Software Engineering Bootcamp

Become a software engineer. Land a job or your money back.

  • 100% online, nine-month & part-time with a project-based curriculum to build your software engineering portfolio

  • 1-on-1 mentorship, coaching and career services

  • Created in partnership with coding legend Colt Steele

  • Build your coding skills and launch your software engineering career

  • NEW! AI for Engineers learning unit

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Abdel Kareem

Software Engineering Graduate

From Emergency Medical Tech

To Software Engineer @ Bread Financial

Our Software Engineering graduates have been hired by:

Become a software engineer, boost your earnings


Average salary increase of software engineers who completed the Springboard bootcamp and provided pre- and post-course salaries

December 2023

In this software engineering bootcamp you will:

  • Code in the most widely used programming languages in the world

  • Understand software development theory, tools, and build skills

  • Test your knowledge through projects that prepare you for a job and boost your work readiness

Plus, you’ll learn the tools and languages developers use, like:

Our software development bootcamp teaches you how to build web-based pages and applications to achieve user, business, and product goals and transform your career in nine months.

Learn job-ready, in-demand skills

Build skills and put them to the test with an online bootcamp designed by software development experts.

Get an edge with human support

Work with a mentor, career coach, and more. They have your back and will hold you accountable.

Land a job or your money back

We back our program with a job guarantee. Get a job or you'll receive a full refund. See terms.

Learn to think like a coding legend

We've partnered with Colt Steele, an industry leader with over 10 years of experience, to develop 800 hours of software engineering content that will push you further, faster.

What you’ll learn in this software engineering bootcamp

Over nine months you’ll learn job-ready full-stack skills. You’ll work through smaller projects and assessments that reinforce your learnings of front-end and back-end development. Plus, you’ll learn to collaborate with generative AI and code smarter, faster with a new AI learning unit.

Topic 1: AI for Engineers: Prompt Engineering

Since the arrival of OpenAI’s GPT-3, there has been an increased awareness of the crucial role prompts play in shaping language model outputs. In this unit of our software engineer bootcamp, you’ll gain an understanding of how language models like GPT-3 and GPT-4 work through interactive exercises, videos, and quizzes.

  • Learn techniques and best practices for crafting effective prompts to achieve desired outcomes from language models like Chat-GPT

  • Leverage prompts to assist with the process of efficient coding

Topic 2: Web Fundamentals

In this unit, you’ll develop an understanding of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that you’ll learn throughout the program. You’ll familiarize yourself with the industry's most commonly used languages and technologies.

  • Review and expand on the web development fundamentals you’ll need to succeed in any full-stack career.

  • Learn how to use Chrome's native debugger to find and fix problems in your code.

  • Learn about how timers work in JavaScript.

Topic 3: DOM Manipulation

JavaScript, known as “the programming language of the web,” will provide the backbone of the web development stack. In this unit, you’ll learn more intermediate skills, such as leveraging JavaScript to build sophisticated, event-driven applications using the DOM.  

  • Explore how JavaScript interacts with HTML

  • Learn about the DOM (Document Object Model) and how to use it to find and modify HTML on a webpage

  • Learn about Event-Driven Programming, for instance, how JavaScript and HTML interact when you click on a button

Topic 4: Developer Fundamentals

Before starting with any web development, you’ll need to build a solid foundation. In this unit, you’ll learn essential tools of the trade.

  • Learn how to use the command line in your computer’s Terminal

  • Learn how to use Git and GitHub for version control

  • Push JavaScript Timers exercise to GitHub through the command line

Topic 5: Testing with Jasmine

In this unit, you’ll learn one of the most fundamental skills that any developer needs to know: testing.

  • Learn how to write unit tests in a JavaScript testing library called Jasmine

  • Understand the benefits of testing and testing best practices

  • Submit a hands-on exercise on testing in Jasmine

Topic 6: Advanced Array Methods

This unit focuses on practical manipulations of the array data structure. You’ll use these skills in later units to refactor the code on some of your earlier projects. 

  • Learn and get comfortable with advanced array methods

  • Dive deeper into callback functions and higher order functions, introduced in Web Fundamentals

  • Learn methods like sum, find, index, and reduce

Topic 7: ES2015

In this unit, you’ll learn the version of JavaScript used by most workplaces, ECMAScript 2015 or ES2015 for short. The changes let developers write less code to achieve the same functionality.

