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Android Debug Bridge For Xamarin Developers

Android Debug Bridge For Xamarin Developers


ADB, Android Debug Bridge, is a useful command line utility for interacting with Android devices for debugging and diagnostic purposes. Xamarin developers can use ADB to install/uninstall packages, inspect running apps, push and pull files and check error logs.

One of the main reasons to use ADB is to work out what's happening on your devices when things aren't going right. As .Net developers we're pretty lucky to have a fully featured debugger to help us solve a lot of problems but some issues appear outside of the debug cycle.

Accessing and using ADB on the command line

This article assumes you have Visual Studio 2019 for Mac or Visual Studio 2019 for Windows installed with the Mobile development with .NET workload. We'll access ADB from the SDK command prompt lunched from Visual Studio. If you want to run ADB on Linux, without Visual Studio or using the built in terminal additional configuration may be required but we won't cover that here. ADB can be downloaded as part of the Android SKD Platform Tools.

To access ADB:

  • Windows: Click Tools -> Android -> Android Adb Command Prompt...
  • Mac: Tools -> SDK Command Prompt

Once a terminal is open, type adb and hit enter. You should see a long list of instructions and commands. If you see a message saying 'adb' is not recognized... or similar you will need to look into configuring your path or installing adb.

Overview of most useful commands

ADB is a very powerful tool, with a lot of commands, so we'll focus on the most useful commands that you'll want to use when developing Xamarin Android apps.


The first command you'll want to use is Devices. It displays a list of all Android devices that are currently connected.

result of running adb devices -l


To install an APK from your computer onto a device you can use the Install command. This is really useful for testing archives before publishing and releases built on continuous integration services.

To install a package you will need to pass it the file path of the APK.

e.g. adb install /Users/lachlangordon/Downloads/com.lachlanwgordon.fifteenpercentdrop.apk

installing an app using adb install


Removing an application using the Uninstall command removes the app from the device and all of the applications preferences and files. Removing an application using the Android UI can leave traces behind which can cause problems when installing. The adb uninstall command performs a thorough uninstall.

e.g. adb uninstall com.lachlanwgordon.fifteenpercentdrop.apk

uninstalling an app using adb uninstall


The adb shell command lets you interact with your device as you would any other computer including file browsing and executing commands. Android is essentially a Linux distribution so most of commands from a mac/Unix/Linux terminal can be used in the same way. Using shell, you can access several utilities built into Android to capture screen shots, change settings, monitor activities inspect permissions and more.

For example adb shell ls will give you a list of files and folders.

using shell to run the ls command

Activity Manager

The Android Activity Manager is used to start/stop and pass data between activities using intents. It is accessed using the shell command e.g. adb shell am rather than being called directly as part of ADB.

Running Android Activity Manager using asb shell


To transfer files to and from a device we use adb push and adb pull. These both require two parameters – the source and the destination.

e.g. adb pull /sdcard/data.sql

Using push and pull to transfer files

Inspecting Devices

The first step to inspecting devices will be to use the adb devices command as mentioned above.

Running adb devices will give you a list of serial numbers. If you don't see any devices listed make sure your device is connected and has USB debugging enabled.

result of running adb devices

In the list we see three entries but we can't tell much about them. We can see their serial numbers, which hint that one is an emulator, but doesn't give anything else away.

By adding the -l (lower case L for list) we get a bit more info.

result of running adb devices -l

Now we can work out which serial matches my Pixel 3a and which matches my Samsung T510.

For most ADB commands you will only want to target one device. When multiple devices are connected this means passing the device serial in each command. To keep things simple I typically disconnect all but one device to avoid confusion and to prevent re-entering the serial every time.

Once we've got our device showing in adb we can view the output log of a running device using Logcat.

Logcat outputs the logs from a device to gain insight into what's happening in real time. This is particularly useful for debugging issues that only appear in release/production builds of your Android app.

The default use of the command adb logcat will display everything in the terminal, updating live. This will fly past so quickly that it will be hard to make any sense of it, but it is interesting to see just how active the android system is even when you're not actively using an app.

e.g. adb logcat

Using logcat to see details of all activity on android device

The output of logcat is much easier to digest if you store it in a file. The quickest way to do this is to add > and a file name. Once logcat has run you can then open in your text editor of choice to search at scroll at your leisure.

