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G3 Summit
Taking advantage of
Groovy Annotations
Iván López - @ilopmar
➢ Iván López - @ilopmar
➢ Groovy & Grails developer
Member of Grails team at OCI
➢ @MadridGUG coordinator
➢ Greach organizer (@greachconf)
➢ Speaker: SpringOne 2GX, GR8Conf, Codemotion,
GeeCon, Spring IO, Greach, JavaCro, RigaDevDay,...
About me...
The best code is not code at all
A little bit of theory
AST and compilation
▷ Abstract Syntax Tree
▷ AST modified during compilation
▷ Hook into the compiler phases
AST Transformations
▷ Global ▷ Local
Out-of-the-box ASTs
AST transformations categories
▷ Code generation
▷ Class design
▷ Logging improvements
▷ Declarative concurrency
▷ Cloning and externalizing
▷ Safe scripting
▷ Compiler directives
▷ Dependencies handling
Code generation
▷ Human readable toString
▷ Effective Java by Joshua Bloch (item 10)
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
println u // User@1d2a54b2
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
assert u.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)'
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
println u // User@1d2a54b2
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
assert u.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)'
String toString() {
def _result = new StringBuilder()
_result.append(', ')
return _result.toString()
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
println u // User@1d2a54b2
▷ includeNames, excludes, includes, includeSuper,
includeSuperProperties, includeFields, ignoreNulls,
includePackage, cache
▷ includeNames, excludes, includes, includeSuper,
includeSuperProperties, includeFields, ignoreNulls,
includePackage, cache
@groovy.transform.ToString(includeNames = true, excludes = ['name'])
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
assert u.toString() == 'User(age:36)'
▷ Generate equals and hashCode implementations
▷ Effective Java items 8 & 9
▷ Generate equals and hashCode implementations
▷ Effective Java items 8 & 9
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
def u2 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
assert u1 == u2
assert u1.hashCode() == u2.hashCode()
int hashCode() {
def _result = HashCodeHelper.initHash()
_result = HashCodeHelper.updateHash(_result,
_result = HashCodeHelper.updateHash(_result, this.age)
return _result
boolean canEqual(Object other) {
return other instanceof User
boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null) { return false }
if ( { return true }
if (!(other instanceof User)) { return false }
User otherTyped = ((other) as User)
if (!(otherTyped.canEqual(this))) { return false }
if (!(this.getName().is(otherTyped.getName()))) {
if (this.getName().is(this) && !(otherTyped.getName().is(otherTyped)) || !(this.getName().is(this)) && otherTyped.getName().is(otherTyped))
return false
} else {
if (!(this.getName().is(this) && otherTyped.getName().is(otherTyped))) {
if (!(this.getName() == otherTyped.getName())) {
return false
if (!(this.getAge().is(otherTyped.getAge()))) {
if (this.getAge().is(this) && !(otherTyped.getAge().is(otherTyped)) || !(this.getAge().is(this)) && otherTyped.getAge().is(otherTyped)) {
return false
} else {
if (!(this.getAge().is(this) && otherTyped.getAge().is(otherTyped))) {
if (!(this.getAge() == otherTyped.getAge())) {
return false
return true
▷ excludes, includes, callSuper, includeFields, cache,
▷ excludes, includes, callSuper, includeFields, cache,
@groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode(includes = 'name')
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
def u2 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 42)
assert u1 == u2
assert u1.hashCode() == u2.hashCode()
▷ Generate constructors
▷ Generate constructors
class User {
String name
Integer age
▷ Generate constructors
class User {
String name
Integer age
// Default map constructor
def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
▷ Generate constructors
class User {
String name
Integer age
// Default map constructor
def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
// Generated tuple constructor
def u2 = new User('Iván', 36)
def u3 = new User('Iván')
▷ Generate constructors
class User {
String name
Integer age
// Default map constructor
def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 35)
// Generated tuple constructor
def u2 = new User('Iván', 36)
def u3 = new User('Iván')
User(String name = null, Integer age = null) { = name
this.age = age
▷ excludes, includes, includeFields, includeProperties,
includeSuperFields, includeSuperProperties,
callSuper, force
▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode +
▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode +
class User {
String name
Integer age
▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode +
def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
assert u1.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' // @ToString
class User {
String name
Integer age
▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode +
def u2 = new User('Iván', 36) // @TupleConstructor
assert u2.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)'
def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
assert u1.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' // @ToString
