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RxJS + Redux + React = Amazing
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Side Effect Management with RxJS
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Managing state stuff is hard
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Redux makes it simple
(not necessarily easy)
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Managing async stuff is harder
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Some async is complex regardless
of the abstraction
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
RxJS makes it manageable
Jay Phelps
Senior Software Engineer |
What is redux?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Crash Course
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
What is redux?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Provides predicable state management using
actions and reducers
What's an "action"?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Describes something has (or should) happen, but
they don't specify how it should be done
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
		type:	'CREATE_TODO',	
		payload:	'Build	my	first	Redux	app'	
What's an "reducer"?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
A pure function that takes the previous state
and an action and returns the new state
What's an "reducer"?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Sometimes it returns the previous state
(state,	action)	=>	state
What's an "reducer"?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Sometimes it computes new state
(state,	action)	=>	state	+	action.payload
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	counter	=	(state	=	0,	action)	=>	{	
		switch	(action.type)	{	
				case	'INCREMENT':	
						return	state	+	1;	
				case	'DECREMENT':	
						return	state	-	1;	
						return	state;	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Reducers handle state transitions, but they
must be done synchronously.
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	counter	=	(state	=	0,	action)	=>	{	
		switch	(action.type)	{	
				case	'INCREMENT':	
						return	state	+	1;	
				case	'DECREMENT':	
						return	state	-	1;	
						return	state;	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
What are async stuff do we commonly do?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• User interactions (mouse, keyboard, etc)
• Timers/Animations
• Web Sockets
• Work Workers, etc
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Some can be handled synchronously
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
<button	onClick={()	=>	dispatch({	type:	'INCREMENT'	})}>	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	counter	=	(state	=	0,	action)	=>	{	
		switch	(action.type)	{	
				case	'INCREMENT':	
						return	state	+	1;	
				case	'DECREMENT':	
						return	state	-	1;	
						return	state;	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Sometimes you need more control
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• AJAX cancellation/composing
• Debounce/throttle/buffer/etc
• Drag and Drop
• Web Sockets, Work Workers, etc
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Use middleware to manage async / side effects
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Most of them use callbacks or Promises
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
The most primitive way to handle async in JavaScript
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
fetchSomeData((error,	data)	=>	{	
		if	(!error)	{	
				dispatch({	type:	'HERES_THE_DATA',	data	});	
Callback Hell
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
fetchSomeData(id,	(error,	data)	=>	{	
		if	(!error)	{	
				dispatch({	type:	'HERES_THE_FIRST_CALL_DATA',	data	});	
				fetchSomeData(data.parentId,	(error,	data)	=>	{	
						if	(!error)	{	
								dispatch({	type:	'HERES_SOME_MORE',	data	});	
								fetchSomeData(data.parentId,	(error,	data)	=>	{	
										if	(!error)	{	
												dispatch({	type:	'OMG_MAKE_IT_STOP',	data	});	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
		.then(data	=>	{	
				dispatch({	type:	'HERES_THE_FIRST_CALL_DATA',	data	});	
				return	fetchSomeData(data.parentId);	
		.then(data	=>	{	
				dispatch({	type:	'HERES_SOME_MORE',	data	});	
				return	fetchSomeData(data.parentId);	
		.then(data	=>	{	
				dispatch({	type:	'OKAY_IM_DONE',	data	});	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• Guaranteed future
• Immutable
• Single value
• Caching
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• Guaranteed future
• Immutable
• Single value
• Caching
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• Guaranteed future
• Immutable
• Single value
• Caching
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Promises cannot be cancelled
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Why would you want to cancel?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• Changing routes/views
• Auto-complete
• User wants you to
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• Changing routes/views
• Auto-complete
• User wants you to
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
The	Get	Down	
Here’s	Daredevil!
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
The	Get	Down
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Cancelling is common and often overlooked
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• Guaranteed future
• Immutable
• Single value
• Caching
Only AJAX is single value
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• User interactions (mouse, keyboard, etc
• Animations
• WebSockets, Workers, etc
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
What do we use?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• Stream of zero, one, or more values
• Over any amount of time
• Cancellable
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Streams are a set, with a dimension of time
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Being standardized for ECMAScript aka JavaScript
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
“lodash for async” - Ben Lesh
Crash Course
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Creating Observables
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• of('hello')	
• from([1,	2,	3,	4])		
• interval(1000)	
• ajax('')	
• webSocket('ws://')	
• fromEvent(button,	‘click')	
• many more…
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
		value	=>	console.log('next',	value)	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
		value	=>	console.log('next',	value),	
		err	=>	console.error('error',	err)	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
		value	=>	console.log('next',	value),	
		err	=>	console.error('error',	err),	
		()	=>'complete!')	
