Craft Webinars

Join Pixel & Tonic as we cover a variety of Craft-related topics from general overviews to deeper dives into specific features, all in around 30 minutes.


Introduction to Craft Commerce 2.2

Senior Craft Commerce developers Luke Holder and Nathaniel Hammond introduced new features in the recent Commerce 2.2 release and folks asked some great questions in Q&A!

Craft 3.2 Authoring Features

We covered new content authoring features in Craft 3.2 like draft autosave, previewing your work across multiple contexts, element index pagination and exporting.

Intro to Craft 3.1

In this webinar, we covered new features in Craft 3.1 including Project Config, soft deletes, and other goodies. Project Config gives developers a new approach to collaboration and deployment workflows, while content managers will appreciate that accidentally-deleted content is now retrievable. The recording includes Q&A at the end. Only the second presentation of the day was recorded.

Intro to Commerce 2.0

In this webinar, we introduces Commerce 2 which now features two editions, Lite and Pro. Luke Holder, the lead developer of Craft Commerce, joined in to answer questions. There are great questions at the end of each session.