Gradle is an open source build automation system, which is popular in Java, Groovy, and Scala ecosystems. For example, Android Studio uses Gradle to build Android applications. At the same time, there are many reasons why you should consider using Gradle in your project, even if it’s not Java, Groovy or Scala.

We will focus on Gradle’s features that allow using Gradle as a DevOps tool. It’s not about a new tool that should replace, for example, well known configuration management or continuous delivery tools. Instead, it’s about using Gradle as a DevOps "glue" for your existing tools and various scripts. There are several obvious use cases for Gradle, such as running external scripts from Gradle build file, or running Gradle build file from Jenkins via the Gradle Plugin. In addition to that, I want to highlight the following:

Simple Installation

Gradle takes care about your project dependencies, but what is more important, it also takes care about dependencies for the build file itself. With Gradle Wrapper, the only dependency for your Gradle project you need to install on the target machine is Java (JDK or JRE). The Gradle Wrapper contains gradlew (for Unix-like platforms) and gradlew.bat (for Windows) files. When you run the corresponding file for the first time, it downloads all of the required dependencies. This means that you don’t have to manually install Gradle yourself and also that you will use exactly the version of Gradle that the build is designed for.

Automation Framework

Gradle is written in Java and uses Groovy for its domain-specific language (DSL). While your primary use case for Gradle as a DevOps tool might be using it to call other scripts, you can also extend Gradle project by using the existing Java libraries, writing Java or Groovy code. As I mentioned above, Gradle will take of all of the dependencies that are required to use your Gradle project on a new machine. There are many Java libraries and Gradle plugins that might be useful for DevOps, such as Gradle SSH or AWS plugins.

Continuous Delivery Tool for non-JVM Projects

You can use Gradle for build and test phases of your project, even if it’s not Java, Groovy or Scala. For example, you can build C, C++, Go projects with Gradle. If, for some reason, you cannot use Gradle for that, you can always call a native build tool for your language. At least as a temporary solution.

You can use the same Gradle build to package your project, publish and deploy the application. To build your project you should define its dependencies, sources (inputs) and artifacts (outputs), which your can use also to automate packaging and distribution. As a build tool, Gradle provides very useful features, such as continuous build, when Gradle waits for changes to the build inputs. When a change occurs, Gradle will be automatically executed again and the process repeats.

Task-Based Approach

Remember your projects where you wrote a number of Bash scripts for various actions, such as or Probably, these script shared the common code, which you put in a separate file. In some cases, you need to process command line arguments for your scripts to handle different usage scenarios. Sometimes, you need to check if a certain condition is met. For example, you need to download a huge file, and you want to skip that step if the file exists.

There is a pattern in such projects: there are tasks available for execution and there are dependencies between these tasks. Using Bash for such task-based approach makes your project portable, but you have to write boilerplate code to handle command line arguments and implement dependencies between the tasks. Also, you need to document the tasks and keep the documentation up to date.

With Gradle, you can define all of the tasks and their dependencies and order in a consistent way. Let’s take a look to several examples:

Task Dependency

In this example, we will implement two tasks for your project:

  • provision task configures the execution environment for your project, for example, installs an application server

  • deploy task installs your compiled and packaged application into the environment, prepared by the provision task.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume for the moment that there is only one environment. In Gradle, we define these two tasks and specify that deploy depends on provision.

task provision {
    doLast {
        // provisioning code

task deploy {
    dependsOn provision
    doLast {
        // deployment code

Now you can use Gradle to execute the deploy task:

$ gradle deploy


As you see, Gradle has executed provision before deploy to satisfy the dependencies between the tasks. It works as expected, but we want to make it better: by design we will use deploy much more often then provision, because you need to deploy your application every time you have a new build. At the same time, you need to use provision only for new environments or when you need to change the execution environment (for example, to install a new version of the application server). Therefore, you do not need to provision the environment from the scratch every time when you deploy a new version. There are several options for that:

  • Use an external configuration management (CM) tool for provisioning (call it from the provision task). Most of the modern CM tools allow defining the target state declaratively. If the target system is in the target state, then CM tool does nothing ('idempotency'). At the same time, if there is any change in the definition of the target state or the target system (our execution environment) has a state that differs from the target state, CM tools makes required actions to achieve the target state from the current observable state. In this case, you can use our Gradle tasks as they are and CM tool called from the provision task will do nothing, if the environment is already provisioned.

  • Use a predicate or up-to-date check for the provision task (see Task Predicate and Task Up-to-date Check).

  • Make the provision and deploy tasks independent (see Task Ordering).

Task Predicate

If you do not use a smart configuration management tool for your provision task, then you can add a check directly to the task:

task provision {
    doLast {
        if (/* check if provisioning is required */) {
            // provisioning code

Alternatively, you can use the onlyIf predicate to let Gradle know when it should skip the task:

task provision {
    onlyIf { /* check if provisioning is required */ }
    doLast {
        // provisioning code

The predicate is evaluated just before the task is due to be executed. For example, if provisioning is not required:

