Episode 27 / 2018.11.26
Andrew Welch, Jonathan Melville, Michael Rog
#webdev #laravel #apps

In this episode, we talk to Phil Zaen­gle from Zaen­gle Corp about lever­ag­ing the PHP frame­work Lar­avel to build tru­ly cus­tom web appli­ca­tions. We dis­cuss when a CMS like Craft makes sense, and when it makes sense to uti­lize Lar­avel in addi­tion to or instead of a CMS.

We go on to dis­cuss the impor­tance of using the right tool for the job, how Node is an option for what might be done in Lar­avel, and how what real­ly mat­ters is the skill the crafts­man has with a giv­en tool.

Join us for a fun dis­cus­sion of the real­i­ty of being an agency that builds cus­tom Inter­net things for their clients.

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