Observables can be transformed
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
map, filter, reduce
Observables can be combined
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
concat, merge, zip
Observables represent time
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
debounce, throttle, buffer, combineLatest
Observables are lazy
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
retry, repeat
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Observables can represent just about anything
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Let’s combine RxJS and Redux!
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Side effect management for redux, using Epics
What is an Epic?
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
A function that takes a stream of all actions dispatched
and returns a stream of new actions to dispatch
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
“actions in, actions out”
//	This	is	pseudo	code,	not	real	
function	pingPong(action,	store)	{	
		if	(action.type	===	'PING')	{	
				return	{	type:	'PONG'	};	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Sort of like this
function	pingPongEpic(action$,	store)	{	
		return	action$.ofType('PING')	
				.map(action	=>	({	type:	'PONG'	}));	
An Epic
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	pingPongEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.map(action	=>	({	type:	'PONG'	}));
An Epic
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
An Epic
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	pingPongEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.delay(1000)	//	<—	that's	it	
				.map(action	=>	({	type:	'PONG'	}));
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	isPinging	=	(state	=	false,	action)	=>	{	
		switch	(action.type)	{	
				case	'PING':	
						return	true;	
				case	'PONG':	
						return	false;	
						return	state;	
const	pingPongEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.map(action	=>	({	type:	'PONG'	}));
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Debounced increment / decrement button
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	counter	=	(state	=	0,	action)	=>	{	
		switch	(action.type)	{	
				case	'INCREMENT':	
						return	state	+	1;	
				case	'DECREMENT':	
						return	state	-	1;	
						return	state;	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	incrementEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.map(()	=>	({	type:	'INCREMENT'	}));	
const	decrementEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.map(()	=>	({	type:	'DECREMENT'	}));
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	incrementEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.map(()	=>	({	type:	'INCREMENT'	}));	
const	decrementEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.map(()	=>	({	type:	'DECREMENT'	}));
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Those are contrived examples, obviously
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Warning: non-trivial examples ahead,
don’t struggle to read them entirely
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
		onKeyUp(e)	{	
				const	{	store	}	=	this.props;	
				const	{	value	}	=;	
				if	(this.queryId)	{	
				this.queryId	=	setTimeout(()	=>	{	
						if	(this.xhr)	{	
						const	xhr	=	this.xhr	=	new	XMLHttpRequest();'GET',	''	+	value);	
						xhr.onload	=	()	=>	{	
								if	(xhr.status	===	200)	{	
												type:	'QUERY_FULFILLED',	
												payload:	JSON.parse(xhr.response).items	
								}	else	{	
												type:	'QUERY_REJECTED',	
												error:	true,	
												payload:	{	
														message:	xhr.response,	
														status:	xhr.status	
				},	500);	
Plain JS
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	autoCompleteEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.switchMap(action	=>	
						ajax(''	+	value)	
								.map(payload	=>	({	
										type:	'QUERY_FULFILLED',	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	autoCompleteEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.switchMap(action	=>	
						ajax(''	+	value)	
								.map(payload	=>	({	
										type:	'QUERY_FULFILLED',	
								.catch(payload	=>	[{	
										type:	'QUERY_REJECTED',	
										error:	true,	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
const	autoCompleteEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.switchMap(action	=>	
						ajax(''	+	value)	
								.map(payload	=>	({	
										type:	'QUERY_FULFILLED',	
								.catch(payload	=>	[{	
										type:	'QUERY_REJECTED',	
										error:	true,	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
OK, show me really non-trivial examples
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Bidirectional, multiplexed Web Sockets
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
class	Example	{	
		checkChange(e)	{	
				const	{	value:	key,	checked	}	=;	
				this.subs	=	this.subs	||	[];	
				if	(checked)	{	
						const	handler	=	e	=>	{	
								const	data	=	JSON.parse(;	
								if	(data.key	===	key)	{	
