological knowledge is produced and spatialized, and whom it excludes; how the language around illness and health can be re-signified, to do away with oppressive metaphors; and how to learn from past and present forms of collective organizing in the face of suffering.

Curated by Andrea Bagnato and Ivan L. Munuera, the multimedia event is currently on show at the Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology in Lisbon.

More information here.

October 31, 2021
WAI to serve as advocates of new Journal of Architecture Education Fellows Program

WAI Think Tank (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski) will serve as advocates for the Journal of Architecture Education new initiative JAE Fellows. Through an open call process the program offers support (financial and institutional) to architectural educators, designers, and researchers that identify as Black, Native/Indigenous, and/or as members of groups that are and have been historically and systemically marginalized and excluded, and whose academic labor is precarious, including adjunct, lecturer, and other non-tenure track faculty.

JAE Fellows offers up to four awards of $5,000 for architecture educators, and scholars working on emancipatory and critical projects accross a wide range of media.

Advocates for the Fellows Program include:
Neeraj Bhatia (California College of the Arts), Jay Cephas (Princeton University), Sarah Deyong (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Nathalie Frankowski (Iowa State University), Cruz Garcia (Iowa State University), Joyce Hwang (University at Buffalo), Jennifer Newsom (Cornell University), Mitchell Squire (Iowa State University), Thena Tak (University of British Columbia), Ivonne Santoyo-Orozco (Bard College), and Huda Tayob (University of Cape Town).

Apply in the following link.

October 19, 2021
WAI to be part of Materialities of Architectural Discourse at the California College of the Arts

On November 10, James Graham and Irene Cheng will moderated a conversation with Jess Myers, Kate Wagner, and Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski / WAI Think Tank.

About the event, from the website:
If “the medium is the message,” as Marshall McLuhan famously put it, what happens when architectural theory moves beyond print? Hosted by CCA HTX as a part of the fall 2021 Architectural Theory course, The Materialities of Architectural Discourse explores the new mediums and platforms through which architectural theory is happening today—particularly emerging ones that might call into question some of the ways that theory and discourse have familiarly been materialized. From blogs to podcasts to loud readers, what possibilities and perils do new mediums raise for architectural thought and discourse?

More information here.

October 18, 2021
WAI to lecture as part of public lecture series at the Stadelschule in Frankfurt

As part of the public series of the Stadelschule in Frankfurt, WAI will lecture on November 2.
The lecture series includes lectures by:Mahmoud Khaled, Pope.L, Jasbir Puar, Yazan Khalili, Jennifer Doyle, Ser Serpas, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Ruth Noack, David Getsy, Sam Durant, Pan Daijing, Park McArthur, Ulrike Müller, Jordy Rosenberg, Joseph Grima, Sandi Hilal & Alessandro Petti.

October 16, 2021
WAI to lecture at Carleton University

WAI will speak at Carleton University on October 18 as part of the lecture series organized by Ozayr Saloojee’s Fall 2021 graduate seminar titled Tether.
The series includes lectures by Dan Hicks, Jess Myers, Ciraj Rasool, Nora Akawi, Menna Agha, Elgin Cleckley, Sara Salem, Zoe Todd, and WAI Think Tank.

More information on the lecture series here.
October 13, 2021
WAI to deliver Myriam Bellazoug Memorial Lecture at Yale University

On November 8, WAI will deliver the lecture Worldmakers Unite! Loudreading Guide to the Post-Colonial Method, a public lecture as part of Yale School of Architecture lecture series.

More information here.

October 12, 2021
WAI to be part of 'Vulnerable Beings' at the Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology (MAAT) Lisbon

On October 31 WAI will converse with Sofia Gallisa Muriente as part Vulnerable Beings, the MAAT Lisbon part of the multi-sited project curated by Andrea Bagnato and Ivan L. Munuera.

More info here.

From the website:
“Is there a way,” Judith Butler asked in 2003, “that we might struggle for autonomy in many spheres, yet also consider the demands that are imposed upon us by living in a world of beings who are, by definition, physically dependent on one another?” Epidemics make us vulnerable—but recognizing the political nature of this condition is a way toward imagining a different existence along other humans and non-humans.
Vulnerable Beings builds on long-term research by Andrea Bagnato and Ivan L. Munuera, taking infectious diseases as a lens to think about space and cohabitation. In a two-part public assembly at maat, guests from different disciplines and backgrounds will come together, for a dense sequence of lectures, dialogues, performances, screenings, and music.
Contagion is always a function of proximity—a proximity that is starting to be uncomfortable, as capitalist ecological devastation makes epidemics more frequent. Protocols to control contagion—what is defined as public health—have historically reshaped buildings and cities. But outside the West, public health was also a tool of colonial oppression, violence, and segregation. Even within the West, subjects and social groups that did not follow the “norm” were structurally excluded, as the ongoing HIV/AIDS pandemic made visible.
Vulnerable Beings will ask how epidemiological knowledge is produced and spatialized, and whom it excludes; how the language around illness and health can be re-signified, to do away with oppressive metaphors; and how to learn from past and present forms of collective organizing in the face of suffering.
This is the first part of a multi-sited project curated by Andrea Bagnato and Ivan L. Munuera, which will continue with Contact Zones / Zonas de contacto, an exhibition opening in the summer 2022 at La Casa Encendida.
Assembly I: TUNING IN
Friday, October 29
Vivian Caccuri (artist and sound maker)
Saturday, October 30
Carlo Caduff (Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, King’s College London), Teresa Fabião (activist and artist), Dan Glass (ACT UP London), Anjuli Fatima Raza Kolb (Department of English, University of Toronto), Panagiota Kotsila (Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, UAB), Meike Wolf (medical anthropologist)
Sunday, October 31
Rachaporn Choochuey (architect), Sofia Gallisá Muriente (visual artist), Cruz Garcia (architect), Tomaso de Luca (visual artist), Marina Otero Verzier (Het Nieuwe Instituut), Francesco Urbano Ragazzi (curatorial duo)
Sofia Gallisá Muriente, Celaje (2020)
Tomaso de Luca, A Week’s Notice (2020)
Ira Sachs, Last Address (2009)
Friday, November 26
J. Jack Halberstam(Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Columbia University), Himali Singh Soin (visual artist and writer)
Saturday, November 27
Isabel Amaral (Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia, FCT/NOVA), Sofia Lemos (TBA21-Academy), Edwin Nasr (de Appel, Ashkal Alwan), Uriel Orlow(visual artist), Jasbir K. Puar (Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University), Sarah Schulman (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
Sunday, November 28
Nerea Calvillo (Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick), Lucia Casani and Monica Carroquino (La Casa Encendida), Tamara Giles-Vernick (Institut Pasteur), Michael Marder (Department of Philosophy, University of the Basque Country),Elise Misao Hunchuck (School of Architecture, Royal College of Art), Françoise Vergès (political theorist and decolonial feminist activist), Michael Wang (visual artist)
Forugh Farrokhzad, The House Is Black (1963)
Jim Hubbard, United in Anger: A History of ACT UP (2012)
Uriel Orlow, The Crown Against Mafavuke (2016)
September 25, 2021
WAI to lecture at BARD College

WAI will open Bard Architecture lecture Series, Future Commons with the lecture A Great Loudreading is in the Making. But No One has noticed, on September 28 at 10:20am EST.

More info here.

September 19, 2021
WAI to participate in Pluriversal, Bewildered, and Otherwise Lecture Series with an intervention with Arturo Escobar

As part of the upcoming lecture series at Cooper Union, WAI will collaborate with Colombian activist-researcher Arturo Escobar.

From the website:
This talk is a provisional exploration of the implications of the insights from ontological and pluriversal designing to urban spaces. It outlines the notion of re-earthing cities from the perspective of the multiplicity of others, human and not, that inhabit them, through strategies for the recommunalization, relocalization, and decolonization of urban social life.

09.28.21 Arturo Escobar ft. WAI Think Tank: Pluriversal Designing and the Re-Earthing of Cities from The Cooper Union Arch Archive on Vimeo.

September 16, 2021
The Planetary Wretched in a Room of Loudreaders opens at Iowa State University

The exhibition The Planetary Wretched in a Room of Loudreaders, curated by WAI Think Tank, opened in the Gallery of the College of Design at Iowa State University. The group exhibition opened its doors on September 15, right after WAI Think Tank lecture at Iowa State.

Stay tuned for upcoming events on the occassion of the exhibition.
September 9, 2021
WAI to lecture and open exhibition on September 15 at Iowa State University

On September 15 Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski will present the lecture Worldmakers Unite! A Post-Colonial Guide to Loudreaders, exploring the work of several experimental platforms of Post-Colonial architecture discourse and networks of solidarity in unprecedented times.

Following the lecture, the exhibition 'The Planetary Wretched in a Room of Loudreaders' will open to the public at the Gallery of the College of Design.

The Planetary Wretched in a Room of Loudreaders is a multimedia group exhibition exploring narratives at the intersection of ecology, technology, the construction of history, the utopian and critical potentialities of story-telling and Narrative Architecture, and the possibility of Post-Colonial imaginaries. The exhibition is an extension of a series of studios and seminars being offered by WAI Think Tank at ISU Architecture.

Divided in two parts, the first portion of the exhibition, The Planetary Wretched presents critical narratives at the intersection of ecology, gender, indigeneity, extraction, geopolitics, biopolitics, and race through video works by Kordae Jatafa Henry, Pedro Neves Marques, Liu Yujia, and poetry by Raquel Salas Rivera.

The second part, A Room of Loudreaders presents an installation by anti-disciplinary collective Post-Novis working on the legacy of the lectores de tabaquería (loud-readers of tobacco factories). A Room of Loudreaders recalls the radical practice of education in which workers, syndico-anarchists, and fiction authors would read aloud revolutionary and utopian literature to workers who were denied any other means of formal education. A Room of Loudreaders presents Worldmakers Unite!, a Post-Colonial Play in nine actions, as well as a multimedia installation that explores the possibility of practices of solidarity that reimagine the landscapes of exploitation that span from the American Midwest to the Caribbean.

Post-Novis includes contributions by fiction authors, artists, designers, architects, builders, poets, and Loudreaders Luis Othoniel Rosa, Hilary Wiese, Holly Craig, Rose Mary Florian, Ophelia S. Chan, and Associate Professors Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski / WAI Think Tank, who are also curators of the exhibition.