  • Familiarize yourself with the new features of ES2015

  • Gain context for why these features were added

  • Prepare yourself for reading, understanding, and writing code on modern codebases

  • Gain a more in-depth understanding of JavaScript

Topic 8: Fruit Search Project

In this project, you’ll create a small predictive text search app for fruit using DOM Manipulation, advanced array methods, and the features of the ES2015 update in the previous unit. 

  • Plan and help code a Connect Four Game in JavaScript

  • Prepare for your code review

  • Participate in a live code review

Topic 9: Object-Oriented Programming

In object-oriented programming, data is structured into classes, and coded procedures manipulate the data into objects. In this unit, you’ll learn the ins and outs of object-oriented programming and work on projects that involve refactoring and creating an object-oriented class to model a car.

  • Learn how to use this keyword

  • Explore how ES2015 implements classes

  • Refactor or rewrite code

Topic 10: jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap

The two most popular libraries in web development are jQuery and Bootstrap. In this unit, you’ll learn jQuery and then have the option to work through a Twitter Bootstrap subunit. The unit will also provide exercises on each to reinforce your learning. 

  • Learn how to use the JavaScript jQuery library for DOM manipulation

  • Learn how to use the CSS Twitter Bootstrap library for powerful styling

Topic 11: How the Web Works and AJAX

JavaScript can also be used to fetch external data with a series of technologies known as AJAX, which you’ll explore in this unit. You’ll first learn the protocols of how the web works and then move on to one of the tougher topics in JavaScript, asynchronous code.

  • Gain a conceptual understanding of how the internet works, including learning about the protocols that power the web

  • Learn how to access other people’s publicly available data through APIs

  • Learn how JavaScript can be used to request and receive data 

  • Learn about AJAX and how to write asynchronous code

Topic 12: Python Fundamentals

This unit will introduce you to back-end development through learning Python. You’ll get comfortable with the language just like you did with JavaScript and recognize key differences and similarities between Python and JavaScript.

  • Get up and running with your second programming language: Python

  • Learn how Python differs from JavaScript

  • Learn about back-end programming

  • Work on a small number of Python exercises

Topic 13: Flask Fundamentals

You’ll begin building full-stack applications through the popular web framework Flask. Reddit, Netflix, Lyft, and Airbnb all use Flask in their stack. You’ll also learn essential backend concepts like server-side templates, rendering, redirecting, cookies, and sessions.

  • Learn what a framework and web server do

  • Learn how Flask processes HTTP requests and responses

  • Work on exercises to set up Flask and build simple apps

Topic 14: SQL

SQL is foundational towards building any relational database-backed application and has been the standard for over 40 years. In this unit, you’ll get started working with databases and SQL.  

  • Learn SQL, the world standard for database querying language

  • Learn about databases and relational databases

  • Familiarize yourself with Postgres, a Relational Database Management System

Topic 15: SQLAlchemy

This unit will help you build more complex web applications through an ORM called SQLAlchemy, which allows you to use your knowledge of SQL but handle database operations in Python. 

  • Learn how to use SQLAlchemy, an object-relational-mapper (ORM)

  • Use SQLAlchemy to write Python code that executes in a Postgres database

Topic 16: Intermediate Flask

In this unit, you’ll start building production applications in the real world. You’ll also learn how to make HTTP requests from the backend, allowing you to interact with most APIs to fetch and send data to and from external data sources. 

  • Start building JSON APIs 

  • Secure applications with hashed passwords and authentications and authorization

  • Learn about RESTful routing and interacting with APIs from the server side

  • Begin brainstorming topics for your first Capstone project.

Topic 17: Twitter Clone (Project)

This unit is built around a project where you’ll create a Twitter clone called Warbler. You’ll work with a large codebase and then add functionality to the clone. 

  • Create a clone of Twitter and add additional functionality

  • Practice reading a large codebase and interacting with elements you may be unfamiliar with

Topic 18: Intermediate Terminal (Optional)

This optional unit will cover common command line keywords that will allow you to find files on your computer’s ecosystem. 

  • Learn more advanced command line keywords like find and grep

  • Learn and understand symbolic links

  • Get a feel for Github workflows used in development and production environments

Topic 19: Node Fundamentals

In this unit, you’ll revisit JavaScript and learn about Node.js and how to use its asynchronous model to build performant applications.

  • Learn about node, a JavaScript technology that allows you to write server-side JavaScript

  • Review asynchronous calls and AJAX

  • Learn Jest, a JavaScript testing library

  • Learn GitHub workflow for collaboration

Topic 20: Express Fundamentals

Many major companies like PayPal, Uber, and IBM use Express in their tech stack, and almost every company where you’d be using Node, you’ll also use Express. In this unit, you’ll learn some of the intricate parts of this framework and use it to build an API.