										this.updateValue(key,	data.value);	
						this.subs.push({	key,	handler	})	
						const	socket	=	this.getSocket(()	=>	{	
										socketOpen:	true	
								this.subs.forEach(({	key	})	=>	socket.send(JSON.stringify({	type:	'sub',	key})));	
						socket.addEventListener('message',	handler);	
				}	else	{	
						const	index	=	this.subs.findIndex(x	=>	x.key	===	key);	
						if	(index	!==	-1)	{	
								this.subs.splice(index,	1);	
						const	{	socket	}	=	this;	
						if	(socket	&&	socket.readyState	===	1)	{	
								socket.send(JSON.stringify({	type:	'unsub',	key	}));	
								if	(this.subs.length	===	0)	{	
		componentWillUnMount()	{	
				if	(this.socket	&&	this.socket.readyState	===	1)	{	
Plain JS
		getSocket(callback)	{	
				const	{	socket	}	=	this;	
				if	(socket	&&	socket.readyState	===	1)	{	
				}	else	{	
						if	(this.reconnectId)	{	
						socket	=	this.socket	=	new	WebSocket(‘ws://localhost:3000');	
						socket.onopen	=	()	=>	{	
						socket.onerror	=	()	=>	{	
								this.reconnectId	=	setTimeout(()	=>	this.getSocket(callback),	1000);	
								this.setState({	socketOpen:	false	});	
						socket.onclose	=	(e)	=>	{	
								if	(!e.wasClean)	{	
										this.reconnectId	=	setTimeout(()	=>	this.getSocket(callback),	1000);	
								this.setState({	socketOpen:	false	});	
				return	socket;	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Too much code
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
As an Epic
const	socket	=	WebSocketSubject.create('ws://stock/endpoint');	
const	stockTickerEpic	=	(action$,	store)	=>	
				.mergeMap(action	=>		
								()	=>	({	sub:	action.ticker	}),	
								()	=>	({	unsub:	action.ticker	}),	
								msg	=>	msg.ticker	===	action.ticker	
								err	=>	window.navigator.onLine	?	
										Observable.timer(1000)	:	
										Observable.fromEvent(window,	'online')	
										.filter(closeAction	=>	closeAction.ticker	===	action.ticker)	
						.map(tick	=>	({	type:	'TICKER_TICK',	tick	}))	
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
• Makes it easier to compose and control
complex async tasks, over any amount of time
• You don't need to manage your own Rx
• You can use redux tooling
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
You should probably know redux and RxJS in advance
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
RxJS has a bit of a learning curve
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
“Reactive Programming”
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
Ben Lesh
Senior UI Engineer |
Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps

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RxJS + Redux + React = Amazing

  • 1. RxJS + Redux + React = Amazing Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Side Effect Management with RxJS
  • 2. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Managing state stuff is hard
  • 3. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Redux makes it simple (not necessarily easy)
  • 4. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Managing async stuff is harder
  • 5. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Some async is complex regardless of the abstraction
  • 6. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps RxJS makes it manageable
  • 7. Jay Phelps Senior Software Engineer | @_jayphelps
  • 8. What is redux? Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
  • 9. Crash Course Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
  • 10. What is redux? Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Provides predicable state management using actions and reducers
  • 11. What's an "action"? Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Describes something has (or should) happen, but they don't specify how it should be done
  • 12. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps { type: 'CREATE_TODO', payload: 'Build my first Redux app' }
  • 13. What's an "reducer"? Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps A pure function that takes the previous state and an action and returns the new state
  • 14. What's an "reducer"? Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Sometimes it returns the previous state (state, action) => state
  • 15. What's an "reducer"? Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Sometimes it computes new state (state, action) => state + action.payload
  • 16. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps const counter = (state = 0, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'INCREMENT': return state + 1; case 'DECREMENT': return state - 1; default: return state; } };
  • 17. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Reducers handle state transitions, but they must be done synchronously.
  • 18. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps const counter = (state = 0, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'INCREMENT': return state + 1; case 'DECREMENT': return state - 1; default: return state; } };
  • 19. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps What are async stuff do we commonly do?