Worldmakers Unite! includes a mural constructed by students across three Land Grant Universities (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, University of California Berkeley, and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign): Shravan Arun, Poorva Choudhary, Charlotte Elo, Michael Keslinke, Emily Tejeda Vargas, Jeremiah Beasley, TJ Bayowa, Udochukwu Anidobu,Vivian Gruendel, Jazlynn Castro, Jeremy Sloane, Jack Shields, Jennie Wells, Zixi Li, Diana Fernandez, Yuxiang Cao, Tanner Valachovic, Zhipeng Zhang, Yasmine Kahsai, Samantha Miller, Claire Jang, Adam Cutts, Lily Oyler, Ari Bible, Collin Bampton, Lucy Wang, Alicia Moreira, Matthias Arauco-Shapiro, Elena Bouton, Marta Elliott.

August 31, 2021
Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski join Faculty at Iowa State University

On their new faculty positions at the School of Architecture at Iowa State University, Cruz Garica and Nathalie Frankowski will be offering two studios (A Campus for Seed Whisperers and Lazy Landscapes at the End of Work) and a theory seminar (Comrade, What is your Theoretical Bond Today? Architectural Questions on Land, Media, and Modernities.)

August 6, 2021
WAI AAD studio at Columbia University GSAPP presents 'A Great Loudreading is in the Making. But No One has Noticed.

The final presentation of WAI's AAD studio at Columbia present student works exploring, dissecting, exposing, and speculating on the colonial (imperial, military, extractive, and supremacist) footprint of cultural institutions in New York, India, and China, including Columbia University, MoMA, The MET Museum, and Guggenheim Museum in New York, CEPT University in Ahmedabad, 798 Art District in Beijing, and Power Station of Art, and Asia Building in Shanghai.

See all the 11 projects here.

July 4, 2021
WAI is featured in The Funambulist Magazine

As part of their issue "They have clocks, We have time", WAI has contributed the text 'History Doesn't Exist' together with the Chronocartographic map of Anti-Black regimes, initially published in The Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education.

More on the issue from the website:
They Have Clocks, We Have Time is an issue to challenge the colonial standardization of time, its measurement, its retrospective reading as “history” (WAI Architecture Think Tank), its practice, its memorial production, and its representation (Kevin Bernard Moultrie Daye) in U.S. sundown towns (Rasheedah Phillips), Ireland & Palestine (Emily Jacir), Warsaw & Paris (Michael Rothberg), the Indian Subcontinent (Syma Tariq), the Horn of Africa (Nasra Abdullahi & Miriam Hillawi Abraham), the Sahara (Meryem-Bahia Arfaoui), in dictatorial and bordering regimes (Shahram Khosravi), and more. “They Have Clocks, We Have Time” is an expression we heard a few times in Kanaky, where the cyclicity of the clocks may reinsure the colonial order, but its end is only… a matter of time.

Order a copy here.

July 4, 2021
WAI and Loudreaders contribute to Women Writing Architecture

WAI Think Tank and Loudreaders form part of Women Writing Architecture, an "ever-growing annotated bibliography, an open-access list of texts written by women" (Trans and Non-Binary) "about architecture. Created collaboratively through conversations, invitations and spontaneous suggestions, it is offered as a resource for gathering lists of texts, for encouragement, for finding new writers, and for insight into what is happening in the vivid realm where women speak up for themselves."

Access the website here.

June 28, 2021
WAI writes review about the Met for the New York Review of Architecture

Edited by Jack Murphy, the 25th edition of NYRA Skyline includes 'The Colonial Footprint of the Met' a text that reviews the power dynamics in the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Read WAI's piece and the entire Skyline here.

June 20, 2021
A Great Loudreading opens at Urban Brussels

'A Great Loudreading' opened this week in the Arcades of the National Royal Library in Brussels. Part of Fundamental Acts curated by Traumnovelle, Humbble and Katía Truijen 'A Great Loudreading' continues the radical practice of education performed in the tobacco factories of the Caribbean at the beginning of the 20th century. The practice was simple. While tobacco workers engaged in the alienating labor of rolling cigars, they would hire one of their own to read aloud for them during the entire work-day. By reading critical, utopian, and subversive texts, Loudreaders helped shape an anti-capitalist, decolonial imagination as workers established bonds around mutual aid and networks of solidarity. A Great Loudreading combines contemporary and historical forms of loudreading as global networks construct emancipatory imaginaries in the collective construction of other worlds.

Performed on an installation by Jean-Benoît Vétillard at the KBR, the Royal Library of Belgium ‘A Great Loudreading’ includes a series of global interventions by poets, authors, designers, and artists including:
Christopher Rey Pérez @reyperezguerrero
Abdul Q
Jan Sobotka
Aahana Banker + Sophia Le
Regner Ramos
Boh Insaf Œcumene Studio
Deng Ningyuan
Diana Fernandez
Sarah Hejazin
Shravan Arun
Isabel Flower
Ellen Larson
Magdalena Valdevenito
Raquel Salas
Rose Florian
Andrew Santalucia
Tamar Shafrir
TJ Bayowa
Nathalie Frankowski
Hilary Weise
Cruz Garcia
Luis Othoniel Rosa

June 16, 2021
'Worldmakers Unite!' Opens at the Moss Arts Center

The Post-Colonial Play 'Worldmakers Unite!' openes at the Moss Arts Center in Virginia Tech. The video installation features work by members of Post-Novis, Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Ophelia S. Chan, Hilary Wiese, Holly Craig, Rose Mary Florian, and students from Virginia Tech, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and UC Berkeley.

More info on the project soon.

June 14, 2021
'Worldmakers Unite!' A Post-Colonial Play to open at the Moss Arts Center in Virginia on June 16

'Worldmakers Unite!' An experimental propaganda play by Post-Novis with actions by Luis Othoniel Rosa, Rose Mary Florian, Holly R Craig, Hilary Wiese, Ophelia S Chan, Nathalie Frankowski and a collaboration between students from Virginia Tech, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and UC Berkeley opens at The Cube, Moss Arts Center, Virginia Tech on June 16-17.

More info soon.
June 9, 2021
Loudreaders Planetary to go live on June 9

One year+ after the foundation of Loudreaders as an alternative and free platform of critical education, we're celebrating Loudreaders Planetary
Part of the Columbia GSAPP AAD Entangled Symposium Series, a full day of events includes loudreading and worldmaking sessions with Rocío Zambrana, Raquel Salas Rivera, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Andrés Jaque, Nora Akawi, Eduardo Rega Calvo, Léopold Lambert, Ilze Wolff, Post-Novis Collective and More!

Events start at 9am via zoom more info soon!

Full Schedule
9am Rocio Zambrana
10 Raquel Salas Rivera
11am (tbd)
12pm Luis Othoniel Rosa
1pm Leopold Lambert
3pm Ilze Wolff
5pm Andres Jaque
6pm Nora Akawi
7:30pm Post-Novis Collective

Register in the link.

May 29, 2021
WAI talks to Architect Magazine about emancipation and challenging the status-quo

WAI talks to Wanda Lau for Architect Magazine about power relations in architecture, post-colonial imaginaries, the immense challenges of the last year, and critical pedagogies.

Read the full interview here.

May 25, 2021
WAI part of Curatorial Research Collectieve Discussion series

As part of Curatorial Research Collective, WAI will be part of a series of discussions engaging with issues of inclusivity and diversity in architecture.

from the website:
Reframing Architecture Education focused on diversity as an invitation to question the frames of reference on which architecture education is based, specifically addressing strategies and methods of teaching to understand architecture from a multitude of ethnic and cultural perspectives. Nathalie Frankowski and Pnina Avidar were the guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Justin Agyin.


May 24, 2021
Unfolding Pavilion 'Rituals of Solitude' installation opens in Venice

On May 22nd 2021, from 10:00 to 19:00, the Unfolding Pavilion opened its doors to the public.

Now in its third edition, the Unfolding Pavilion will pop-up on the occasion of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition at the Biennale di Venezia, inside of the belly of an old mercantile sailboat - a trabaccolo - moored at Punta della Dogana. Now managed by a non-profit organization, the trabaccolo once belonged to Countess Luisa Albertina di Tesserata: an eccentric art collector who in the 1970s commissioned the construction, on a small island of the Venetian archipelago she owned, of an almost exact replica of what – at least until recently – was believed to be an unrealised project by John Hejduk: the House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate.

The curators of the Unfolding Pavilion came to know about the house by pure chance, and decided to organise an exhibition inside of its spaces. An agreement was made with the current owners of the island, who were about to demolish the house in order to build a luxury glamping facility in its stead: the house could be temporarily occupied for artistic purposes, but no images of the event were to be published before the demolition took place. It is so that, in the summer of 2020, twelve architects and scholars were invited to spend one week of residency locked inside the replica of John Hejduk’s house. One per room. Each room equipped with only one piece of furniture, which they couldn’t choose. The outcome of the one-week residency were twelve site-specific works dealing with issues of privacy, domesticity and isolation.

Unfortunately, the house was demolished in December 2020.


All the exhibited works have been exclusively produced for the Unfolding Pavilion:

(ab)Normal, “Room 1 contains a kitchen sink”.
Bart Lootsma, “Room 2 contains a kitchen stove”.
James Taylor-Foster & Anton Valek, “Room 3 contains a dining table and a chair”.
Fala Atelier, “Room 4 contains a refrigerator”.
Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski (WAI Architecture Think Tank), “Room 5 contains a sleeping bed”.
Mariabruna Fabrizi & Fosco Lucarelli (Microcities / Socks-studio) with Giaime Meloni, “Room 6 contains a study table and chair”.
Fosbury Architecture, “Room 7 is empty”.
Shumi Bose & Space Popular, “Room 8 contains a living seat”.
Matteo Ghidoni, “Room 9 contains a bath sink”.
Aristide Antonas, “Room 10 contains a bathtub”.
MAIO, “Room 11 contains a shower”.
Traumnovelle, “Room 12 contains a toilet”.
May 12, 2021
WAI to lecture at the Universidad de los Andres

As part of of the Medios y Mensajes: Arquitectura para Whatsapp series, WAI will offer the lecture Otros mundos son possibles: Lectores, Manifiestos y Narrativas Post-Coloniales at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá.

