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⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

Please use the new Stores library instead.

Build Status Test Coverage Swift versions Platforms MIT


You love Swift's Codable protocol and use it everywhere, who doesn't! Here is an easy and very light way to store and retrieve -reasonable amount 😅- of Codable objects, in a couple lines of code!

New in v3.0

  • Both UserDefaultsStore and SingleUserDefaultsStore are thread safe!
  • BREAKING: Use of custom encoder/decoder has been removed.
  • BREAKING: Snapshots have been removed.


Swift Package Manager

  1. Add the following to your Package.swift file:
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")
  1. Build your project:
$ swift build


Add the Sources folder to your Xcode project.


Let's say you have 2 structs; User and Laptop defined as bellow:

struct User: Codable {
    var id: Int
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String
    var laptop: Laptop?
struct Laptop: Codable {
    var model: String
    var name: String

Here is how you store them in UserDefaultsStore:

1. Conform to the Identifiable protocol and set the id property

The Identifiable protocol lets UserDefaultsStore knows what is the unique id for each object.

struct User: Codable, Identifiable {
struct Laptop: Codable, Identifiable {
    var id: String { model }

2. Create UserDefaults Stores

let usersStore = UserDefaultsStore<User>(uniqueIdentifier: "users")
let laptopsStore = UserDefaultsStore<Laptop>(uniqueIdentifier: "laptops")

3. Voilà, you're all set!

let macbook = Laptop(model: "A1278", name: "MacBook Pro")
let john = User(id: 1, firstName: "John", lastName: "Appleseed", laptop: macbook)

// Save an object to a store

// Save an array of objects to a store
try![jane, steve, jessica])

// Get an object from store
let user = store.object(withId: 1)
let laptop = store.object(withId: "A1278")

// Get all objects in a store
let laptops = laptopsStore.allObjects()

// Check if store has an object
print(usersStore.hasObject(withId: 10)) // false

// Iterate over all objects in a store
laptopsStore.forEach { laptop in

// Delete an object from a store
usersStore.delete(withId: 1)

// Delete all objects in a store

// Know how many objects are stored in a store
let usersCount = usersStore.objectsCount

Looking to store a single item only?

Use SingleUserDefaultsStore, it enables storing and retrieving a single value of Int, Double, String, or any Codable type.


  • iOS 13.0+ / macOS 10.15+ / tvOS 13.0+ / watchOS 6.0+
  • Swift 5.0+


Special thanks to:


Icon made by freepik from


UserDefaultsStore is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.