  • 20. Async Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • User interactions (mouse, keyboard, etc) • AJAX • Timers/Animations • Web Sockets • Work Workers, etc
  • 21. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Some can be handled synchronously
  • 22. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' })}> Increment </button>
  • 23. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps const counter = (state = 0, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'INCREMENT': return state + 1; case 'DECREMENT': return state - 1; default: return state; } };
  • 24. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Sometimes you need more control
  • 25. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • AJAX cancellation/composing • Debounce/throttle/buffer/etc • Drag and Drop • Web Sockets, Work Workers, etc
  • 26. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Use middleware to manage async / side effects
  • 27. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Most of them use callbacks or Promises
  • 28. Callbacks Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps The most primitive way to handle async in JavaScript
  • 29. Callbacks Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps fetchSomeData((error, data) => { if (!error) { dispatch({ type: 'HERES_THE_DATA', data }); } });
  • 30. Callback Hell Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps fetchSomeData(id, (error, data) => { if (!error) { dispatch({ type: 'HERES_THE_FIRST_CALL_DATA', data }); fetchSomeData(data.parentId, (error, data) => { if (!error) { dispatch({ type: 'HERES_SOME_MORE', data }); fetchSomeData(data.parentId, (error, data) => { if (!error) { dispatch({ type: 'OMG_MAKE_IT_STOP', data }); } }); } }); } });
  • 31. Promises Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps fetchSomeData(id) .then(data => { dispatch({ type: 'HERES_THE_FIRST_CALL_DATA', data }); return fetchSomeData(data.parentId); }) .then(data => { dispatch({ type: 'HERES_SOME_MORE', data }); return fetchSomeData(data.parentId); }) .then(data => { dispatch({ type: 'OKAY_IM_DONE', data }); });
  • 32. Promises Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • Guaranteed future • Immutable • Single value • Caching
  • 33. Promises Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • Guaranteed future • Immutable • Single value • Caching
  • 34. Promises Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • Guaranteed future • Immutable • Single value • Caching
  • 35. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Promises cannot be cancelled
  • 36. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Why would you want to cancel?
  • 37. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • Changing routes/views • Auto-complete • User wants you to
  • 38. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • Changing routes/views • Auto-complete • User wants you to
  • 39. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Daredevil
  • 40. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Daredevil The Get Down Here’s Daredevil!
  • 41. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Daredevil
  • 42. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Daredevil The Get Down
  • 43. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Cancelling is common and often overlooked
  • 44. Promises Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • Guaranteed future • Immutable • Single value • Caching
  • 45. Only AJAX is single value Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • User interactions (mouse, keyboard, etc • AJAX • Animations • WebSockets, Workers, etc
  • 46. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps What do we use?
  • 47. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Observables
  • 48. Observables Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • Stream of zero, one, or more values • Over any amount of time • Cancellable
  • 49. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Streams are a set, with a dimension of time
  • 50. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Being standardized for ECMAScript aka JavaScript
  • 51. RxJS Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps “lodash for async” - Ben Lesh
  • 52. Crash Course Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
  • 53. Creating Observables Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • of('hello') • from([1, 2, 3, 4]) • interval(1000) • ajax('') • webSocket('ws://') • fromEvent(button, ‘click') • many more…
  • 54. Subscribing Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps myObservable.subscribe( value => console.log('next', value) );
  • 55. Subscribing Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps myObservable.subscribe( value => console.log('next', value), err => console.error('error', err) );
  • 56. Subscribing Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps myObservable.subscribe( value => console.log('next', value), err => console.error('error', err), () =>'complete!') );
  • 57. Observables can be transformed Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps map, filter, reduce
  • 58. Observables can be combined Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps concat, merge, zip
  • 59. Observables represent time Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps debounce, throttle, buffer, combineLatest
  • 60. Observables are lazy Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps retry, repeat
  • 61. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Observables can represent just about anything
  • 62. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Let’s combine RxJS and Redux!
  • 63. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
  • 64.