Lecture Friday, May 14, 2021
Watch the lecture here.
May 9, 2021
Watch Archipelago: Architectures for the Multiverse in Geneva

Watch the full second day program of Archipelago with a discussion aoderated by Ala Tannir, with WAI, Dele Adeyemo, and Silvia Franceschini.

May 9, 2021
WAI featured in B-Asia

WAI's diasporic dialogue with Bz Zhang has been featured in the first issue of B-ASIA, a publication by students from the Bartlett School of Architecture at the University College London.

Read the full issue here.
May 6, 2021
WAI to be part of Archipelago: Architectures for the Multiverse in Geneva

As part of Archipelago: Architecture for the Multiverse symposium in Geneva (May 6-8) WAI will be part of the conversation Other Stories. Moderated by Ala Tannir, WAI will join Dele Adeyemo, and Silvia Franceschini on May 7.

Watch the conversation live here.

On the conversation
Other Stories (6:30–7:25pm CEST)
Moderated by ALA TANNIR

About the event (from the webpage):
With continental thinking, the mind runs with audacity, but we then believe that we see the world as a block, or at large, or at once, as a kind of imposing synthesis, just as we can, by way of general aerial views, see the configurations of landscapes and mountainous areas as they pass by. With archipelagic thinking, we get to know the rocks in the rivers, assuredly the smallest rocks and rivers. (Édouard Glissant¹)

Organized by two schools of the HES⁠-⁠SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (Geneva)—HEAD, Geneva School of Art and Design and HEPIA, Geneva School of Engineering, Architecture and Landscape—Archipelago: Architectures for the Multiverse is the first edition of a digitally-anchored international event arising from a partnership between three departments—architecture, interior architecture and landscape architecture—that will be broadcast from May 6 to 8 in Geneva.

May 6, 2021
WAI Second Year studio to present on May 10

May 3, 2021
WAI to present Narrative Architecture book live via Virginia Tech

WAI will present the publication Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto live via zoom on Monday 3 at 5pm EST. The presentation will include the process and contents of the publication and how it has informed ways of practicing and pedagogy.

Register for the zoom presentation here.

May 1, 2021
WAI featured in Radical Good Trouble, a publication by Georgia Tech School of Architecture

With 'Be Like Capetillo: Five Steps towards a Loudreading Revolution' WAI is featured in Radical Good Trouble. Edited by Barrett Blaker, Rossana Franco, Gillian Gingher, Julie Ju-Youn Kim, Katie Reilly, and Will Reynolds you can download the full publication here.

April 17, 2021
WAI featured in Pittsburgh Law Review, Revista Arquine, and Deem Journal

As part of Pittsburgh Law Review issue 81, WAI publishes Five Pressing Questions on the Ideal City.

Revista Arquine includes in its special issue dedicated to 500 years of the foundation of Mexico City the spanish edition of A Map to Utopia, Un Mapa a Utopía, a collage text produced by historical quotes on Utopia. More info on Revista Arquine No. 95 issue on 500 Years here.

The second issue of Deem Journal dedicated to Pedagogy for a New World includes WAI's conversation with Justin Garrett Moore. Pre-order a copy of DEEM issue 2 here.

April 16, 2021
WAI Second Year studio at VT to present their Workshops for Other Worlds at the Venice Biennale

As part of the design studio Workshops for Other Worlds, students have co-produced a series of animations and collective planning, and landscape project that will be presented as part of the Italian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale curated by Richard Blythe.

April 15, 2021
Watch WAI's animated Post-Colonial narrative manifesto 'Un Jardin Tropical' as part of Acts of Repair Symposium

As part of the program co-organized by Sean Anderson and Paulo Tavares with Oonagh Davis and Elias Chin Bennett, WAI's animated narrative manifesto 'Un Jardin Tropical' will be played during every day of the Symposium 'Acts of Repair.'

Register fot the talks on April 16 here, and April 20 here.

April 15, 2021
WAI offers workshop at HyperWerk Institute in Basel and Lectures at Umea University in Sweden

WAI is currently offering a multi-week workshop for students and faculty at the HyperWerk Institute of Post-Industrial Design in Basel, and is offering a lecture at the School of Architecture of Umea University on April 15.

More info soon.
April 14, 2021
Ilze Wolff and Heinrich Wolff /Wolff Architects, Bryan C Lee, and Jasiri X lecture as part of WAI's Activism as Practice series at Virginia Tech

Activism as Practice: Ilze and Heinrich Wolff from WAI Think Tank on Vimeo.

As part of WAI's seminar Ways of Worldmaking, Wolff Architects presented the lecture Activism as Practice.
Previous Activism as practice lectures include Bryan C Lee and Jasiri X.

Watch below:

Activism as Practice: Bryan C Lee & Jasiri X from WAI Think Tank on Vimeo.

April 13, 2021
WAI to be part of AIASNY Architectural Equity Panel

April 10, 2021
WAI commissioned to design a mural and animation for Acts of Repair Symposium at Cornell University

WAI has been comissioned to generate the visual narratives for the spring's Preston Thomas Memorial Symposium (April 16 and 20) co-organized by Paulo Tavares and Sean Anderson. As part of this project WAI developed a series of images and a short film that presents Un Jardin Tropical: A Manifesto for a Post-Colonial Mural.

The symposium includes discussions with Tristan Ahtone and Dr. Robert Lee; Pascale Sablan and members of the black reconstruction collective including Germane Barnes, Sekou Cooke, J. Yolande Daniels, Felicia Davis, and Amanda Williams; Vivien Sansour, Summer Sutton and Ilze Wolff; Ursula Biemann; Chris Cornelius and Ekene Ijeoma; Mpho Matsipa, Christopher Roberts, and Summer Sutton; Mabel O. Wilson and Candice Hopkins

About WAI's mural and animation:
As a means for bringing compelling visual language into the conversation, Anderson and Tavares commissioned WAI Think Tank to create a collage titled Acts of Repair that appears as a mural pulling together the many scales, concerns, and lines of inquiry in question.

For this work, WAI draws from historical and contemporary moments in the larger movement for reparations and different aspects of the ongoing conversation on acts of repair. WAI was founded by Nathalie Frankowski and Cruz Garcia as "a planetary studio practicing by questioning the political, historical, and material legacy and imperatives of architecture and urbanism through a panoramic and critical approach." Frankowski and Garcia, both architects invested in experiments in architecture pedagogy and decolonizing, and anti-racist architectural practices, will also contribute an animation speaking to the components included in the Acts of Repair mural piece to screen once each day of the symposium.

More info on the symposium here.

April 9, 2021
WAI opens exhibition of their Students' work at the Moss Arts Center

With a multimedia installation, a large scale model, and a series of animations, WAI presented the works of their second year studio at Virginia Tech with an exhibition titled Workshops for Other Worlds. A comprehensive project at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and landscape, the exhibition brings together an experiment in collaboration and mutual aid at a historical time in education.

More info on the exhibiton soon.

April 5, 2021
WAI to lecture and workshop at HyperWerk Institute in Basel

On April 7 WAI will present Loudreading Post-Colonial* Manifestos at the HyperWerk Institute of Post-industrial design in Basel.

More info here.

April 4, 2021
WAI to present at Hopes X Conference University of Oregon

As part of the tenth edition of Hopes Conference at the University of Oregon, WAI will 'Anti-Racist Manuals and Anti-Trans Architectures' with journalist, audio producer, equity educator, and creator of the award-winning Gender Reveal podcast Tuck Woodstock.

The presentation and discussion will take place via zoom on April 7 at 6pm Pacific Time.
Register for the Conference here.

April 3, 2021
Listen to the replay of MIT's WAI Conversations on Care with the Critical Broadcasting Lab at wawd-radio.com

Listen to the replay of WAI conversation with Ana Miljački as part of MIT's Critical Broadcasting Lab series Conversations on Care.

Access to the conversation here.

March 28, 2021
WAI on Conversation on Care at MIT on March 25
Watch Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski Conversations on Care with Ana Miljački at MIT Architecture

Watch the live discussion between WAI Think Tank and Ana Miljački as part of Conversations on Care. The conversation is part of MIT Architecture Lecture Series in collaboration with the Critical Broadcasting Lab.

March 18, 2021
WAI on Conversation on Care at MIT on March 25

WAI Think Tank will discuss with Ana Miljacki and the Critical Broadcasting Lab as part of MIT Conversations on Care.

More information here.
Watch the lecture here.
Conversations on Care: Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski / WAI Think Tank
MIT Architecture | Spring 2021 Lecture Series
In collaboration with the Critical Broadcasting Lab
6:00 PM, webcast

March 7, 2021
Post-Novis Manifesto published in Horizonte Journal for Architectural Discourse

The 14th issue of Horizonte Journal for Architectural Discourse discusses Manifestoes. As part of the publication the Post-Novis Collective publishes Post-Novis Manifesto. The issue also includes Hilary Wiese's Intergalactic Manifesto, part of the first worldmaking of Post-Novis.

More info here.

Order the issue here.
March 6, 2021
WAI to at University of Virginia manifestA Syllabus Talks

WAI will talk about Post-Colonial Loudreaders as part of manifestA Syllabus Talks at the University of Virginia. "The manifestA syllabus talks are conversations between activist-thinkers, scholars of the built environment, and A-School students. They are based on a selection of writings and readings of the speaker's choosing and are committed to an atmosphere of open and honest dialogue."

More info on the event here. Register for the event here.
March 5, 2021
WAI to be part of Maple St. Construct Film Festival

WAI is part of the second annual Maple St. Construct Film Festival to be celebrated in Benson, Omaha, USA.

The exhibition includes works by Francisco Alarcon, Shagha Ariannia, Jasmin Blasco, Ania Catherine, Dan Crane, William Dilworth, Robin Donaldson, Karen Emnhiser-Harris, Mak Kern, Natou Fall, Peter Goche, Rubert Gunderman, Thomas Linder, Ryan Tyler Martinez, Elena Manderdini, Vicent Pocsik, C Prinz, Thomas Prinz, Levi Robb, Thalia Rodgers, Francisco Ruiz, Spriti of Space, WAI Think Tank, Seejon Thomas, Molly Tierney, Ian Tredway, Taiyo Watanabe.

More info soon.