class User {
String name
Integer age
▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode +
assert u1 == u2 // @EqualsAndHashCode
assert u1.hashCode() == u2.hashCode() // @EqualsAndHashCode
def u2 = new User('Iván', 36) // @TupleConstructor
assert u2.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)'
def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
assert u1.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' // @ToString
class User {
String name
Integer age
▷ Reduce boilerplate code when parent classes
have multiple constructors
▷ Useful when overriding exception classes
class MyException extends Exception {
protected MyException(String param0, Throwable param1, boolean param2, boolean param3) {
super(param0, param1, param2, param3)
public MyException(Throwable param0) { super(param0) }
public MyException(String param0, Throwable param1) { super(param0, param1) }
public MyException(String param0) { super(param0) }
public MyException() { super() }
class MyException extends Exception {
▷ Lazy initialization of fields
▷ Useful when creating expensive resources
▷ Effective Java item 71
class SomeBean {
LinkedList myField
class SomeBean {
LinkedList myField
public LinkedList getMyField() {
if ($myField != null) {
} else {
$myField = new LinkedList()
▷ Comparable interface
▷ compareTo method natural order
▷ N methods returning comparators
▷ Effective Java item 12
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
public int compareTo(User other) {
if ( return 0
Integer value = 0
value = <=>
if (value != 0) return value
value = this.age <=> other.age
if (value != 0) return value
value = this.born <=> other.born
if (value != 0) return value
return 0
private static class User$NameComparator extends AbstractComparator<User> {
public int compare(User arg0, User arg1) {
if (arg0 == arg1) return 0
if (arg0 != null && arg1 == null) return -1
if (arg0 == null && arg1 != null) return 1
return <=>
private static class User$AgeComparator extends AbstractComparator<User> {
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
def users = [
new User(name: 'Mary', age: 15, born: 2000),
new User(name: 'Peter', age: 44, born: 1970),
new User(name: 'John', age: 35, born: 1979),
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
assert users.sort(false, User.comparatorByName())*.name == ['John', 'Mary', 'Peter']
assert users.sort(false, User.comparatorByAge())*.born == [2000, 1979, 1970]
def users = [
new User(name: 'Mary', age: 15, born: 2000),
new User(name: 'Peter', age: 44, born: 1970),
new User(name: 'John', age: 35, born: 1979),
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
▷ includes, excludes
@groovy.transform.Sortable(excludes = 'age')
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
def users = [
new User(name: 'Mary', age: 15, born: 2000),
new User(name: 'Peter', age: 44, born: 1970),
new User(name: 'John', age: 35, born: 1979),
assert users.sort(false, User.comparatorByName())*.name == ['John', 'Mary', 'Peter']
assert users.sort(false, User.comparatorByAge())*.born == [2000, 1979, 1970]
▷ Create fluent API calls
▷ Multiple building strategies
▷ Multiple configuration options: builder name,
prefix, excludes, includes,...
▷ Effective Java item 2
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
def u = User.builder()
assert == 'Iván'
assert u.age == 36
assert u.born == 1979
public static class User$UserBuilder extends Object {
private String name
private Integer age
private Integer born
public User$UserBuilder() {
public User$UserBuilder name(String name) { = name
return this
public User$UserBuilder age(Integer age) {
this.age = age
return this
public User$UserBuilder born(Integer born) {
this.born = born
return this
public User build() {
User _theUser = new User() = name
_theUser.age = age
_theUser.born = born
return _theUser
class User {
String name
Integer age
Integer born
def u = User.builder()
assert == 'Iván'
assert u.age == 36
assert u.born == 1979
Class design
▷ Implements delegation design pattern
▷ Delegate calls on object to method on delegated
▷ All public methods are delegated
import java.time.LocalDate
class Conference {
LocalDate when
String name
import java.time.LocalDate
class Conference {
LocalDate when
String name
def greach = new Conference(name: 'Greach', when: LocalDate.of(2017, 03, 31))
def gr8conf = new Conference(name: 'GR8Conf' when: LocalDate.of(2017, 05, 31))
def greach = new Conference(name: 'Greach', when: LocalDate.of(2017, 03, 31))
def gr8conf = new Conference(name: 'GR8Conf' when: LocalDate.of(2017, 05, 31))
assert greach.isBefore(gr8conf)
import java.time.LocalDate
class Conference {
LocalDate when
String name
class Conference {
public boolean isAfter(ChronoLocalDate param0) {
public boolean isBefore(ChronoLocalDate param0) {
def greach = new Conference(name: 'Greach', when: LocalDate.of(2017, 03, 31))
def gr8conf = new Conference(name: 'GR8Conf' when: LocalDate.of(2017, 05, 31))
assert greach.isBefore(gr8conf)
import java.time.LocalDate
class Conference {
LocalDate when
String name
▷ Create immutable classes
▷ Effective Java item 15
▷ Rules for immutability
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
// This does not compile
// You are not allowed to overwrite
// the final class 'User'.
