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Normalize Enum Case Representation


In Swift 3, associated values of an enum case are represented by a tuple. This implementation causes inconsistencies in case declaration, construction and pattern matching in several places.

Enums, therefore, can be made more "regular" when we replace tuple as the representation of associated case values. This proposal aims to define the effect of doing so on various parts of the language.

Swift-evolution thread: Normalize Enum Case Representation (rev. 2)


When user declares a case for an enum, a function which constructs the corresponding case value is declared. We'll refer to such functions as case constructors in this proposal.

enum Expr {
    // this case declares the case constructor `Expr.elet(_:_:)`
    indirect case elet(locals: [(String, Expr)], body: Expr)

// f's signature is f(_: _), type is ([(String, Expr)], Expr) -> Expr
let f = Expr.elet

// `f` is just a function
f([], someExpr) // construct a `Expr.elet`

There are many surprising aspects of enum constructors, however:

  1. After SE-0111, Swift function's fully qualified name consists of its base name and all of its argument labels. User can use the full name of the function at use site. In the example above, locals and body are currently not part of the case constructors name, therefore the expected syntax is invalid.

    func f(x: Int, y: Int) {}
    f(x: y:)(0, 0) // Okay, this is equivalent to f(x: 0, y: 0)
    Expr.elet(locals: body:)([], someExpr) // this doesn't work in Swift 3
  2. Case constructors cannot include a default value for each parameter. This is yet another feature available to functions.

As previous mentioned, these are symptoms of associated values being a tuple instead of having its own distinct semantics. This problem manifests more in Swift 3's pattern matching:

  1. A pattern with a single value would match and result in a tuple:

    // this works for reasons most user probably don't expect!
    if case .elet(let wat) = anExpr {
  2. Labels in patterns are not enforced:

    // note: there's no label in the first sub-pattern
    if case .elet(let p, let body: q) = anExpr {
        // code

These extra rules makes pattern matching difficult to teach and to expand to other types.

Proposed Solution

We'll add first class syntax (which largely resemble the syntax in Swift 3) for declaring associated values with labels. Tuple will no longer be used to represent the aggregate of associated values for an enum case. This means pattern matching for enum cases needs its own syntax as well (as opposed to piggybacking on tuple patterns, which remains in the language for tuples.).

Detailed Design

Compound Names For Enum Constructors

Associated values' labels should be part of the enum case's constructor name. When constructing an enum value with the case name, label names must either be supplied in the argument list it self, or as part of the full name.

Expr.elet(locals: [], body: anExpr) // Okay, the Swift 3 way.
Expr.elet(locals: body:)([], anExpr) // Okay, equivalent to the previous line.
Expr.elet(locals: body:)(locals: 0, body: 0) // This would be an error, however.

Note that since the labels aren't part of a tuple, they no longer participate in type checking, behaving consistently with functions.

let f = Expr.elet // f has type ([(String, Expr)], Expr) -> Expr
f([], anExpr) // Okay!
f(locals: [], body: anExpr) // Won't compile.

Enum cases should have distinct full names. Therefore, shared base name will be allowed:

enum SyntaxTree {
    case type(variables: [TypeVariable])
    case type(instantiated: [Type])

Using only the base name in pattern matching for the previous example would be ambiguous and result in an compile error. In this case, the full name must be supplied to disambiguate.

case .type // error: ambiguous
case .type(variables: let variables) // Okay

Default Parameter Values For Enum Constructors

From a user's point view, declaring an enum case should remain the same as Swift 3 except now it's possible to add = expression after the type of an associated value to convey a default value for that field.

enum Animation {
    case fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval = 0.3) // Okay!
let anim = Animation.fadeIn() // Great!

