[swift-evolution] JIT compilation for server-side Swift

Younes Manton younes.m at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 11:40:06 CDT 2017


Last year a small group of developers from the IBM Runtimes compiler team
undertook a project to explore JIT compilation for Swift, primarily aimed
at server-side Swift. The compilation model we settled on was a hybrid
approach that combined static compilation via swiftc with dynamic
compilation via a prototype JIT compiler based on Eclipse OMR.[1]

This prototype JIT compiler (targeting Linux specifically) functioned by
having itself loaded by a Swift process at runtime, patching Swift
functions so that they may be intercepted, recompiling them from their SIL
representations, and redirecting callers to the JIT compiled version. In
order to accomplish this we needed to make some changes to the static
compiler and the target program's build process.

* First, we modified the compiler to emit code at the beginning of main()
that will attempt to dlopen() the JIT compiler, and if successful, call its
initialization routine. If unsuccessful the program would simply carry on
executing the rest of main().

* Second, we modified all Swift functions to be patchable by giving them
the "patchable-function" LLVM attribute (making the first instruction
suitable to be patched over with a short jump) and attaching 32 bytes of
prefix data (suitable to hold a long jump to a JIT hook function and some
extra data) to the function's code. This was controlled by a frontend
"-enable-jit" switch.

* Third, when building the target program we first compiled the Swift
sources to a .sib (binary SIL) file, then via ld and objcopy turned the
.sib into a .o containing a .sib data section, then compiled the sources
again into an executable, this time linking with the .o containing the
binary SIL. This embedded SIL is what was consumed at runtime by the JIT
compiler in order to recompile Swift functions on the fly. (Ideally this
step would be done by the static compiler itself (and is not unlike the
embedding of LLVM bitcode in a .llvmbc section), but that would have been a
significant undertaking so for prototyping purposes we did it at target
program build time.)

That's the brief, high level description of what we did, particularly as it
relates to the static side of this hybrid approach. The resulting prototype
JIT was able to run and fully recompile a non-trivial (but constrained)
program at comparable performance to the purely static version. For anyone
interested in more details about the project as a whole, including how the
prototype JIT functioned, the overhead it introduced, and the quality of
code it emitted, I'll point you to Mark Stoodley's recent tech talk.[2]

Having said that, it is with the static side in mind that I'm writing this
email. Despite the prototype JIT being built on OMR, the changes to the
static side outlined above are largely compiler agnostic APIs/ABIs that
anyone can use to build similar hybrid JITs or other runtime tools that
make sense for the server space. As such, we felt that it was a topic that
was worth discussing early and in public in order to allow any and all
potentially interested parties an opportunity to weigh in. With this email
we wanted to introduce ourselves to the wider Swift community and solicit
feedback on 1) the general idea of JIT compilation for server-side Swift,
2) the hybrid approach in particular, and 3) the changes mentioned above
and future work in the static compiler to facilitate 1) and 2). To that
end, we'd be happy to take questions and welcome any discussion on this

(As for the prototype itself, we intend to open source it either in its
current state [based on Swift 3.0 and an early version of OMR] or in a more
up-to-date state in the very near future.)

Thank you kindly,
Younes Manton

[1] http://www.eclipse.org/omr/ & https://github.com/eclipse/omr
[2] http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/105013815 (Swift JIT starts at ~28:20)
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