How to improve your cold calling results!

How to improve your cold calling results!

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post on the death of cold calling. The feedback was overwhelming. But whatever the title may suggest, I'm convinced cold calling is not dead. Cold calling has its value, it shows initiative and action. The only thing sales has to add is some creativity. If it takes an average of 18 calls to connect with a buyer you should look for more creative ways.

But once you get in touch with your potential buyer it must be spot on. There is a lot at stake in this first buying stage, and there is no room for flaws. Luckily there are a few techniques that can boost your success.

Tip 1 - Your attitude

Too many sales look at cold calling as a number game where the sales person's effort is no different than a mass mail. When you just call them by the hundred's maybe someone or a few will respond. But when you put some effort in it you can uplift your effectiveness. Do your homework, instead of a standardised sales pitch.

We all know cold calling is a part of a sales person's job, so why don't we go the extra mile? Be creative in the way you contact the buyer. In this blog you can find some useful tips.

Tip 2- Smile while you dial

Even through the phone you can hear when someone is smiling. It's energetic, more fun to listen to and positive. So whenever you pick up your phone to call a potential buyer you should be burning with enthusiasm about his business, your solution and the connection you see between those two.

There is a big difference between a sales who's passionate and enthusiastic versus a sales who is mumbling and struggling like it's the end of a very difficult week.

Tip 3 - A sales script is a must

I'm convinced that a good sales always has a blueprint, if it's a call, a meeting of even a business lunch. Before every contact you should set your goal and think about the way you will achieve this.

For cold calling it's the same, you should have a script for every call. This means you should have several scripts based on different segments. So whenever your call a buyer from finances that should be a different script from when you call someone from HR. Why? Well they all have different agenda's, different needs you should connect with.

There's no pitch that matches all.

The structure, the blueprint can be the same but your content will be different.

Tip 4 - Deal with objections

'I don't have the time', 'we have a supplier', 'We are not evaluating our current suppliers', ... all objections to politely say 'Go away'.

Before you even pick up your phone for the first time you should think about all the possible objections and your response to them. In 99% of the cases you will get this standardised response so get ready for them.

Also be aware that these objections are great, this means you can connect with your potential buyer. But when you respond be sure it matters, don't just babble a standardised pitch, but try to be witty.

Tip 5 - Evaluate

As a good sales you should constantly track your efforts and results. Start making your own reports on how successful you are,

  • what segments you are most successful in?
  • at what day in the week you are more successful?
  • which story or sales pitch works the best for you?

After every call you should briefly evaluate your effort, what went well and what didn't. Use that information to uplift your next call to a higher, more productive level.

Tip 6 - Social media

Use social media to get in touch with potential buyers. Not just with reaching out, but with sharing relevant content. Try to arouse their curiosity so whenever you start calling there is already a basic relationship in place. It will boost your success ratio tremendously.

Tip 7 - Focus

Cold calling is something where you should focus 100%.  Whenever you call you must be sure that you can't be distracted. So don't multi-task during a call, put off you e-mail, or turn off your screen, walk around (it keeps the blood streaming), ...

When you are 100% focused you will be able to catch the little clues, you will be more alert.

I’m sure there are many more helpful tips, please feel free to share

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Mona Vinson

Marketing Analyst at B2B Industries


Good job Nicolas!!

Clare Dooley

Director at Dooley Wastewater & Environmental Consulting


I agree wholeheartedly... with a smile ; )

Ben Mann

Project & Business Capture


Start ever call with 'I wonder if you could help me please?' most people want to help as they're good eggs. Sales is a game, very much like life. You get what you put in.

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