March 5, 2021
WAI to speak as part of ETH Parity Talks

As part of the VI iteration of ETH Parity Talks, WAI will present Collective Forms of Care* and form part of the roundtable Tastemakers.

A full day symposium to be celebrated on the 10th of March, the event is product of a collaboration between the Parity Group (ETHZ), Womxn in Design (Harvard GSD), Claiming*Spaces (TU Wien), DRAG Lab (EPFL), Parity Board (TUM), and the Parity Front.

See the full programme and link for the event here.

About Parity Talks:
Since 2016, on March 8, the International Women’s Day, Parity Talks take place at the Department of Architecture.

The aim is a public debate on gender equality and diversity in architectural education as well as in the profession in Switzerland and abroad, and – within the framework of ETH Gender Action Plan, introduced in 2014 – to developed strategies and tools for achieving gender parity (equal opportunities for men and women) in our department – especially towards increasing the unusually low number of female Professors.

February 28, 2021
WAI featured in The University of Pittsburgh Law Review

The University of Pittsburgh Law Review Vol. 81.4 features WAI’s essay ‘Five Pressing Questions on the Ideal City. The essay was meant to be the Spring 2020 Symposium: Will You Be My Neighbor: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Housing Equity and Access. This article explores how city design affects the inclusiveness and affordability of housing for individuals, families, and communities.

Download the article here.

February 27, 2021
WAI to present to the People House of Leadership and Social Change at Virginia Tech

As part of the lecture series addressing social change, WAI will present to the People House of Leadership and Social Change Residential College at Virginia Tech, on March 4 at 4pm EST.

February 26, 2021
Loudreaders welcome sessions with Raquel Salas Rivera, Kordae Jatafa Henry, Liu Yujia, Ellen Larson and Pedro Neves Marques

Starting on March 2nd, WAI will host a series of lectures and discussions with activists, designers, authors, and practitioners from around the globe. On the occasion of the upcoming exhibition The Planetary Wretched…Narratives on Brutalist Landscapes of Depletion, curated by WAI Think Tank, a series of loudreading will feature Puerto Rican Activist and Poet Raquel Salas Rivera (March 2), Los Angeles-based architect and artist Kordae Jatafa Henry (March 4), Beijing-based artist Liu Yujia (March 9), and Pedro Navas Marques from Lisbon (March 16).

All the lectures are available online via the registration links below:

Tuesday, March 2, 3:00pm
Raquel Salas Rivera (Puerto Rico)

Thursday, March 4, 6:30pm
Kordae Jatafa Henry (Los Angeles)

Tuesday, March 9, 8:30pm
Liu Yujia (Beijing)

Tuesday, March 16, 3:00pm
Pedro Neves Marques (Lisbon)

February 26, 2021
WAI hosts Ways of Worldmaking, and Activism as Practice series at Virginia Tech

As part of Ways of Worldmaking, WAI Think Tank professional practice class at Virginia Tech, two series of lectures invite speakers from around the globe engaging with critical issues.

Ways of Worldmaking will include presentations by Traumnovelle, Andrea D’Antrassi /MAD, Chen Hao / HCCH Studio, Office CA, Fernando Abruña, Tya Winn, Comunal Taller

The third lecture series focuses on the role of activism as a creative practice and includes Bryan C Lee / Colloqate Design / Design as Protest Collective (March 23), Jasiri X / 1Hood (March 23), Wolff Architects (April 13), and Lesley Lokko (April 19).

Register for Ways of Worldmaking series here.

Tuesday, March 2, 6:30pm
Traumnovelle (Brussels)

Tuesday, March 9, 6:30pm
Stephanie Sang Delgado & Galo Ganizares / OFFICE CA (Texas)

Tuesday, March 16, 6:30pm
Andrea D’Antrassi /MAD (Roma/Beijing)

Tuesday, March 16, 8:00pm
Chen Hao / HCCH Studio (Shanghai)

Tuesday, March 30, 6:30pm
Fernando Abruña (Puerto Rico)

Tuesday, March 30, 8:00pm
Tya Winn (Philadelphia)

Tuesday, April 20, 6:30pm
Mariana Ordóñez Grajales & Jesica Amescua Carrera / Comunal (Mexico City)

Registration Link:
Tuesday, March 23, 6:30pm
Bryan C Lee / Colloqate / Design as Protest DAP (New Orleans)

Tuesday, March 23, 7:45pm
Jasiri X / 1HOOD Media (Pittsburgh)

Tuesday, April 13, 6:30pm
Ilze Wolff & Henrich Wolff / Wolff Architects (Cape Town)

Tuesday, April 26, 5:00pm
Lesley Lokko /African Futures Institute (Accra)

February 18, 2021
WAI to present Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education as part of Cooper Union Anti-Racism in Thesis Workshop

"As part of an ongoing effort at the Cooper Union’s school of architecture to decolonize the curriculum and advance anti-racist pedagogies, this workshop seeks to extend this work specifically to Thesis courses in architecture. " Organized by Nora Akawi and Master of Architecture II students from the School's graduate program the schedule includes discussions, roundtables, presentations and more.

For more info or to register for the event go here.

February 16, 2021
WAI to lecture at Syracuse University on February 23

WAI will offer the lecture Post-Colonial Loudreaders on February 24, as part of the public lecture series of Syracuse University.

Register for the lecture here.
February 9, 2021
WAI participates in the launch of Horizonte Journal for Architectural Discourse Manifestoes issue

WAI took part on the presentation of Horizonte at the Bauhaus University of Weimar. The event was centered around the idea of manifesto, and WAI presented a manifesto for a radical pedagogy in the occasion of the publication of Post-Novis Intergalactic Manifesto. More info on the issue soon.

February 8, 2021
WAI completes series of workshops at the Fay Jones School of Architecture at the University of Arkansas

Following the public lecture at the University of Arkansas, WAI offered a series of workshops for Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Architecture students. The critical work produced on the workshops that engaged with Post-Colonial Landscapes and Critical Pedagogies of Architecture will be presented in an upcoming publication.

More soon.

February 8, 2021
WAI to lecture at Cooper Union on February 11

As part of the Student Lecture Series at the School of Architecture at Cooper Union, WAI will offer the lecture Post-Colonial Narratives and Other Loudreading Manifestos.

Register for the lecture here.

February 5, 2021
WAI lecture at SCI-Arc now online

Watch WAI's lectue at SCI-Arc. Following the lecture, social media has memorialized the presentation in memes and statements. The following can be seen in the instagram page of architectural critique meme page @Dank.LLoyd.Wright

February 2, 2021
WAI to lecture at SCI-Arc on February 3rd, and on February 4th to speak with MADE Edmonton Podcast and discuss the Manual with POOL at UCLA

On February 3 WAI will lecture as part of SCI-ARC lecture series. On February 4 WAI will present A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education as part of POOL, the student magazine of the Department of Architecture & Urban Design at the University of California, Los Angeles. On February 4 WAI will also discuss pedagogy, manifestos,and pressing issues on Edmonton's Made Podcast.

January 31, 2021
WAI publishes the spanish edition Un manual de Educación antirracista en arquitectura online

Following the publication of A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education, WAI has published the spanish edition online. To download the Manual go here.

January 20, 2021
WAI to lecture at SCI-ARC February 3

On February 3 WAI will lecture as part of SCI-ARC effort of maintaining a robust platform for interdisciplinary discourse with its spring 2021 series of lectures and exhibitions. SCI-Arc’s spring 2021 program will feature stellar speakers from a wide range of cultural practices including:

January 27 Richard Rothstein Lecture
February 1 Black Lives Matter Week of Action
February 3 Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski: Loudreading Post-Colonial Imaginaries
February 17 Tatiana Bilbao Lecture
February 24 Yinka Ilori Lecture
March 3 Mabel O. Wilson: Studio &: A Black Study
March 17 Annie Chu and Rick Gooding: Friction: A Duality
March 24 Raúl Cárdenas Osuna Lecture
March 31 Anna Neimark Lecture
April 2 Architectural Bestia Exhibition
May 22 Spring Show Exhibition
TBD Kahlil Joseph and Madebo Fatunde Lecture

Watch the lecture live here.

January 20, 2021
WAI to lecture at Fay Jones School of Architecture, University of Arkansas on January 25

WAI will open the public lecture series at the Fay Jones School of Architecture at the University of Arkansas.

From the website:
In collaboration with Places Journal and the University of Arkansas Office for Diversity and Inclusion, the Public Lecture series at the Fay Jones Shcool of Architecture convenes a rich array of distinguished speakers to help interrogate the role that design students, educators, and professionals can play in shaping the spaces, structures, and landscapes of a more equitable and just future. All lectures are scheduled for 4 p.m. on Mondays and will be presented live online via Zoom.

The series will begin on Monday, Jan 25 with a lecture by Nathalie Frankowski and Cruz Garcia, co-founders of WAI Architecture Think Tank, titled “Loudreading Post-Colonial Landscapes.” In addition to their lecture, Frankowski and Garcia will also offer two virtual workshops exclusively for Fay Jones School students and faculty: “A How-to Workshop of Post-Colonial Landscapes” on Feb. 1 and a “Workshop of Anti-Racist Diagrams and Manifestos” on Feb 8.

Register for the lecture here.

Full lecture series includes:
01/25 Nathalie Frankowski & Cruz Garcia
02/15 Tatiana Bilbao
03/01 Behnaz Farahi
03/08 Teddy Cruz & Fonna Forman
03/15 Piggybacking Practices Symposium, Part 1*
03/22 Piggybacking Practices Symposium, Part 2*
03/29 Mia Lehrer
04/05 Pascale Sablan

*Piggybacking Practices: A Symposium on Architecture and Inequality is included in our Spring '21 Virtual Lecture Series but requires a separate Zoom registration, which will be available soon on our Lecture Series webpage.

January 19, 2021
WAI offers keynote and participates in panels on the occasion of the Anti-Racist School of Architecture Symposium 2021

As part of the Anti-Racist School of Architecture Symposium, WAI offered a keynote presentation and participated on several panels on the possibilities of Anti-Racist education in architecture.

Watch the full video here.
January 15, 2021
WAI to be part of the Anti-Racist School of Architecture Symposium 2021

In commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, WAI will take part of The Anti-Racist School of Architecture Symposium 2021.

