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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 20, 2024. It is now read-only.
Elana Olson edited this page Dec 1, 2018 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the ngMigration Forum Wiki!

Here you can find all the resources on migrating from AngularJS to Angular. We have consolidated all the migration paths we know of today and awesome tools to help you throughout your migration. Discover which migration approach is right for your application with ngMigration Assistant.

Find helpful resources on why to upgrade, ngUpgrade, hybrid routing, angular elements, code conversion, rewriting in Angular, and much more. Head to Migration Paths Overview to learn more about these upgrade paths.

We encourage you to contribute to this forum if you have some helpful insights, tools, questions, or answers surrounding upgrading. When adding new content, please follow these guidelines and refer to How to Contribute.


Angular is the name for the Angular of today and tomorrow.
AngularJS is the name for all 1.x versions of Angular.

New Tools, Articles, Talks, and Resources
  1. Include a link to the tool.
  2. A short (1-3) sentence description of what the tool does, who maintains it (open source or private), and use case for the tool.
Example is an open source guide to the Angular framework. It provides documentation, resources, a blog, and more supported by Google. Helpful to any web developer building a large or small Angular application.