
Dash­board Analytics

For ExpressionEngine 6, ExpressionEngine 3+ • Current Version: 1.2.0

NOTE:​As of Octo­ber 2022, Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics is no longer main­tained, and thus no longer avail­able for pur­chase. Google’s dis­con­tin­u­a­tion of the Out-Of-Band autho­riza­tion flow for account autho­riza­tion, and the over­haul of the Google Ana­lyt­ics API to accom­mo­date GA4 both entail too much work to keep Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics alive.

Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics replaces the default Expres­sio­nEngine® dash­board with a beau­ti­ful dis­play of your web­site’s Google Ana­lyt­ics traf­fic. Once autho­rized to con­nect to your Google Ana­lyt­ics account, the dash­board dis­plays real-time traf­fic (which live-updates every 60 sec­onds) fol­lowed by a com­pre­hen­sive overview of traf­fic from today, yes­ter­day, and the past 30 days.

The real-time traf­fic dis­play includes: the num­ber of active users; a break­down of device usage for the cur­rent active users (desk­top, tablet, and mobile); the top five pages cur­rent­ly being viewed; the top five cur­rent traf­fic sources; and the top five cur­rent countries.

The overviews for today’s traf­fic, yes­ter­day’s traf­fic, and last mon­th’s traf­fic all include: total ses­sions, total pageviews; the aver­age num­ber of pages viewed per ses­sion; the aver­age vis­it length; and the aver­age bounce rate.

The last 30 days’ overview also includes: a line chart which fol­lows dai­ly ses­sions and pageviews for the peri­od; a pie chart show­ing new ver­sus return­ing vis­i­tors; a pie chart show­ing the break­down of devices (desk­top, tablet, and mobile); the top five pages for the peri­od; the top five traf­fic sources for the peri­od; and the top five coun­tries for the period.


  • Screenshot
  • Screenshot
  • Screenshot
  • Screenshot


  • Expres­sio­nEngine® 3.0.0 or greater
  • PHP cURL extension



Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics con­nects using ver­sion 3 of the Google Ana­lyt­ics Data API, which is not com­pat­i­ble with Google Ana­lyt­ics 4 prop­er­ties. A GA4-com­pat­i­ble API has yet to be released, so there are cur­rent­ly no plans to sup­port GA4 in the near-future.


Upload the includ­ed /​system/​user/​addons/​dashboard_​analytics fold­er to your /​system/​user/​addons/​ direc­to­ry, and the /​themes/​user/​dashboard_​analytics fold­er to your /​themes/​user direc­to­ry, then install Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics from the Add-On Man­ag­er screen.


Vis­it the Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics set­tings screen by click­ing its link on the Add-On Man­ag­er screen. Here you will need to fol­low the instruc­tions to autho­rize Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics to con­nect to your Google Ana­lyt­ics account. 

(Note that a sin­gle Google account can only gen­er­ate 25 con­cur­rent access tokens for Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics before the old­est of those token will be revoked – this may be rel­e­vant if you’re a devel­op­er or agency which man­ages their clients’ Google Ana­ly­ics accounts under a sin­gle umbrel­la account.)

Once autho­rized, you’ll be pre­sent­ed with a list of Google Anlyt­ics account pro­files to choose from. Select a pro­file and save your settings.

One this screen there are a few addi­tion­al settings:

  • You may choose to dis­able the real-time traf­fic dis­play — use­ful for low-traf­fic sites where that data is rather depressing.
  • You can also select which mem­ber groups will be redi­rect­ed to the Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics dis­play after log­ging-in – though note that this set­ting can be made moot if a mem­ber group or mem­ber has their Default CP home­page” set­ting changed man­u­al­ly, or has their access to the Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics add-on revoked. (Their CP home­page and add-on access can always be quick­ly restored by vis­it­ing this screen and re-sav­ing these settings.)
  • Last­ly, you can select which mem­ber groups will be grant­ed access to the Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics set­tings screen (to change pro­files or oth­er settings).

If you have mul­ti­ple sites via MSM, each site will store its own dis­tinct set­tings for Dash­board Analytics.


Data for the pre­vi­ous 30-day peri­od is fetched and cached once per day, while the data for the today” overview is fetched and cached hourly. Real-time data is nev­er cached, and is refreshed dynam­i­cal­ly every 60 sec­onds while the dash­board is being displayed.

You can clear all caches for the cur­rent site at any time by click­ing the Clear Cache” link in the mod­ule’s set­tings area.


  • 1.2.0 (March 25th, 2021)
    • Expres­sio­nEngine 6 support
    • Removed chan­nel menu and com­ment mod­er­a­tion links under EE6
  • 1.1.0 (December 13th, 2018)
    • Fix for cor­rect site overview text not dis­play­ing under EE5
  • 1.0.9 (December 10th, 2018)
    • Fix for dis­ap­pear­ing charts under EE5
  • 1.0.8 (November 20th, 2018)
    • Inter­face tweaks for EE5 compatibility
  • 1.0.7 (June 20th, 2018)
    • Fix for autho­riza­tion token flow not open­ing in a new win­dow in EE4
    • Fix for some browsers caching real-time data requests, mak­ing the data not actu­al­ly real-time
  • 1.0.6 (November 3rd, 2017)
    • Inter­face tweaks for EE4 compatibility
  • 1.0.5 (May 15th, 2017)
    • Fix for dash­board not load­ing when admin domain and site domain do not match
  • 1.0.4 (January 26th, 2017)
    • Fix for dash­board not load­ing on sec­ondary MSM sites
    • Fix for cus­tom CP home­page screen not sav­ing for sec­ondary MSM sites
    • Fix for cus­tom CP home­page set­tings not being cleared out when Dash­board Ana­lyt­ics is uninstalled
  • 1.0.3 (August 23rd, 2016)
    • Fix for rare occa­sions where charts might try to load before the visu­al­iza­tion library is available
  • 1.0.2 (August 12th, 2016)
    • Fix for South Kore­an flag icon not appear­ing in coun­tries list
    • Fix for intend­ed dash­board screen head­ing not appear­ing in Expres­sio­nEngine 3.4.1
  • 1.0.1 (April 5th, 2016)
    • Made pro­file titles more descrip­tive in the pro­file drop­down menu to account for mul­ti­ple views per domain
  • 1.0.0 (April 5th, 2016)
    • Ini­tial release

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