While logcat is running you may want to try launching your app, or performing what ever action you're trying to debug. When you're ready press ctrl+c to stop logging and you can open the file.

E.g. adb logcat > myFile.log

Storing the output of log cat in a file

The output of logcat can also be accessed in Visual Studio by opening the Device Log Pad. This makes it easy to choose which device you want to watch from a drop down menu and offers filtering options. The device logs tab also shows iOS device logs which aren't access via ADB and would otherwise require you to use Xcode.

Using device logs in VS Mac to view Android Log Cat

Managing Applications

Applications installed on an Android can usually be managed from the Android UI, with your apps deployed for debugging using the IDE. There are a few advanced situations where using ADB can give you more options or get you out of a tight spot.


The main reason I tend to use adb install is if I have a release build that I want to test before uploading to the Google Play Store. It's such a pain when you get rejected from the store because the app crashes on launch and they don't accept "the debug build works on my phone" as an excuse.

e.g. adb install /my/package.apk

installing an app using adb install


If you're having problems with Visual Studio installing a new build to your device, even if you've deleted it, the uninstall command is the easiest way to make sure the app in completely gone.

e.g. adb uninstall com.mycompany.mypackagename

uninstalling an app using adb uninstall

List of installed packages

If you want a list all packages installed on your device, the pm (package manager) command, run using shell is the way to go.

There are various flags you can pass to pm to get it to behave differently but the easiest way to get a useful out put is to run adb shell 'pm list packages -f'. If you want to read a little more about other uses, there's a useful gist by David Nunez with lots of good comments on it.

Listing packages from and Android device using pm


Once you have an adb shell session open, your likely to want to look at the files in your app's sandbox but if you search around they're nowhere to be seen. This is because every android app runs as it's own user to protect the user's content from malicious code in other apps. run-as helps us out here by allowing you to run commands as if you were the app. This is similar to typing sudo which at a terminal makes you run-as the administrator.

I use Xamarin.Essentials.Preferences in a lot of my apps to store some basic user settings. On Android this is implemented using a shared_prefs file. Let's crack my app open and take a look. We'll start by starting an adb shell session.

Running adb shell in a terminal

This give me a command prompt on my android. Now I'll run run-as with my package name.

Running run-as in an adb-shell

My prompt now includes the package name to show that we are running as the app. As a quick test, running ls will show you the folders the app uses.

Using ls to show the folders the app uses

I can now use cat to print out the contents of my shared_prefs.

Cat prints out the contents of my shared_prefs in the terminal

As you can see, this app only has one preference in it and the user has decided to turn off analytics.

For security's sake, this can only be done on debug builds, although you can get around this with rooted devices so shared_prefs is not an appropriate place to store sensitive data.

Copying files to and from a device

One of the useful features of ADB is the ability to transfer files using the pull and push commands. While there are various other ways to access these files, ADB makes it fast and repeatable, whereas accessing storage through finder/explorer will be slightly different depending on device manufacturer and version.

One situation where this can be useful is if you use a SQLite database in your app and you want to transfer the database file to you desktop to inspect the contents.

Copying files is covered in the docs at https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb#copyfiles.


Pull is used to transfer a file from your device to the computer.

e.g. adb pull sdcard/data.csv data.csv

Using adb pull to transfer a file from the device


Similarly push is used to get transfer a file from your computer to your device.

e.g. adb push data.csv sdcard/data.csv

Using adb push to transfer a file from the device


ADB let's you take control of you Android device and see what's going on inside. As its name suggests, it's a really useful tool for debugging your apps, especially in the edge cases outside of normal business logic debugging and when approaching a release.


About The Author

Lachlan is a freelance Xamarin developer who has recently been branching out into Blazor. As a co-organizer of the Blazor and Xamarin Meetup he regularly presents on whatever his latest .Net adventure has been. When not writing C# you'll usually find him riding a bike our playing double bass.

You can find him on Twitter @lachlanwgordon, Github github.com/lachlanwgordon, LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/lachlanwgordon, live coding at twitch.tv/lachlanwgordon and blogging on lachlanwgordon.com.


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