  • Learn how to build Express web servers and APIs

  • Understand how to refactor routes to handle login in a more intelligent way

Topic 21: Express and Postgress

In this unit, you’ll build a full-stack application with Postgres and Express.

  • Learn how to connect a database to an Express app

  • Learn how to work with asynchronous code, and handle common security exploits

  • Write basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) queries and make your own simple ORM

Topic 22: Intermediate Express

This unit explores more advanced features of Express including authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens.

  • Dive into how Express does authentication and authorization with JSON web tokens (JWT)

  • Learn how to implement API validations

Topic 23: ReactJS Fundamentals

Written by Facebook, this framework allows for building robust applications that can scale easily. Once you have a solid grasp on what React is and how to build components and simple applications, you’ll layer on more complexity with a few additional built-in hooks.

  • Be introduced to the concept of components as well as React Forms, Effect and Refs

  • Get an introduction to Trees, how they're implemented, and the various classes

  • Build a Pokedex app and a few other small games

Topic 24: React Router and React History

If you have visited a website that has changing URLs but displays the same page, you know you’re dealing with a React Router.  It is used ubiquitously online and across the corporate world.

  • Familiarize yourself with the React Router library, which allows you to do client-side routing

  • Build simple web applications with React Router

Topic 25: React Jobly (Project)

In this unit, you’ll take your Jobly cumulative project (see Projects below) and create a dynamic front-end React app. You’ll design the app then deploy it using Heroku. 

Topic 26: Data Structures and Algorithms

Not only are Data Structures and Algorithms essential for succeeding in interviews, but they are also an important topic for understanding how to architect applications and make the right tradeoffs regarding performance. 

  • Learn about the most important algorithms and data structures that every aspiring software engineer should know

  • Learn about data structures like stacks, graphs, queues, and linked lists which are ubiquitous in real-world development

Topic 27: Redux (Optional)

Redux is one of the most popular React libraries. Go through this optional unit to learn about its features and debugging capabilities. 

  • Be introduced to the Redux library, which is a more elegant way to share data amongst components than the Context API

  • Learn about the features of Redux, and when you would choose to use it instead of Context

  • Get some hands-on experience building small apps in Redux

Topic 28: TypeScript (Optional)

Typescript, a superset of JavaScript, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Learning TypeScript will make you more competitive in your job search while keeping your coding skills sharp. 

  • Be introduced to TypeScript and how it's used to define elements within programming

  • Learn about the features of TypeScript including object types and union types

Topic 29: Projects

Four main portfolio pieces (two cumulative projects and two capstone projects), allow you to apply all of the skills you develop while working through the program. You’ll gain hands-on experience with each stage of the development process, from designing your web page or application to coding and testing your code, to final review and putting it into production.

  • Cumulative Project 1: Hacker News Clone:
    Focuses on skills you learned in the front-end development part of the program by having you make a functional clone of Hacker News from your API.

  • Cumulative Project 2 — Jobly:
    You will take your backend knowledge and build a full-stack application called Jobly, which will be used similarly to LinkedIn — where people can explore and apply for jobs online — but on a smaller scale.

  • Capstone Project 1:
    Create a database-driven website with an external API of your choice. You will submit portions of the project for evaluation three times: several project ideas, a project proposal, and the complete GitHub repo:

  • Capstone Project 2:
    This capstone is similar to the first project, but with Node/Express/React and more robust features. You’ll again create a database-driven website with an external API of your choice. You will submit portions of the project for evaluation three times: several project ideas, a project proposal, and the complete GitHub repo.

Topic 30: Assessments

Periodically throughout the curriculum, you’ll take assessments that range from having you answer questions about topics you’ve learned to completing a coding project. Assessments include:

  • Meme generator

  • Jeopardy!

  • Foreign Exchange Converter

  • Database DJ

  • Lucky Number (optional)

  • Broken App or Node Express

  • Even More Broken App

  • Mad Libs

  • Snack or Booze

  • Star Wars (optional) 

Topic 31: Career Support

Career units throughout the bootcamp will help you create a tailored job search strategy based on your background and goals. Topics include:

  • Types of industry roles 

  • Job search strategies

  • Building a network and using it to land interviews

  • Creating a high-quality resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter

  • Preparing for technical and non-technical interviews

  • Successful negotiation

NEW! AI for Engineers: Prompt Engineering

Learn to harness the power of AI with this new learning unit, exclusively for Springboard students. Get comfortable speaking the language of ChatGPT and other generative AI language models. Make your code more efficient and build a skill set that puts you ahead of the competition.