The Anti-Racist School of Architecture Symposium 2021 will shine a spotlight on the intersection of architecture, race, and education. The Symposium aims to address the following topics:
Injustices Black, Indigenous, and People of Color face in the architecture and design education system
Antiracism by design discussions on social justice and our roles as design students and professionals
The global perspective of Architecture, Race, and Education Explore what an anti-racism university looks like to students and professionals across the world

December 17, 2020
'Rituals of Solitude' Exhibition opens in Venice

WAI's installation 'Post-Colonial Victims' is now exhibited as part of 'Rituals of Solitude' the 2020-21 edition of the Unfolding Pavilion.

The Pavilion includes contributions by: (ab)Normal, Bart Lootsma, James Taylor-Foster and Anton Valek, Fala, Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski /WAI Architecture Think Tank, Mariabruna Fabrizi + Fosco Lucarelli (Microcities / Socks-studio) and Giaime Meloni, Fosbury Architecture, Shumi Bose & Space Popular, Matteo Ghidoni, Aristide Antonas, MAIO, Traumnovelle.

From the Pavilion:
In the summer of 2020, a group of twelve architects and scholars spent one week of residency locked inside an abandoned house built on a small island in the Venetian lagoon. One per room. Each room was equipped with only one piece of furniture, which they couldn't choose.

The house was an almost exact replica of what – at least until recently – was believed to be an unrealised project by John Hejduk: the House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate.

See the digital edition of the pavilion here,
and WAI's installation video here.
December 16, 2020
WAI featured in The New York Review of Architecture issue on 'The Future'

With 'Loudreading Anti-Racist Manifestos' WAI is part of the 17th issue of The New York Review of Architecture.

From the webpage:
Featuring seven original articles, four Skyline event write-ups, an exclusive interview with science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson, and a special full-page print of Design Earth/Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy's visionary drawing "Below the Water Towers," it's one of our most ambitious issues to date.

The issue includes contributions by David Theodore, Ana Miljački, Kahira Ngige, Kim Stanley Robinson, Interview, Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski,SKYLINE, ed. by Alex Klimoski, Benjamin Bratton, Joseph Bedford, Patrick Templeton, Zazu Swistel, Lauren Cawse, and Edward Palka.

Subscribe here.
December 12, 2020
WAI to be part of Unfolding Pavilion in Venice

As part of Unfolding Pavilion WAI will show work produced as part of a Residency on an Italian Island.

Info from the webpage:
In September 2020, twelve international architects and curators spent a one-week residency in an abandoned house on a private island in the Venetian lagoon. Their works, created in complete solitude while being confined in the 12 rooms of the house, will be unveiled on December 17th, 2020 on www.ritualsofsolitude.com⁠.

More soon!

December 6, 2020
WAI to speak at Nudging Limitations Symposium

WAI will present 'Narratives of Failed Optimism' as part of Architecture for Change's Symposium 'Nudging Limitations'. The full program includes presentations by Rasha Arous, Egypt "“Dis/placed : place making and community organization experiences of refugee hosting area in Cairo” community"; Shirley Rodrigues Sampaio “Hope Space”; Alejandro Collia, Argentina “Ribera of Quilmes: limitations on buiiding urban spaces with social, environmental and economic potential for the community and the city”, WAI Architecture Think Tank, with Nathalie Frankowski & Cruz Garcia, USA “Narratives of Failed Optimism”, Tareq Nasser, Palestine "Creating hope on the ground; the case of East Jerusalem", Renet Korthals Altes, Netherlands
“From Limitations to opportunities: Children and the right to play”, Passaint Massoud, Egypt “Dawn Of Materials A deep investigation to capture the intellectual power of materials”, Layla Zibar, Iraqi Kurdistan "Dwelling and Homing in Refugeehood".

Details and reginstration link here.

November 22, 2020
WAI interview with Deem Journal now online

With Photography by Sara Leimbach, Deem journal publishes online What About It: Architecture and Social Responsibility—An architecture manifesto.

Read the full article here and purchase a copy of Deem here.

November 20, 2020
WAI to lecture at University of Johannesburg Graduate School of Architecture

As part of the lecture series at Univeristy of Johannesburg Graduate School of Architecture in South Africa, WAI will offer the lecture 'Loudreading Post-Colonial Imaginaries'.

From the webpage:
Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski (WAI Think Tank) are currently Assistant Professors at Virginia Tech. Their recently published Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education (https://waithinktank.com/Anti-Racist-Education-Manual) posits a powerful and timely rethinking of how contemporary architectural education is observed to embody issues of social injustice and institutional racism. Architectural history and theory is critiqued through the deployment of subverted seminal modern graphic motifs to reframe commonly accepted premises. The GSA hopes to be engaging closely with WAI Think Tank next year and this lecture will serve to introduce and welcome this important new voice to the GSA.

Register for the lecture here.

November 19, 2020
Loudreaders returns with Timur Si-Qin and DPR Barcelona

Loudreaders returns on Saturday, November 21 with a session by artist Timur Si-Qin, and Friday, November 27 with a session by DPR-Barcelona.

Register for Loudreaders session 17: Timur Si-Qin here, and for session 18: DPR-Barcelona here.
November 19, 2020
WAI Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education featured in Architect Magazine

Aaron Betsky writes on the current state of architecture and A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education in his piece "Architecture in Limbo".

Read the full article in Architect Magazine here.

November 16, 2020
WAI to Lecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design

As part of Latin GSD lectures series in collaboration with NOMAS, and Women in Design, WAI will offer the lecture 'Loudreaders, Anti-Racist Architectures, and Post-Colonial Landscapes' at Harvard GSD.

Register for the lecture here.

November 16, 2020
WAI to be part of 1Hood Power Hour

WAI will take part of 1HOOD Power Hour. One of the broadcasting programs of Pittsburgh's leading activist collective, the discussion centered around the quesiton 'How do we keep us safe?' includes Saleem Holbrook, executive director of the Abolitionist Law Center, amd MAN-E, 1HOOD artist and activist.

November 13, 2020
WAI to lecture at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

WAI will be offering the lecture 'Loudreading Post-Colonial Manifestos' as part of the public lecture series of the School of Architectrue at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign dedicated this year to the Politics of Space.

Register for the lecture here.

November 3, 2020
WAI Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education featured in The New York Review of Architecture

Brenda Zhang (BZ) writes about the many events and initiatives addressing and demanding anti-racist approaches to architecture and highlights A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education.

Read 'We Keep Us Safe' in The New York Review of Architecture.

October 30, 2020
WAI offers interuniversity workshop between UNL and Virginia Tech

WAI presented A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture education and offered a workshop on Post-Colonial Narrative Architectures and anti-racist startegies of architectural subversion to 4th year students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and 2nd Year students at Virginia Tech. In collaboration with the Post-Studio at UNL and professor Salvador Lindquist, students engaged with the legacy of redlining, food scarcity, ecological justice and more.

October 25, 2020
WAI publishes and loudreads A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education

WAI has published A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education, a book that simultaneously tackles the historical problems of architectural education while outlining a series of questions on the possibility of emancipating architecture pedagogies.

On the occasion of the publication of A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education, WAI will be Loudreading the free public edition on October 25 at 6pm via zoom and Facebook Live.

Download the Manual here.

October 18, 2020
WAI curates Ways of Worldmaking series at Virginia Tech

As part of their course on professional practice at Virginia Tech, WAI has organized a series of discussions with practitioners including Diego Grass (Santiago de Chile), Jimenez Lai (Los Angeles), Traumnovelle (Brussels), APRDELESP (Mexico City), ArandaLasch (New York + Arizona), Stefan Gruber (Pittsburgh), Insaf Ben Othmane (Tunisia, Egypt, Uganda), and Office CA.

Stay tunned for more info

October 14, 2020
WAI to lecture at Portland State University

As part of the public lecture series at the School of Architecture at Portland State University, WAI will be offering the lecture 'Loudreading Post-Colonial and Anti-Racist Manifestoes' on Friday, October 16, 2020.

October 10, 2020
Arquine in conversation with WAI Think Tank

WAI had a conversation with Alejandro Hernández Gálvez on Anti-Racist Architecture, Narrative Architecture, and critical forms of practice and pedagogy for Arquine.

October 9, 2020
Archinect publishes the WAI's Anti-Liberation Paywall

Paul Petrunia writes about the Anti-Liberation Diagram on Archinect.
The tuition to income ratio is very concerning for all, and terrifying for the Black community features a series of diagrams and texts developed as part of the upcoming Manual of Anti-Racist Architectural Pedagogy.

October 9, 2020
Arquine publishes the Spanish version of WAI's Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto

'Deshaciendo la arquitectura: manifiesto de la arquitectura antirracista' has been published in Revista Arquine. The leading Mexican magazine on architecture, design and the city includes the spanish version of WAI's 'Un-Making Architecture: An Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto.'

Read the manifesto on Arquine.

October 8, 2020
Deem Forum features conversation between Isabel Flower and WAI

Deem Forum: Designing for dignity, a series of conversations centered arond ideas of design a social practice presentedby the editors and founders of Deem Journal are now available online.

From the website:

This summer, Deem Journal presented our first series of forum discussions. We gathered in virtual space to expand on conversations from our first issue, “Designing for Dignity,” and to connect with our community around the world.

Three sessions, hosted via Zoom, were themed around the three sections of the issue and brought together our editorial team, contributors and readers for the first time.

Our first session hosted spatial practitioners ⁣Neba Sere, Hilary Malson, and Dominique Petit-Frère (hailing from from London, Los Angeles, and Accra, respectively) to explore community centric examples of what it means to live together and was moderated by guest editor Joal Stein.

For our second session, editor Isabel Flower spoke with Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski of WAI about the relationship between architecture and social responsibility.

Our final session saw Oko Farms’ Yemi Amu and Soul Fire Farms' Naima Penniman join editor-in-chief Alice Grandiot for a conversation about hyper-local design strategies for building a sustainable and just food system.

We are excited to announce that the recording of each session is now available online (links to view below), and we would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who tuned in; the fruits of the discussions we shared will inform the direction and preparation of Issue Two.

Septermber 30, 2020
WAI Anti-Racist Manifesto featured in Arquine

Architecture critic and author Alejandro Hernández Gálvez references the Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto in his piece 'Segregación por diseño' in Mexican magazine Arquine.

Read the full article in spanish here.