class Admin extends User {
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
class User {
String name
Integer age
def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
try { = 'John'
} catch (ReadOnlyPropertyException e) {
println e
// This does not compile
// You are not allowed to overwrite
// the final class 'User'.
class Admin extends User {
▷ Cache the result of a method
▷ Cache the result of a method
Long fibonacci(Integer n) {
if (n < 2) return 1
else return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
▷ Cache the result of a method
Long fibonacci(Integer n) {
if (n < 2) return 1
else return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
User getUserInfo(Long userId) {
// Expensive repetitive
// network operation
@Log, @Log4j, @Log4j2, @Slf4j
▷ Static final field for the logger
@Log, @Log4j, @Log4j2, @Slf4j
class MyClass {
void method() {
log.debug "My debug message"
▷ Static final field for the logger
@Log, @Log4j, @Log4j2, @Slf4j
class MyClass {
void method() {
log.debug "My debug message"
▷ Static final field for the logger
class MyClass {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(
void method() {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.DEBUG)) {
log.debug "My debug message"
Declarative concurrency
Declarative concurrency
▷ @Synchronized
▷ @WithReadLock
▷ @WithWriteLock
Cloning and externalizing
Cloning and externalizing
▷ @AutoClone
▷ @AutoExternalize
Safe scripting
Safe scripting
▷ @ThreadInterrupt
▷ @TimedInterrupt
▷ @ConditionalInterrupt
Compiler directives
Compiler directives
▷ @TypeChecked
▷ @CompileStatic
▷ @CompileDynamic
▷ Grape dependency manager
▷ Grape dependency manager
@Grab(group='org.springframework', module='spring-orm', version='3.2.5.RELEASE')
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
// or
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
▷ Grape dependency manager
@Grab(group='org.springframework', module='spring-orm', version='3.2.5.RELEASE')
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
// or
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
@GrabResolver(name='restlet', root='')
@Grab(group='org.restlet', module='org.restlet', version='1.1.6')
▷ Grape dependency manager
@Grab(group='org.springframework', module='spring-orm', version='3.2.5.RELEASE')
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
// or
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
@GrabResolver(name='restlet', root='')
@Grab(group='org.restlet', module='org.restlet', version='1.1.6')
class Foo {
void doStuff() {
try {
// Some code that can throws
// different exceptions
} catch (e) {
// Gotta catch’em all
class Foo {
void doStuff() {
try {
// Some code that can throws
// different exceptions
} catch (e) {
// Gotta catch’em all
class Foo {
void doStuff() {
// code
The best code is not code at all
Any questions?
Iván López

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#살아있다 #자프링외길12년차 #코프링2개월생존기
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G3 Summit 2016 - Taking Advantage of Groovy Annotations

  • 1. G3 Summit Taking advantage of Groovy Annotations Iván López - @ilopmar
  • 2. ➢ Iván López - @ilopmar ➢ Groovy & Grails developer Member of Grails team at OCI ➢ @MadridGUG coordinator ➢ Greach organizer (@greachconf) ➢ Speaker: SpringOne 2GX, GR8Conf, Codemotion, GeeCon, Spring IO, Greach, JavaCro, RigaDevDay,... About me...