$ gradle deploy
:provision SKIPPED


Task Up-to-date Check

Another option for a conditional provisioning is to let Gradle decide when it needs to execute the provision task. In the most common case, a Gradle task takes some inputs and generates some outputs. As part of incremental build, Gradle tests whether any of the task inputs or outputs have changed since the last build. If they haven’t, Gradle can consider the task up to date and therefore skip executing its actions. This is especially efficient if you provision a local machine (the same machine where you run Gradle). You should define at least one output for the task. In the following example we define a directory as the only output for the provision task, assuming that the task will prepare the environment in that directory:

task provision {
    doLast {
        // provisioning code

When you execute the deploy task for the first time, it 'provisions' the environment and creates the my_dir directory. For subsequent calls, the provision task won’t be executed:

$ gradle deploy


$ gradle deploy
:provision UP-TO-DATE


For real use cases, it is reasonable to define the task inputs as well. For the provision task it can be a definition of the environment in a separate file, or it can be a provisioning script in Bash. When Gradle detects that the input (provisioning script) is newer than the output (target directory) it executes the task:

task provision(type: Exec) {
    // Execute a Bash scripts that contains provisioning code
    // Specifically, it should create the target directory
    commandLine "./"

Task Ordering

As we discussed, other option to skip the provision task when you deploy your application is to make provision and deploy task independent:

task provision {
    doLast {
        // provisioning code

task deploy {
    doLast {
        // deployment code

Now you can execute deploy independently of provision. If you want to provision the environment and deploy your application at the same time, then you can specify both tasks as arguments for Gradle, or you can define a new task, for example, all that depends on both tasks. In both cases, you need to set a right order for the provision and deploy tasks, so when Gradle executes both tasks, it executes deploy after provision:

task deploy {
    mustRunAfter provision
    doLast {
        // deployment code

Here we specify that deploy runs after provision. Now we can execute deploy without provisioning:

$ gradle deploy


If you want to provision the environment before deploying the application, then you can specify both tasks as command line arguments for Gradle. The order in the command line is not important, because you have explicitly set task ordering in the Gradle build file:

$ gradle deploy provision


Alternatively, you can add a new task that depends on both tasks:

task all {
    dependsOn provision, deploy

Now you can execute the all task to provision and deploy:

$ gradle all


Task Finalizer

Gradle allows defining a finalizing tasks for any task. Finalizer tasks will be executed even if the finalized task fails and finalizer tasks are not executed if the finalized task didn’t do any work. Example:

task clean {
    doLast {
        // clean up code

task provision {
    doLast {
        // provisioning code
    finalizedBy clean
$ gradle provision


Finalizer tasks are useful in situations where you need to clean up resources created by other tasks regardless of the build failing or succeeding. Another useful use case for finalizer tasks is generating new resources (a report, for example) using results from the other tasks, which can be used independently or all together. For example, you can use provisionHost1, provisionHost2 to provision one host, or both tasks to provision all hosts. Then you can use the finalizer task to generate a provisioning report.

Note that if you define a finalizer task for several tasks, which have dependencies between them, then the finalizer task will be executed only once, after the last task in the task execution. For example:

task clean {
    doLast {
        // clean up code

task provision {
    doLast {
        // provisioning code
    finalizedBy clean

task deploy {
    dependsOn provision
    doLast {
        // deployment code
    finalizedBy clean
$ gradle deploy


Defining Dependencies and Ordering

In Gradle, there are two ways to define dependencies and ordering for the task: inside and outside the task definition. I personally prefer the first way, because it allows to consolidate the task definition in one block of code. However, the second way is useful, for example, when you set dependencies or ordering rules programmatically. The following definitions are equivalent:

task provision {
    doLast {
        // provisioning code

task deploy {
    mustRunAfter provision
    doLast {
        // deployment code

task all {
    dependsOn provision, deploy
task provision {
    doLast {
        // provisioning code

task deploy {
    doLast {
        // deployment code

task all {

deploy.mustRunAfter provision
all.dependsOn provision, deploy

Note that the same technique works for any task metadata, for example:

deploy.finalizedBy clean

Task References

In the previous examples, we used task names to reference them in dependsOn, mustRunAfter, or finalizedBy. There are many potential cases when you need to reference a task before its definition, for example:

task all {
    dependsOn provision, deploy (1)

task provision { }

task deploy { }
1 Attempt to reference tasks before they defined

Using the all task will fail:

$ gradle all
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'gradle'.
> Could not find property 'provision' on task ':all'.

If you still want to reference tasks before defining them, then you can use strings for dependsOn, mustRunAfter, or finalizedBy:

task all {
    dependsOn "provision", "deploy"

task provision { }

task deploy { }

Another option is to add references to the task after defining the referenced tasks:

task all { }

task provision { }

task deploy { }

all.dependsOn provision, deploy

Task Group and Description

Gradle allows documenting tasks by specifying task group and description. For example:

task provision {
    group "ops"
    description "Provisions the execution environment"
    doLast {
        // provisioning code

task deploy {
    group "ops"
    description "Deploys the application"
    mustRunAfter provision
    doLast {
        // deployment code

You can use gradle tasks to display task, which are available in your Gradle build:

$ gradle tasks
Ops tasks
deploy - Deploys the application
provision - Provisions the execution environment

Running gradle help --task <task> gives you detailed information about a specific task or multiple tasks matching the given task name:

$ gradle help --task deploy
Detailed task information for deploy


     Task (org.gradle.api.Task)

     Deploys the application

The examples in the article have been tested with Gradle 4.0.1. Starting from Gradle 3.0 you can use Kotlin to write build scripts. Gradle’s Groovy support is not deprecated, and will continue to be supported.