Septermber 23, 2020
WAI offers Post-Colonial Narrative Architecture workshop at ISAD Chihuahua

As part of the Análisis de Proyectos e Intervenciones Urbanas at the ISAD Chihuahua, WAI offered a workshop where students developed Post-Colonial postcards highlighting critiques of Gore Capitalism, Patriarcal Monuments, spoliation of the environment, extraction and exploitation, and violence in postcolonial territories.

Septermber 21, 2020
WAI to discuss 'Negritud y Arquitectura' with Afro Talks

On Wednesday, September 23 at 8pm EST WAI will be discussing with Rose Mary Florian & Nesty | Mano Santa of Afro Talks in the second iteration of an ogoing discussion on Anti-Racist Architecture in the Puerto Rican context.

Septermber 20, 2020
Last days to see WAI's mural 'Cities of the Avant-Garde at theNeues Museum Nürnberg

These are the last days to see the mural 'Cities of the Avant-Garde'. The group exhibition What If...? On the Utopian on Art, Architecture, and Design closes on September 20.

More info on the exhibition here.

Septermber 19, 2020
Limited Edition Narrative Architecture and Pure Hardcore Icons copies available in WAI Shop

Collectible editions of Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto (Rotterdam: NAI010, 2020), and Pure Hardcore Icons: A Manifesto on Pure Form in Architecture (London: Artifice Books on Architecture, 2013) are available on WAI Shop.

Septermber 19, 2020
Watch Loudreaders sessions 14 and 15 with Insaf Ben Othmane and Wilhelm Scherübl Jr. now online

LOUDREADERS Session 15: Insaf Ben Othmane from WAI Think Tank on Vimeo.

Watch Insaf Ben Othmane Loudread Antonio Gramci theories on cultural hegemony, Edward W. Said polemics on Orientalism, and letters from refugees in a world in crisis, and Wilhelm Scherübl Jr. loudread the invisible committee in virtual space.

Keep up with Loudreaders on the website by sending an email to loudreaders@wai-architecture.com to keep up with upcoming events.

Septermber 4, 2020
Watch WAI lecture at Virginia Tech

Watch a recording of Loudreading in Post-Colonial Landscapes, a lecture offered by WAI to inaugurate the Fall 2020 Lecture Series of Virginia Tech. The video includes an introduction by Aaron Betsky, director of the School of Architecture + Design, and a discussion with students and faculty.

August 31, 2020
WAI to lecture at Virginia Tech

With a talk on September 2 and discussion on September 3, WAI will open the Lecture Series of the School of Architecture + Design at Virginia Tech.

From the website:
How do we make architecture today? That is the question the Fall 2020 Architecture Program Lecture Series in the School of Architecture + Design at Virginia Tech addresses. For New Modes of Practice we have invited a group of young practitioners working in new ways both in how they represent architecture and in how they redesign the relationship between practice, politics, society and criticism to share and discuss their work with us this fall. Our speakers for the fall all are moving beyond modes of design that dominated architecture during the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. They are less interested in technical mastery for its own sake and put more emphasis on political, social and critical ideas. The results are often astonishing and sometimes subtle, but always offer a new way to think about how architecture operates in our society.

Lectures will take place on Wednesdays, 7-8 PM (ET), and will be hosted and moderated by students. Debates, discussions and conversations, will continue in a special guest seminar following the lecture typically on Thursday, 2-3 PM (ET) (with exceptions noted below). All lectures and guest seminars will be via Zoom and zoom links will be circulated via email. All lectures and guest seminars will be recorded and made available at a future date in the semester.

More info on the website here.

August 31, 2020
WAI to offer presentation and workshop at Instituto Superior de Arquitectura y Diseño de Chihuahua

As part of Evangelina Guerra Luján urbanism studio at the ISAD Chihuahua, WAI will be offering a presentation and workshop on ways to critically see and imagine the city.

More info here.
August 25, 2020
WAI to lecture at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Focused on "Political Space: the Space of Politics” WAI will offer a public lecture as part of the fall Lecture Series of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaing.

More info soon.
August 14, 2020
WAI featured in Was Wenn...? Exhibition Catalog

Published by VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst GmbH, the catalog of the exhibition Was wen...? Zum Utopischen in Kunst, Architektur und Design includes the preface by Eva Krauss, an essay eponymous with the title of the exhibition by the curator Franziska Stöhr, as well as the mural-collage Cities of the Avant-Garde among the pieces displayed in the exhibition. The catalog includes works by Joseph Beuys, Böhler & Orendt, Cao Fei, Céline Condorelli, Richard J. Dietrich, Dunne & Raby, European Democracy Lab, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Gehl – Making Cities for People, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg; Martina Fineder, Harald Gruendl, Ulrike Haele – Institute of Design Research Vienna, Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation with Patrick Craine, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Christian Kühn and Harald Trapp, Los Carpinteros, mischer'traxler studio, OMA, Nam June Paik, Paola Pivi, Sascha Pohflepp, Wolf D. Prix / COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, Yara Said / The Refugee Nation, Traum­novelle, WAI Architecture Think Tank (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski), Wideshot, Stephen Willats, Liam Young.

Excerpt from the essay of Franziska Stöhr in the catalog:
Concepts of ideal and utopian cities have always occupied architects. In their collage Cities of the Avant-garde (ongoing since 2011) Brussels-founded and Beijing-based WAI Architecture Think Tank (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski) have assembled designs from the 20th and the 21st centuries. Their initial aim was to trace the genealogy of utopian thought and its expressions in urban and architectural forms. Today, the collage serves as a central reference space that unites historical and current thinking and provides a background for Garcia and Frankowski’s own work: “To paraphrase Wittgenstein, it is a tool that allows us to expand our (utopian) language, thus expanding the limits of our world(s).” 34 It reflects the potential and the boundless possibilities of conceiving new worlds while at the same time demonstrating how architecture stands up against indifference, populism, and opportunism. By additionally integrating science fiction narrative elements, WAI Architecture Think Tank furthermore shows how influential this field has been and continues to be for the ideas of future urban concepts.

To purchase a copy of the catalog go here.

August 13, 2020
WAI featured in Studio Magazine

Focused on the Analogic, the 18th issue of Studio Architecture and Urbanism magazine features WAI's collage for the National Centre for Contemporary Art project. The issue includes pieces and contributions by Yona Friedman, Beniamino Servino, Fala Atelier, Carmelo Baglivo, WAI Think Tank and more.

For more order a copy of the Analogic issue of Studio Magazine go here.

August 10, 2020
WAI to lecture at University of Technology Sydney

With the lecture 'Loudreading in Post-Colonial Landscapes' WAI will open the lecture series of the School of Architecture of the University of Technology Sydney.

Webinar Details
Loudreading in the Post-Colonial Landscapes

Date: Thursday, 13th August 2020
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm (AEST)
Where: Online (Zoom)
Contact: soa.admin@uts.edu.au

Register here for the lecture.

August 9, 2020
WAI featured in education piece on Hyperallergic

In his piece 'Design Schools, Now Is the Time to Answer: Who Are We For?' Michael R. Allen discusses the slowness of design and architecture schools in making commitments all the while students reclaim the political, visionary legacy of design schools in years past.

From the author:
'For now, university statements aim to make the current uprising relevant to their own sources of power, instead of making universities relevant to the uprisings. Hopefully architecture students and faculty members keep pushing. In the words of WAI Think Tank’s Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto: “If they are serious about demolishing their legacies of institutional racism, academic institutions must rethink their recruiting strategies to attract, stimulate, and create safe environments for both educators and students. Simultaneously, architecture schools must embrace the deconstruction of their curriculums to question not only the future of architecture, but to expose the racist past they helped construct.”

Design schools and fellow academics, now is the time to answer: Who are we for?'

Read the full article here.

August 9, 2020
Franziska Stöhr Loudreads on the Utopian

Franziska Stöhr joins from Munich and Loudreads on her curatorial project What If...? On the Utopian in Art, Architecture, and Design currently at the Neues Museum in Nuremberg.

More information here.

August 4, 2020
WAI to discuss Architecture and Social Responsibility as part of Deem Forum: Designing for Dignity

Join Deem Journal’s editor, Isabel Flower, and Issue One contributors Nathalie Frankowski and Cruz Garcia of WAI Architecture Think Tank for a discussion about their studio practice, architecture, and social responsibility.

Deem Forum is a series of discussions—a virtual space to gather in curiosity as a community and expand on conversations from Deem's first issue, “Designing for Dignity.”

To register to attend SESSION 02_ Architecture & Social Responsibility go here.

August 2, 2020
WAI to discuss with Afro Talks as part of InForma Journal Chats =} Series

On Wednesday, August 5 at 7pm EST WAI will be discussing the Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto with Rose Mary Florian & Nesty | Mano Santa of Afro Talks in the third session of Chats =} “Chats =}” is an online platform ran by InForma Journal from the Universidad de Puerto Rico.

See the talk here:

WAI+Afro Talks from WAI Think Tank on Vimeo.

August 2, 2020
WAI featured in The Architect's Newspaper Corona Column

Read about the Loudreaders in The Architect's Newspaper weekly roundup here. To read WAI's piece on the Loudreaders and the reading list go here.

August 1, 2020
Jimenez Lai Loudreads Metamodernism

Jimenez Lai joins from Los Angeles to loudread on Metamodernism.

See the full session here.

July 29, 2020
WAI reading List and Loudreaders programme featured in The Architect's Newspaper

A reading list of twelve texts for emancipatory imaginations has been featured in The Architect's Newspaper 'Reading the Revolution'. The piece introduces the Loudreaders programme as well as the Loudreaders Trade School, and introduces a list of texts from Achille Mbembe, Sayak Valencia, Silvia Federici, Paul B. Preciado, Ariella Azoulay, Rarquel Salas Rivera, Araceli Tinajero, Pyotr Kropotkin, and Hito Steyerl.

Read the full piece in The Architect's Newspaper here.

July 28, 2020
WAI in conversation with Archinect

Archinect (Paul Petrunia and Donna Sink) sat down for an online conversation with Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski on the origins of WAI, the Anti-Racist Manifesto, the book Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing, and pedagogy.

Find the conversation in Archinect here.