  • 65. Side effect management for redux, using Epics
  • 66. What is an Epic? Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps A function that takes a stream of all actions dispatched and returns a stream of new actions to dispatch
  • 67. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps “actions in, actions out”
  • 71. An Epic Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps const pingPongEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('PING') .delay(1000) // <— that's it .map(action => ({ type: 'PONG' }));
  • 72. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps const isPinging = (state = false, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'PING': return true; case 'PONG': return false; default: return state; } };
  • 74. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Debounced increment / decrement button
  • 75. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps const counter = (state = 0, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'INCREMENT': return state + 1; case 'DECREMENT': return state - 1; default: return state; } };
  • 76. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps const incrementEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('INCREMENT_DEBOUNCED') .debounceTime(1000) .map(() => ({ type: 'INCREMENT' })); const decrementEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('DECREMENT_DEBOUNCED') .debounceTime(1000) .map(() => ({ type: 'DECREMENT' }));
  • 77. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps const incrementEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('INCREMENT_DEBOUNCED') .debounceTime(1000) .map(() => ({ type: 'INCREMENT' })); const decrementEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('DECREMENT_DEBOUNCED') .debounceTime(1000) .map(() => ({ type: 'DECREMENT' }));
  • 78. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Those are contrived examples, obviously
  • 79. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Warning: non-trivial examples ahead, don’t struggle to read them entirely
  • 80. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Auto-complete
  • 81. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps onKeyUp(e) { const { store } = this.props; const { value } =; if (this.queryId) { clearTimeout(this.queryId); } this.queryId = setTimeout(() => { if (this.xhr) { this.xhr.abort(); } const xhr = this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '' + value); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status === 200) { store.dispatch({ type: 'QUERY_FULFILLED', payload: JSON.parse(xhr.response).items }); } else { store.dispatch({ type: 'QUERY_REJECTED', error: true, payload: { message: xhr.response, status: xhr.status } }); } }; xhr.send(); }, 500); } Plain JS
  • 82. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Epic const autoCompleteEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('QUERY') .debounceTime(500) .switchMap(action => ajax('' + value) .map(payload => ({ type: 'QUERY_FULFILLED', payload })) );
  • 83. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Epic const autoCompleteEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('QUERY') .debounceTime(500) .switchMap(action => ajax('' + value) .map(payload => ({ type: 'QUERY_FULFILLED', payload })) .catch(payload => [{ type: 'QUERY_REJECTED', error: true, payload }]) );
  • 84. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Epic const autoCompleteEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('QUERY') .debounceTime(500) .switchMap(action => ajax('' + value) .map(payload => ({ type: 'QUERY_FULFILLED', payload })) .takeUntil(action$.ofType('CANCEL_QUERY')) .catch(payload => [{ type: 'QUERY_REJECTED', error: true, payload }]) );
  • 85. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps OK, show me really non-trivial examples
  • 86. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Bidirectional, multiplexed Web Sockets
  • 87. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps class Example { @autobind checkChange(e) { const { value: key, checked } =; this.subs = this.subs || []; if (checked) { const handler = e => { const data = JSON.parse(; if (data.key === key) { this.updateValue(key, data.value); } }; this.subs.push({ key, handler }) const socket = this.getSocket(() => { this.setState({ socketOpen: true }); this.subs.forEach(({ key }) => socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'sub', key}))); }); socket.addEventListener('message', handler); } else { const index = this.subs.findIndex(x => x.key === key); if (index !== -1) { this.subs.splice(index, 1); } const { socket } = this; if (socket && socket.readyState === 1) { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'unsub', key })); this.setInactive(key)l if (this.subs.length === 0) { socket.close(); } } } } componentWillUnMount() { if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState === 1) { this.socket.close(); } } Plain JS getSocket(callback) { const { socket } = this; if (socket && socket.readyState === 1) { setTimeot(callback); } else { if (this.reconnectId) { clearTimeout(this.reconnectId); } socket = this.socket = new WebSocket(‘ws://localhost:3000'); socket.onopen = () => { callback(); }; socket.onerror = () => { this.reconnectId = setTimeout(() => this.getSocket(callback), 1000); this.setState({ socketOpen: false }); }; socket.onclose = (e) => { if (!e.wasClean) { this.reconnectId = setTimeout(() => this.getSocket(callback), 1000); } this.setState({ socketOpen: false }); }; } return socket; } }
  • 88. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Too much code
  • 89. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps As an Epic const socket = WebSocketSubject.create('ws://stock/endpoint'); const stockTickerEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType('START_TICKER_STREAM') .mergeMap(action => socket.multiplex( () => ({ sub: action.ticker }), () => ({ unsub: action.ticker }), msg => msg.ticker === action.ticker ) .retryWhen( err => window.navigator.onLine ? Observable.timer(1000) : Observable.fromEvent(window, 'online') ) .takeUntil( action$.ofType('CLOSE_TICKER_STREAM') .filter(closeAction => closeAction.ticker === action.ticker) ) .map(tick => ({ type: 'TICKER_TICK', tick })) );
  • 90. redux-observable Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps • Makes it easier to compose and control complex async tasks, over any amount of time • You don't need to manage your own Rx subscriptions • You can use redux tooling
  • 91. But… Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
  • 92. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps You should probably know redux and RxJS in advance
  • 93. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps RxJS has a bit of a learning curve
  • 94. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps “Reactive Programming”
  • 95. Co-author Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps Ben Lesh Senior UI Engineer | @benlesh
  • 96. Jay Phelps | @_jayphelps
  • 97.