Updated syntax:

union-style-enum-case = enum-case-name [enum-case-associated-value-clause];
enum-case-associated-value-clause = "(" ")"
                                  | "(" enum-case-associated-value-list ")";
enum-case-associated-value-list = enum-associated-value-element
                                | enum-associated-value-element ","
enum-case-associated-value-element = element-name type-annotation
                                   | type
element-name = identifier;
enum-case-element-default-value-clause = "=" expression;

Alternative Payload-less Case Declaration

In Swift 3, the following syntax is valid:

enum Tree {
    case leaf() // the type of this constructor is confusing!

Tree.leaf has a very unexpected type to most Swift users: (()) -> Tree

We propose this syntax become illegal. User must explicitly declare associated value of type Void if needed:

enum Tree {
    case leaf(Void)

Source compatibility

Despite a few additions, case declaration remain mostly source-compatible with Swift 3, with the exception of the change detailed in "Alternative Payload-less Case Declaration".

Syntax for case constructor at use site remain source-compatible.

Effect on ABI stability and resilience

After this proposal, enum cases may have compound names. This means the standard library will expose different symbols for enum constructors. The name mangling rules should also change accordingly.

Alternative Considered

Between case declaration and pattern matching, there exist many reasonable combinations of improvement. On one hand, we can optimize for consistency, simplicity and teachability by bringing in as much similarity between enum and other part of the language as possible. Many decisions in the first revision were made in favor if doing so. Through the feedbacks from swift-evolution, we found that some of the changes impedes the ergonomics of these features too much . In this section, we describe some of the alternatives that were raised and rejected in hope to strike a balance between the two end of the goals.

We discussed allowing user to declare a parameter name ("internal names") for each associated value. Such names may be used in various rules in pattern matching. Some feedback suggested they maybe used as property names when we make enum case subtypes of the enum and resembles a struct. This feature is not included in this proposal because parameter names are not very useful today. Using them in patterns actually don't improve consistency as users don't use them outside normal function definitions at all. If enum case gains a function body in a future proposal, it'd be better to define the semantics of parameter names then, as opposed to locking it down now.

To maintain ergonomics/source compatibility, we could allow user to choose arbitrary bindings for each associated value. The problem is it makes the pattern deviate a lot from declaration and makes it hard for beginners to understand. This also decrease readability for seasoned users.

Along the same line, a pattern that gets dropped is binding all associated values as a labeled tuple, which tuple pattern allowed in Swift 3. As T.J. Usiyan pointed out, implementation of the equality protocol would be simplified due to tuple's conformance to Equatable. This feature may still be introduced with alternative syntax (perhaps related to splats) later without source-breakage. And the need to implement Equatable may also disappear with auto-deriving for Equatable conformance.

Revision History

The first revision of this proposal mandated that the labeled form of sub-pattern (case .elet(locals: let x, body: let y)) be the only acceptable pattern. Turns out the community considers this to be too verbose in some cases.

A drafted version of this proposal considered allowing "overloaded" declaration of enum cases (same full-name, but with associated values with different types). We ultimately decided that this feature is out of the scope of this proposal.

The second revision of this proposal was accepted with revisions. As originally written, the proposal required that pattern matching against an enum match either by the name of the bound variables, or by explicit labels on the parts of the associated values:

enum Foo {
  case foo(bar: Int)

func switchFoo(x: Foo) {
  switch x {
  case .foo(let bar): // ok
  case .foo(bar: let bar): // ok
  case .foo(bar: let bas): // ok
  case .foo(let bas): // not ok

However, it was decided in review that this was still too restrictive and source-breaking, and so the core team accepted the proposal with the modification that pattern matches only had to match the case declaration in arity, and case labels could be either provided or elided in their entirety, unless there was an ambiguity. Even then, as of Swift 5.2, this part of the proposal has not been implemented, and it would be a source breaking change to do so. Therefore, the "Pattern Consistency" section of the original proposal has been removed, and replaced with a "Disambiguating pattern matches" section, which provided a minimal disambiguation rule for pattern matching cases that share a base name. This new design still had not been implemented at the time the core team adopted a new expiration policy for unimplemented proposals, so it has expired.