July 27, 2020
WAI mural Cities of the Avant-Garde featured in Topos Magazine

On the occasion of the exhibition What If...? On the Utopian in Art, Architecture, and Design at the Neues Museum Nuremberg, Topos Magazine, an international and interdisciplinary review for landscape architecture, urban design and urban development has featured WAI's mural Cities of the Avant-Garde.

From the website:
How do we want to live today and what artistic means can help us find productive approaches to do so? The interdisciplinary exhibition ‘What if …?’ in the ‘Neues Museum’ in Nuremberg, Germany, engages contemporary perspectives from art, architecture, and design in a dialog with references from the 1960s and 1970s. The exhibition runs until 20 September.

July 26, 2020
WAI featured in Misanthropozine #1: Trantric Urbanism

WAI's Masturbanizing Like Diogenes has been featured in the inaugural issue of Minsanthropozine.

About Misanthropozine:
MISANTHROPOZINE is a brand new architecture journal that experiments with visual culture. The journal responds to the contemporary architectural scene and the personae who define it – architects, artists, thinkers, policy-makers and residents. Each edition taps into a new paradigm, a potential exit route from disciplinary cults. As the magazine is launched into the world, its readers will be invited to a series of events.
More than 20 international authors have contributed to the first issue. They offer a cool critique of the generic urban environments in which we, or at least our loved ones, end up. MISANTHROPOZINE #1: TANTRIC URBANISM walks you through a series of computer images made incarnate. From hip twenty-somethings to early retirees, we know the renders, with their recurring render-people, textures and symbols, that conjure up visions of a 'tantric life' in today's city. Tantric is derived from 'tantric sex', which aims at prolonging and eluding the climax. We are the actors playing a part in the ballet that planners have devised for us. With a designer soap shopping bag in hand, we arrive in our plasterboard bubble. Only the skating teenagers disturb our tantric experience.

Shop Online here.

July 16, 2020
WAI mural Cities of the Avant-Garde featured in German Media

Follow the coverage of WAI's mural Cities of the Avant-Garde currently on view as part of the exhibition What If...? On the Utopian in Art, Architecture, and Design at Neues Museum Nürnberg in multiple German media, news, and culture outlets.

For more info visit BR24, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, SWR

July 11, 2020

Born out of the disruption brought in by the global COVID-19 pandemic, A PHANTASTIC ODYSSEY is a call to rethink the ways in which we live, imagine, produce, and share. A collaborative project between WAI and United Nude/ Rem D. Koolhaas, A PHANTASTIC ODYSSEY is a speculative invitation to question our means of production while creating and fostering new networks of solidarity.

Against the excess and wastefulness of fast fashion, A PHANTASTIC ODYSSEY is a visual manifesto for radically diverse and sustainable futures. The series joins through a visually speculative scenario Achille Mbembe’s analysis on ‘Bodies, Statues, and Effigies’, the Dries Van Noten-initiated Open Letter to the Fashion Industry, Giorgio Armani’s invitation to “realign everything’, Lidewij Edelkoort request to “slow down and change our ways”, and builds on Dieter Rams ethos “less, but better.”

More info on the project here, in United Nude website, and in social media.

July 10, 2020
WAI publishes Deshaciendo la arquitectura: Manifesto de la arquitectura antirracista in Claridad

The Spanish version of An Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto has been published in Claridad: Periódico de la Nación Puertorriqueña.

To read the manifesto in Spanish in Claridad go here, and in this website here.

July 10, 2020
WAI publishes Post-Colonial Landscapes at the end of work in Forty-Five Journal

WAI publishes Post-Colonial Landscapes at the end of work as a reaction to Nonsovereignty: Designing political ecologies in Puerto Rico by Rod Barnett.

About Forty-Five:
Through content and format, Forty-Five builds a new lineage for non-traditional research: work by amateurs, moonlighters, and others experimenting both inside and outside of institutional or disciplinary frameworks. It also includes traditional scholarship about outside researchers and their work.

Every paper in Forty-Five is accompanied by a review: reflections and speculations prompted by the initial contribution. Each review is the first step in a dialog, a productive response in keeping with the spirit of outside research.

Read the text here, and download the pdf here.

July 7, 2020
WAI mural Cities of the Avant-Garde now on view at the Neues Museum Nuremberg

WAI large scale mural Cities of the Avant-Garde is part of the exhibition What if …? On the Utopian in Art, Architecture, and Design. Curated by Franziska Stöhr, the exhibition includes works by Joseph Beuys, Böhler & Orendt, Cao Fei, Cé­line Con­­dorelli, Richard J. Dietrich, Dunne & Raby, European Democracy Lab, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Gehl – Making Cities for People, Alexandra Daisy Gins­berg; Martina Fineder, Ha­rald Gruendl, Ulrike Haele – Insti­tute of Design Re­search Vienna, Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation mit / with Patrick Craine, Mike Kelley, Mar­tin Kippenberger, Christian Kühn & Harald Trapp, Los Carpinteros, mischer'traxler studio, OMA, Nam June Paik, Paola Pivi, Sascha Pohflepp, Wolf D. Prix / COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, Yara Said / The Re­fu­gee Nation, Traum­novelle, WAI Architecture Think Tank (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Fran­kowski), Wideshot, Stephen Willats, Liam Young.

For more info on the mural go here to visit the museum webpage go here, and to buy the exhibition catalog go here.

July 3, 2020
Loudreaders Trade School now online

After 10 days and over 25 Loudreaders, the recordings of all the sessions and workshops are now online. This exercise of international solidarity welcomed over 35 worldmakers from all around the globe as well as Loudreaders including Luis Othoniel Rosa, Rem D. Koolhaas, Ersela Kripa and Stephen Mueller, Ryan Scavnicky, Andrew Kovacs, Traumnovelle, Nora Wendl, Diego Grass Puga, Brendan Cormier, Raymund Ryan, Sarah Rafson, Aaron Betsky, VenidaDevenida, Stefan Gruber, Christopher Rey Perez, Alice Grandoit, Nu Goteh, Alexis Aceves Garcia, Stephanie Sang Delgado, Ilze Wolff.

To read more about Loudreaders Trade School go here.

June 27, 2020
WAI 'Anti-Racist Manifesto' featured in Reading Design

Un-Making Architecture: An Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto has been included in Reading Design. 'Reading Design is an online archive of critical writing about design. The idea is to embrace the whole of design, from architecture and urbanism to product, fashion, graphics and beyond. The texts featured here date from the nineteenth century right up to the present moment but each one contains something which remains relevant, surprising or interesting to us today.'

Read the piece on Reading Design here.

To read the manifesto and watch the video go here.
June 25, 2020
WAI 'Loudreading in Post-Colonial Landscapes' published in Avery Review

"Loudreading in Post-Colonial Landscapes' has been published in Avery Review. The 48th issue operates at the intersection between Landscapes, Territory, and Empire, and includes essays by Louise Hickman, Evan Kleekamp, Jen Rose Smith, Francisco Quiñones, and WAI Architecture Think Tank.

Avery Review is a project of the Office of Publications at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.

To read the Loudreading in Post-Colonial Landscapes (to the beat of Reggaeton) go here.

Download the PDF here.

June 20, 2020
LOUDREADERS Trade School now online and running

Join the daily series of events running from Friday, June 19 to Sunday, June 28 via Loudreaders Trade School website.

June 18, 2020
The Architect's Newspaper publishes WAI's An Anti-Racist Manifesto

The Architect's Newspaper helps diffuse Un-Making Architecture: An Anti-Racist Manifesto by republishing it in the online platform.

See The Architect's Newspaper link here.

To read, watch, or listen to the piece on WAI's website go here.
June 14, 2020
WAI launches Loudreaders Trade School

Applications are now open for an experimental Loudreaders Trade School running from June 19 to June 28. The alternative pedagogical platform includes Loudreading and Worldmaking sessions by practitioners and thinkers around the world, including Traumnovelle, Andrew Kovacs, Brendan Cormier, VenidaDevenida, Raymund Ryan, Stefan Gruber, Diego Grass / On Architecture, Stephanie Sang Delgado, Rem D. Koolhaas / United Nude, AGENCY, Deem Journal, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Aaron Betsky, Christopher Rey Perez, and more.

More info on the school at loudreaders.com

June 13, 2020
Watch and listen to an illustrated Loudreading of An-Anti-Racist Manifesto

Loudreaders Sesion 11: Anti-Racist Manifesto from WAI Think Tank on Vimeo.

Watch the video of the Loudreading Session of An Anti-Racist Manifesto.

June 7, 2020
WAI Publishes 'Un-Making Architecture: An Anti-Racist Manifesto'

On the occasion of the recent manifestations around the world demanding justice and dignity for black lives, WAI wrote down a manifesto for an Anti-Racist Architecture.

To read the manifesto go here.
June 6, 2020
Cities of the Avant-Garde Mural unveiled at the Neues Museum Nürnberg

WAI's mural Cities of the Avant-Garde is now on view at the Neues Museum Nuremberg. The 478x790cm mural shows 120 years of ideal cities and narrative architecture projects and critiques of ideal cities, from 1900 to 2020 in a landscape that is equally a dream and a nightmare but that reminds us that we have to dream better ways to live together with each other and with the environments we inhabit.

More info soon. To visit the Neues Museum site go here.

June 6, 2020
Luis Othoniel Rosa Loudreads Kropotkin's Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution

Luis Othoniel Rosa discusses other worlds gestated within capitalism by Loudreading Pyotr Kropotkin Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution

More on the Loudreaders session here.

May 28, 2020
What if...? On the Utopian in Art, Architecture, and Design opens on Sunday, May 28 at the Neues Museum Nürnberg

Curated by Franziska Stöhr at NEUES State Museum for Art and Design Nuremberg, What If ...? presents over thirty artists and designers who investigate the potential of the utopian. The exhibition features photographs, films and videos, drawings, architectural models and objects, exten- sive or interactive installations. Central thematic complexes related to the utopian, such as state and city, bring together historical and current sources of inspiration for a new understanding. Furthermore, the relationship between individual and social utopias as well as alternative perspectives on how we deal with nature and technolo- gies are discussed. The power of imagination and the chances these visualizations offer for our discourses illustrate the relevance of art and design when it comes to developing new utopias.