Join an industry-leading program

We’ve helped thousands of students learn skills and land jobs. It’s why we’ve been consistently recognized as an industry leader.

Best Bootcamp


Best Bootcamp


Best Bootcamp


Build a portfolio that proves your skills to hiring managers

The best way to learn software engineering is to get hands-on experience coding. Complete 20 mini projects, two cumulative projects and two capstone projects. During this bootcamp, you'll build an interview-ready portfolio you can show to future employers.

While working on the project, you will:

  • Gain hands-on experience at each stage of the development process, from design and coding to testing and pushing to production - all in a single bootcamp.

  • Create a database-driven website with an external API and get evaluated at each step — project idea, project proposal, and the complete GitHub repo

  • Complete one of your capstone projects with Node/Express/React and more robust features

Past projects from Springboard students

Juan Guzman

Capstone project: An app that helps you compare credit card rewards

Tim Birkmire

Capstone project: Map-based app to help transgender individuals find public restrooms

  • Mastery from your mentor

    Build software engineering skills faster with an expert in your corner. Your mentor will keep you accountable and give you an insider's view.

  • Counsel from your career coach

    Get prepared for the job search. Your career coach will help you gain confidence and know-how to land the role.

  • Support from your student advisor

    Stay on track and achieve your goals. Your student advisor has your back and will keep you on track to graduation.

  • Collaboration from your community

    You’ve got a built-in community — students who, just like you, are betting big on themselves.

Mentor: Eddy Sayar

Software Engineer

Mentor: Jessica McElroy

Software Engineer

Mentor: Roy Zheng

Sr. Software Engineer

Here’s why people like you choose Springboard

The course was taught by Colt Steele. He is a fantastic human being. He's so good at teaching and explaining things and communicating difficult concepts, and that’s when I decided Springboard would be the best bootcamp for me.

Bryce Dunn

From Undergraduate Student

To Full-stack Engineer @ Egen

Springboard coding graduates have achieved life-changing growth. You can too.


Average salary increase of software engineering students who provided pre- and post-course salaries.

December 2023


Of job-qualified individuals who reported an offer and received it within 12 months of graduation.

December 2023


Enrolled students in the Coding bootcamp since 2020.

December 2023

A software development bootcamp with a job guarantee

Invest in yourself with confidence with the Springboard Job Guarantee. If you put in the work and don't land a job, we'll give you a refund. Terms apply.

Eligibility for the Springboard Job Guarantee:

  • Successful completion of all mandatory coursework, core projects and career development tasks

  • Fulfill all post-completion job search requirements — regular networking, job applications and interviewing


  • JavaScript fundamentals — ability to write simple functions, loops, and conditional statements and declare variables

  • Programmatic problem-solving skills — ability to break down a problem into its component pieces, think through it logically, and come up with a solution

  • Recommended: HTML & CSS fundamentals — ability to build simple web pages with basic knowledge of selectors, common CSS rules and specificity

Don’t meet the requirements? Start with our Foundations to Core program

Become a software engineer from scratch at no extra cost. Build your basic Javascript, HTML, and CSS skills before you take on the core Software Engineering Career Track curriculum.

Apply to the next bootcamp

This software engineering bootcamp is a nine-month program for students devoting 20-25 hours per week.

4 ways to fund your future

Everyone should have the opportunity for growth. That’s why we offer a range of payment options.

What are software developers earning?

These are the average salaries of software engineers in the US.


Data as of November 2022; cross-referenced with Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Indeed, Payscale,, BuiltIn, and Comparably.

Don't pay until you start your job

With deferred tuition, you’ll hold your spot with a deposit, and then pay just $443/month for 36 months after you get a job. The costs won’t rise.

Other bootcamps structure their tuition payments as Income Share Agreements (ISAs) — that means they take a percentage of your income. You don’t know how much you’ll pay and, if you get a raise, you have to share the upside, which could cost you thousands more.

Better than Income Share Agreements

Other bootcamps structure their tuition payments as Income Share Agreements (ISAs) — that means they take a percentage of your income. With Springboard’s deferred tuition you can save thousands of dollars — it's a smarter alternative to expensive ISAs.

Springboard Deferred Tuition

Bloom Institute of Technology*

Galvanize ISA*

Coding Dojo*

Percent of income paid





Maximum payment duration

36 months

48 months

48 months

70 months

Maximum total cost





Job guarantee





All data as of January, 2023

Your questions, answered

Ready to become a software engineer? Apply now

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