  • 3. “ The best code is not code at all
  • 4. 1. A little bit of theory
  • 5. AST and compilation ▷ Abstract Syntax Tree ▷ AST modified during compilation ▷ Hook into the compiler phases
  • 8. AST transformations categories ▷ Code generation ▷ Class design ▷ Logging improvements ▷ Declarative concurrency ▷ Cloning and externalizing ▷ Safe scripting ▷ Compiler directives ▷ Dependencies handling
  • 10. @ToString ▷ Human readable toString ▷ Effective Java by Joshua Bloch (item 10)
  • 11. class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) println u // User@1d2a54b2
  • 12. @groovy.transform.ToString class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) assert u.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) println u // User@1d2a54b2
  • 13. @groovy.transform.ToString class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) assert u.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' String toString() { def _result = new StringBuilder() _result.append('User(') _result.append( _result.append(', ') _result.append(this.age) _result.append(')') return _result.toString() } class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) println u // User@1d2a54b2
  • 14. @ToString ▷ includeNames, excludes, includes, includeSuper, includeSuperProperties, includeFields, ignoreNulls, includePackage, cache
  • 15. @ToString ▷ includeNames, excludes, includes, includeSuper, includeSuperProperties, includeFields, ignoreNulls, includePackage, cache @groovy.transform.ToString(includeNames = true, excludes = ['name']) class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) assert u.toString() == 'User(age:36)'
  • 16. @EqualsAndHashCode ▷ Generate equals and hashCode implementations ▷ Effective Java items 8 & 9
  • 17. @EqualsAndHashCode ▷ Generate equals and hashCode implementations ▷ Effective Java items 8 & 9 @groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode class User { String name Integer age } def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) def u2 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) assert u1 == u2 assert u1.hashCode() == u2.hashCode()
  • 18. int hashCode() { def _result = HashCodeHelper.initHash() _result = HashCodeHelper.updateHash(_result, _result = HashCodeHelper.updateHash(_result, this.age) return _result } boolean canEqual(Object other) { return other instanceof User } boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null) { return false } if ( { return true } if (!(other instanceof User)) { return false } User otherTyped = ((other) as User) if (!(otherTyped.canEqual(this))) { return false } if (!(this.getName().is(otherTyped.getName()))) { if (this.getName().is(this) && !(otherTyped.getName().is(otherTyped)) || !(this.getName().is(this)) && otherTyped.getName().is(otherTyped)) return false } else { if (!(this.getName().is(this) && otherTyped.getName().is(otherTyped))) { if (!(this.getName() == otherTyped.getName())) { return false } } } } if (!(this.getAge().is(otherTyped.getAge()))) { if (this.getAge().is(this) && !(otherTyped.getAge().is(otherTyped)) || !(this.getAge().is(this)) && otherTyped.getAge().is(otherTyped)) { return false } else { if (!(this.getAge().is(this) && otherTyped.getAge().is(otherTyped))) { if (!(this.getAge() == otherTyped.getAge())) { return false } } } } return true }
  • 19.
  • 20. @EqualsAndHashCode ▷ excludes, includes, callSuper, includeFields, cache, useCanEqual
  • 21. @EqualsAndHashCode ▷ excludes, includes, callSuper, includeFields, cache, useCanEqual @groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode(includes = 'name') class User { String name Integer age } def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) def u2 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 42) assert u1 == u2 assert u1.hashCode() == u2.hashCode()
  • 24. @TupleConstructor ▷ Generate constructors @groovy.transform.TupleConstructor class User { String name Integer age } // Default map constructor def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
  • 25. @TupleConstructor ▷ Generate constructors @groovy.transform.TupleConstructor class User { String name Integer age } // Default map constructor def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) // Generated tuple constructor def u2 = new User('Iván', 36) def u3 = new User('Iván')
  • 26. @TupleConstructor ▷ Generate constructors @groovy.transform.TupleConstructor class User { String name Integer age } // Default map constructor def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 35) // Generated tuple constructor def u2 = new User('Iván', 36) def u3 = new User('Iván') User(String name = null, Integer age = null) { = name this.age = age }
  • 27. @TupleConstructor ▷ excludes, includes, includeFields, includeProperties, includeSuperFields, includeSuperProperties, callSuper, force
  • 28. @Canonical ▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode + @TupleConstructor
  • 29. @Canonical ▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode + @TupleConstructor @groovy.transform.Canonical class User { String name Integer age }