With contributions by Joseph Beuys, Böhler & Orendt, Cao Fei, Céline Condorelli, Richard J. Dietrich, Dunne & Raby, European Democracy Lab, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Gehl – Making Cities for People, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg; Martina Fineder, Harald Gründl, Ulrike Haele – Institute of Design Research Vienna, Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation with Patrick Craine, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Christian Kühn and Harald Trapp, Los Carpinteros, mischer’traxler studio, OMA, Nam June Paik, Paola Pivi, Sascha Pohflepp, Wolf D. Prix / COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, Yara Said / The Refugee Nation, Traumnovelle, WAI Architecture Think Tank (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski), Wideshot, Stephen Willats, Liam Young.

NEUES MUSEUM Klarissenplatz 90402 Nuremberg Germany www.nmn.de

May 23, 2020
Loudreaders Session 8 with VenidaDevenida now online

VenidaDevenida Loudreads Paul B. Preciado Queer Cartographies and discusses Annie Sprinke, Post-Porn, and alternative and subversive Cartographies.

May 18, 2020
Loudreaders Session 7 with Léopold Lambert now online

Léopold Lambert, editor-in-chief of The Funambulist, reads from Samia Henni's Architecture of the Counterrevolution, Ariella Azoulay's Potential History, and Nick Estes' Our History is the Future.
May 9, 2020
WAI to be part of exhibition opening soon at the Neues Museum Nuremberg

WAI is presenting the mural 'Cities of the Avant-Garde' as part of the group exhibition WHAT IF ...?

Delayed because of public health measures in response to Covid-19, What if ...? presents over thirty artists and designers who investigate the potential of the utopian. In five chapters, the exhibition features room-filling installations, photographs, films and videos, drawings, and architectural models. Central thematic complexes related to the utopian, such as state and city, bring together historical and current sources of inspiration for a new understanding. Further­more, the relationship between individual and social utopias as well as alternative perspectives on how we deal with nature and technologies are discussed. The power of imagination and the chances these visualizations offer for our discourses illustrate the relevance of art and design when it comes to developing new utopias.

With contributions by Joseph Beuys, Böhler & Orendt, Cao Fei, Céline Condorelli, Richard J. Dietrich, Dunne & Raby, European Democracy Lab, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Gehl – Making Cities for People, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg; Martina Fineder, Harald Gruendl, Ulrike Haele – Institute of Design Research Vienna, Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation with Patrick Craine, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Christian Kühn & Harald Trapp, Los Carpinteros, mischer'traxler studio, OMA, Nam June Paik, Paola Pivi, Sascha Pohflepp, Wolf D. Prix / Coop Himmelb(l)au, Yara Said / The Refugee Nation, Traumnovelle, WAI Architecture Think Tank (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski), Wideshot, Stephen Willats and Liam Young.

More information on the exhibition here.

May 2, 2020
Loudreaders Session 5 with Ilze Wolff now online

Ilze Wolff discusses Aesthetics of Superfluity, 'Mankunku” Ngozi, Factories and Women's labour in Johannesburg

Watch the full Loudreaders session with Ilze Wolff here.
April 26, 2020
Loudreaders Session 4 Archive of Affinities with Andrew Kovacs now online

In the fourth session of LOUDREADERS Andrew Kovacs discussed images in architecture, architecture b-sides, collecting vs hoarding, serious fun, and Archives of Affinities.

To watch the fourth session of LOUDREADERS go here.
April 19, 2020
Loudreaders Session 3 book release with Team Thursday and WAI Think Tank now online

In the third session of LOUDREADERS WAI Architecture Think Tank discusses with Loes Van Esch and Simone Trum of Team Thursday the contents, concepts, process, strategies, ideas, and design of the recently published Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto (Rotterdam: NAI010 Publishers, 2020). As the world remains in unprecedented suspense, the authors and designers reflect on a book devised as an allegorical lantern to shed light on an honest architecture able to respond to the pressing challenges of our times.

To watch the third session of Loudreaders go here.
April 15, 2020
Narrative Architecture book release with WAI Think Tank and Team Thursday on Saturday April 18

In the third session of LOUDREADERS WAI Architecture Think Tank and Team Thursday present and discuss the contents, concepts, process, strategies, ideas, and design of the recently published Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto (Rotterdam: NAI010 Publishers, 2020). As the world remains in unprecedented suspense, the authors and designers reflect on a book devised as an allegorical lantern to shed light on an honest architecture able to respond to the pressing challenges of our times.

The discussion that will include inter·punct will take place via zoom meeting format and will be livestreamed on Facebook live.

Zoom meeting id: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/916816515

More info on the Loudreading Session release of Narrative Architecture here.

To order copies of the book go here. (United States)

April 14, 2020
WAI ASOS Studio at Carnegie Mellon University launches project website

In response to the global pandemic of Covid-19, students from WAI's Advanced Synthesis Option Studio working on a campus of loudreaders are designing a website that presents their critical pedagogies.

To stay updated on the project and future presentations visit Loudreaders.org

April 13, 2020
WAI Lecture, Performance, Installation at Carnegie Mellon University now online

Fall 2019 Lecture Series - Nathalie Frankowski and García from CMU School of Architecture on Vimeo.

The video of WAI lecture, performance, installation 'In Post-Novis All the Students are the Teacher' is now online. Presented as part of the lecture series of the School of Architecture CMUSOA, the multimedia installation was presented at Kresge Theathre on October 27.

For more information on the lecture go to CMUSOA website here.

April 12, 2020
LOUDREADERS session 2 inter·face is now online.

Listen to student collective inter·punct discuss the current global crisis through selected literary pieces.

To watch the second session of loudreaders go here.
April 12, 2020
WAI discusses Architecture in times of crisis with Architecture Talk

Listen to WAI talk about the origins their practice during the crisis of 2008, a world post-pandemic, Post-Colonial Rooms, Loudreaders, and more in Architecture Talk Podcast.

Listen to the full conversation here.

April 7, 2020
Aaron Betsky reviews Narrative Architecture in Architect Magazine

Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto has been reviewed by Aaron Betsky in Architect Magazine. Betsky writes: In these uncertain and gloomy times, it is nice to have voices in architecture that are both forward-looking and filled with humor. If you are looking for such an entertaining (and somewhat acerbic) distraction, I recommend Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto (NAI010 Publishers), by the architects Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski. Leavened with Photoshop drawings that combine the romance of mythological landscape painters such as Le Lorrain and Poussin with the reality-bending visions of the Modernist masters from Le Corbusier to Rem Koolhaas, Hon. FAIA, this book professes to be a manifesto, but one that does not take itself so seriously.

To read the full review go here.

To order copies of the book inside the United States go here.

April 4, 2020
LOUDREADERS session 1 with Traumnovelle is now Online

In the first live session of LOUDREADERS, Léone Drapeaud read through a zoom meeting and facebook live feed Octavia Butler 'Parable of the Sower' and discussed the role of utopia, fiction, architecture, Eurotopia, pandemic, and much more.

To listen to the inaugural session of Loudreaders go here.

March 26, 2020

WAI to launch online conversation series LOUDREADERS

Starting on April 4, a series of weekly online sessions will feature a LOUDREADER that will select a book or a series of books to discuss with a live-audience through a zoom-meeting format.

The first session welcomes Brussels, Paris, and Charleroi-based practice Traumnovelle, curators of Eurotopia, the Belgian Pavillion at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale.


While the unprecedented pandemic linked to the global spread of COVID-19 presents the imminent cancellation and postponement of lectures, exhibitions, and presentations, and the daunting prospect of alienating labor, the upcoming months also provide with a unique opportunity to establish networks of intellectual solidarity and alternative forms of critical pedagogy.
LOUDREADERS is a cross between podcast, YouTube channel, Zoom meeting, lecture series, digital curatorial program, and online workshop that establishes networks of solidarity around the world while discussing urgent positions, discourses, and media about architecture, urbanism, art, and culture.

LOUDREADERS borrows its name from an alternative practice of education in the 20th Century created as tobacco workers engaged in the boring labor of rolling cigars hired one of their own who knew how to read, to read for them during the entire work-day. As the practice of loud-reading grew, the lectores (loud-readers) will become traveling performers with an international audience, creating networks of solidarity all around the Caribbean as well as a massive, shared and open access oral library to workers who were denied any other form of formal education. The books that these lectores read for the workers were mostly books of philosophy or literature that shared an emancipatory imagination.

As part of the program each guest becomes a Loudreader while selecting a book or a series of publications as a point of departure to engage with an online community.

In search of ways to render emancipatory imaginations LOUDREADERS creates an accessible library of oral and visual presentations established through collaborations with students, practitioners, educators, authors, thinkers, and members of the international community.

About Traumnovelle
Traumnovelle is a militant faction founded by three Belgian architects: Léone Drapeaud, Manuel León Fanjul and Johnny Leya. Traumnovelle uses architecture and fiction as analytical, critical and subversive tools to emphasize contemporary issues and dissect their resolutions. Traumnovelle alternates between cynicism and enthusiasm all the while advocating for critical thinking in architecture. Traumnovelle champions a multi-disciplinary approach with architecture at the crossroads. Traumnovelle distances itself from current forms of naive architecture and refuses to glorify the mundane. Traumnovelle sides with those who have not sacrificed ambition and criticism.

More on LOUDREADERS here.

March 19, 2020
FOLD Issue 3 is published online

The third issue of FOLD titled ‘Space is Fluid’ presents POST-NOVIS first and second worldmakings, Escaping the Idiom, Lo-Res, Frames + Pedestals, and Space is Fluid, conversations with Aaron Betsky, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Hilary Wiese, Holly Craig, and interviews with Sophia Ruppert, Andrew Kovacs, Zarrim Karimi, Ryan Scavnicky, Jason Mena, and Zebulun Lund. Published as part of Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski / WAI Archirecture Think Tank curatorial and publishing seminar A Brick on a Pedestal this issue of FOLD has been created by Holly Craig, Hilary Wiese, Marwa Al Ka’abi, Alec Burk, Aaron Culliton, Charles Dowd, Ben Friesen, Caleb Goehring, Trevor Kirschen - mann, Tyler Koraleski, Jessica Larsen, Collin Meusch, Jordan Morris, Manuel Ruiz, Noah Schacher, Adrian Silva, and Megan Waldron. QNDS (Queer Nebraska Design Students) has been a student-organization-collaborator in several of the events of FOLD.

Fold presents SPACE IS FLUID.

To download FOLD go here.