Stop executing script on close div with jquery?

I got this script that pops up a div on user scroll and shows it all the time.

I would like to add close button to hide div when clicked but the problem is how do I stop this code from pooing div again on same session?

    var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
   // now on the basis of scrollTop value show your div
     if(scrollTop > 1){
<div id=\"PopupSignBut\">
some content

To close this I this this would do?


Please help me out with this one.

So lets do some basic flagging.

var showthepopup = true;

  showthepopup = false;

    var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
   // now on the basis of scrollTop value show your div
     if(scrollTop > 1 && showthepopup && $("#PopupSignBut").css("display") === "none") {

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