  • 30. @Canonical ▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode + @TupleConstructor def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) assert u1.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' // @ToString @groovy.transform.Canonical class User { String name Integer age }
  • 31. @Canonical ▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode + @TupleConstructor def u2 = new User('Iván', 36) // @TupleConstructor assert u2.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) assert u1.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' // @ToString @groovy.transform.Canonical class User { String name Integer age }
  • 32. @Canonical ▷ @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode + @TupleConstructor assert u1 == u2 // @EqualsAndHashCode assert u1.hashCode() == u2.hashCode() // @EqualsAndHashCode def u2 = new User('Iván', 36) // @TupleConstructor assert u2.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' def u1 = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) assert u1.toString() == 'User(Iván, 36)' // @ToString @groovy.transform.Canonical class User { String name Integer age }
  • 33. @InheritConstructors ▷ Reduce boilerplate code when parent classes have multiple constructors ▷ Useful when overriding exception classes
  • 35. protected MyException(String param0, Throwable param1, boolean param2, boolean param3) { super(param0, param1, param2, param3) } public MyException(Throwable param0) { super(param0) } public MyException(String param0, Throwable param1) { super(param0, param1) } public MyException(String param0) { super(param0) } public MyException() { super() } @groovy.transform.InheritConstructors class MyException extends Exception { }
  • 36. @Lazy ▷ Lazy initialization of fields ▷ Useful when creating expensive resources ▷ Effective Java item 71
  • 38. class SomeBean { @Lazy LinkedList myField } public LinkedList getMyField() { if ($myField != null) { $myField } else { $myField = new LinkedList() } }
  • 39. @Sortable ▷ Comparable interface ▷ compareTo method natural order ▷ N methods returning comparators ▷ Effective Java item 12
  • 40. @groovy.transform.Sortable class User { String name Integer age Integer born }
  • 41. public int compareTo(User other) { if ( return 0 Integer value = 0 value = <=> if (value != 0) return value value = this.age <=> other.age if (value != 0) return value value = this.born <=> other.born if (value != 0) return value return 0 } private static class User$NameComparator extends AbstractComparator<User> { public int compare(User arg0, User arg1) { if (arg0 == arg1) return 0 if (arg0 != null && arg1 == null) return -1 if (arg0 == null && arg1 != null) return 1 return <=> } } private static class User$AgeComparator extends AbstractComparator<User> { ... } @groovy.transform.Sortable class User { String name Integer age Integer born }
  • 42. @groovy.transform.Sortable class User { String name Integer age Integer born }
  • 43. def users = [ new User(name: 'Mary', age: 15, born: 2000), new User(name: 'Peter', age: 44, born: 1970), new User(name: 'John', age: 35, born: 1979), ] @groovy.transform.Sortable class User { String name Integer age Integer born }
  • 44. assert users.sort(false, User.comparatorByName())*.name == ['John', 'Mary', 'Peter'] assert users.sort(false, User.comparatorByAge())*.born == [2000, 1979, 1970] def users = [ new User(name: 'Mary', age: 15, born: 2000), new User(name: 'Peter', age: 44, born: 1970), new User(name: 'John', age: 35, born: 1979), ] @groovy.transform.Sortable class User { String name Integer age Integer born }
  • 45. @Sortable ▷ includes, excludes @groovy.transform.Sortable(excludes = 'age') class User { String name Integer age Integer born } def users = [ new User(name: 'Mary', age: 15, born: 2000), new User(name: 'Peter', age: 44, born: 1970), new User(name: 'John', age: 35, born: 1979), ] assert users.sort(false, User.comparatorByName())*.name == ['John', 'Mary', 'Peter'] assert users.sort(false, User.comparatorByAge())*.born == [2000, 1979, 1970]
  • 46. @Builder ▷ Create fluent API calls ▷ Multiple building strategies ▷ Multiple configuration options: builder name, prefix, excludes, includes,... ▷ Effective Java item 2
  • 47. @groovy.transform.builder.Builder class User { String name Integer age Integer born }
  • 48. @groovy.transform.builder.Builder class User { String name Integer age Integer born } def u = User.builder() .name('Iván') .age(36) .born(1979) .build() assert == 'Iván' assert u.age == 36 assert u.born == 1979
  • 49. public static class User$UserBuilder extends Object { private String name private Integer age private Integer born public User$UserBuilder() { } public User$UserBuilder name(String name) { = name return this } public User$UserBuilder age(Integer age) { this.age = age return this } public User$UserBuilder born(Integer born) { this.born = born return this } public User build() { User _theUser = new User() = name _theUser.age = age _theUser.born = born return _theUser } } @groovy.transform.builder.Builder class User { String name Integer age Integer born } def u = User.builder() .name('Iván') .age(36) .born(1979) .build() assert == 'Iván' assert u.age == 36 assert u.born == 1979
