1 minute read

I am currently writing an article about the challenges and pitfalls of concurrent programming for a German software magazine. Since the magazine's readers come from all kinds of platforms and programming languages I've chosen Groovy as a concise means to present my examples. Groovy - together with its associated library GPars - comes with good support for easy synchronization and locking (e.g. @WithReadLock, @WithWriteLock and @Synchronized). However, I do not want to introduce the concept of AST transformations so I came up with a new way of using locks in Groovy - originally motivated by Chris Broadfoot. Here's a short example:

class Shelf {
    final products = []
    final lock = new ReentrantLock()
    void putIn(Product product) {
        lock {
            if (isFull())
                throw new StorageException("shelf is full.")
            products << product
    boolean takeOut(Product product) {
        lock {
            return products.remove(product)

It looks like lock was a new keyword but actually I achieved that with a tiny bit of Groovy meta programming:

Lock.metaClass.useFor = { Closure operation ->
	try {
	} finally {
Lock.metaClass.call = { Closure operation -> 

Now that I used it in a couple of examples I suggest it should be considered for inclusion in GDK. What do YOU think?

P.S.: Don't get me wrong about the usefulness of explicit locking. In most cases other concepts - like parallel collections, data flows and agents - should be preferred.

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