  • 51. @Delegate ▷ Implements delegation design pattern ▷ Delegate calls on object to method on delegated properties ▷ All public methods are delegated
  • 52. import java.time.LocalDate class Conference { @groovy.lang.Delegate LocalDate when String name }
  • 53. import java.time.LocalDate class Conference { @groovy.lang.Delegate LocalDate when String name } def greach = new Conference(name: 'Greach', when: LocalDate.of(2017, 03, 31)) def gr8conf = new Conference(name: 'GR8Conf' when: LocalDate.of(2017, 05, 31))
  • 54. def greach = new Conference(name: 'Greach', when: LocalDate.of(2017, 03, 31)) def gr8conf = new Conference(name: 'GR8Conf' when: LocalDate.of(2017, 05, 31)) assert greach.isBefore(gr8conf) import java.time.LocalDate class Conference { @groovy.lang.Delegate LocalDate when String name }
  • 55. class Conference { ... public boolean isAfter(ChronoLocalDate param0) { when.isAfter(param0) } public boolean isBefore(ChronoLocalDate param0) { when.isBefore(param0) } ... } def greach = new Conference(name: 'Greach', when: LocalDate.of(2017, 03, 31)) def gr8conf = new Conference(name: 'GR8Conf' when: LocalDate.of(2017, 05, 31)) assert greach.isBefore(gr8conf) import java.time.LocalDate class Conference { @groovy.lang.Delegate LocalDate when String name }
  • 56. @Immutable ▷ Create immutable classes ▷ Effective Java item 15 ▷ Rules for immutability
  • 57. @groovy.transform.Immutable class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
  • 58. // This does not compile // You are not allowed to overwrite // the final class 'User'. class Admin extends User { } @groovy.transform.Immutable class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36)
  • 59. @groovy.transform.Immutable class User { String name Integer age } def u = new User(name: 'Iván', age: 36) try { = 'John' } catch (ReadOnlyPropertyException e) { println e } // This does not compile // You are not allowed to overwrite // the final class 'User'. class Admin extends User { }
  • 60. @Memoized ▷ Cache the result of a method
  • 61. @Memoized ▷ Cache the result of a method @groovy.transform.Memoized Long fibonacci(Integer n) { if (n < 2) return 1 else return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2) } fibonacci(300)
  • 62. @Memoized ▷ Cache the result of a method @groovy.transform.Memoized Long fibonacci(Integer n) { if (n < 2) return 1 else return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2) } fibonacci(300) @groovy.transform.Memoized User getUserInfo(Long userId) { // Expensive repetitive // network operation }
  • 64. @Log, @Log4j, @Log4j2, @Slf4j ▷ Static final field for the logger
  • 65. @Log, @Log4j, @Log4j2, @Slf4j @groovy.util.logging.Log4j class MyClass { void method() { log.debug "My debug message" } } ▷ Static final field for the logger
  • 66. @Log, @Log4j, @Log4j2, @Slf4j @groovy.util.logging.Log4j class MyClass { void method() { log.debug "My debug message" } } ▷ Static final field for the logger class MyClass { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( void method() { if (log.isLoggable(Level.DEBUG)) { log.debug "My debug message" } } }
  • 68. Declarative concurrency ▷ @Synchronized ▷ @WithReadLock ▷ @WithWriteLock
  • 70. Cloning and externalizing ▷ @AutoClone ▷ @AutoExternalize
  • 72. Safe scripting ▷ @ThreadInterrupt ▷ @TimedInterrupt ▷ @ConditionalInterrupt
  • 74. Compiler directives ▷ @TypeChecked ▷ @CompileStatic ▷ @CompileDynamic
  • 77. @Grab ▷ Grape dependency manager @Grab(group='org.springframework', module='spring-orm', version='3.2.5.RELEASE') import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate // or @Grab('org.springframework:spring-orm:3.2.5.RELEASE') import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
  • 78. @GrabResolver ▷ Grape dependency manager @Grab(group='org.springframework', module='spring-orm', version='3.2.5.RELEASE') import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate // or @Grab('org.springframework:spring-orm:3.2.5.RELEASE') import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate @GrabResolver(name='restlet', root='') @Grab(group='org.restlet', module='org.restlet', version='1.1.6')
  • 79. @GrabExclude ▷ Grape dependency manager @Grab(group='org.springframework', module='spring-orm', version='3.2.5.RELEASE') import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate // or @Grab('org.springframework:spring-orm:3.2.5.RELEASE') import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate @GrabResolver(name='restlet', root='') @Grab(group='org.restlet', module='org.restlet', version='1.1.6') @Grab('net.sourceforge.htmlunit:htmlunit:2.8') @GrabExclude('xml-apis:xml-apis')
  • 80. Bonus
  • 81. @Pokemon class Foo { void doStuff() { try { // Some code that can throws // different exceptions } catch (e) { // Gotta catch’em all } } }
  • 82. @Pokemon class Foo { void doStuff() { try { // Some code that can throws // different exceptions } catch (e) { // Gotta catch’em all } } } class Foo { @com.github.danveloper.ast.Pokemon void doStuff() { // code } }
  • 85. “ The best code is not code at all