Xamarin DevOps Snippets (aka Pipeline Templates)

Louis Matos has put together Xamarin Month with the topic of Code Snippets – Check out Louis’ blog for the full month of snippet. In this post I’m going to cover some code snippets that use Pipeline Templates in order to setup a Azure DevOps pipeline for your Xamarin application.

Azure Pipeline Templates are a way to define reusable components of YAML that can be shared across different pipelines and in fact across different repositories. Noting how difficult it was to setup even a basic pipeline to build and deploy a Xamarin application, the Pipeline Templates project was born to publish reusable templates that could easily be dropped into any pipeline.

Getting Started

In order to make use of templates, the first thing you need to do is to reference the pipeline_templates GitHub repository as a resource in you YAML build pipeline.

    - repository: builttoroam_templates
      type: github
      name: builttoroam/pipeline_templates
      ref: refs/tags/v0.6.1
      endpoint: github_connection

It’s worth noting that the ref attribute is referencing the v0.6.1 release by specifying the tag. Alternatively you could reference any branch simply by changing the ref to a value similar to “refs/heads/nickr/bugfix” where the branch is nickr/bugfix. I would recommend referencing one of the tagged releases for stability of your build pipeline – from time to time we do make breaking changes, so if you’re referencing a branch, your build might start failing.

Build Templates


To build the Android application, use the build-xamarin-android template – simply provide the necessary parameters.

- template:  azure/stages/build-xamarin-android.yml@builttoroam_templates
    # Stage name and whether it's enabled
    stage_name: 'Build_Android'
    build_android_enabled: true
    # Version information
    full_version_number: '1.0.$(Build.BuildId)'
    # Signing information
    secure_file_keystore_filename: '$(android_keystore_filename)'
    keystore_alias: '$(android_keystore_alias)'
    keystore_password: '$(android_keystore_password)'
    # Solution to build
    solution_filename: 'src/SnippetXamarinApp.sln'
    solution_build_configuration: 'Release'
    # Output information
    artifact_folder: 'artifacts'
    application_package: 'android.apk'


To build the iOS application, use the build-xamarin-ios template

- template:  azure/stages/build-xamarin-ios.yml@builttoroam_templates
    # Stage name and whether it's enabled
    stage_name: 'Build_iOS' 
    build_ios_enabled: true
    # Version information
    full_version_number: '1.0.$(Build.BuildId)'
    # Solution to build
    solution_filename: 'src/SnippetXamarinApp.sln'
    solution_build_configuration: 'Release'
    # Signing information
    ios_plist_filename: 'src/SnippetXamarinApp/SnippetXamarinApp.iOS/Info.plist'
    ios_cert_password: '$(ios_signing_certificate_password)'
    ios_cert_securefiles_filename: '$(ios_signing_certificate_securefiles_filename)'
    ios_provisioning_profile_securefiles_filename: '$(ios_provisioning_profile_securefiles_filename)'
    # Output information
    artifact_folder: 'artifacts'
    application_package: 'ios.ipa'


To build the Windows application, use the build-xamarin-windows template. Technically this template should work with any UWP application.

- template:  azure/stages/build-xamarin-windows.yml@builttoroam_templates
    # Stage name and whether it's enabled
    stage_name: 'Build_Windows'
    build_windows_enabled: true
    # Version information
    full_version_number: '1.0.$(Build.BuildId)'
    # Signing information
    windows_cert_securefiles_filename: '$(windows_signing_certificate_securefiles_filename)'
    windows_cert_password: '$(windows_signing_certificate_password)'
    # Solution to build
    solution_filename: 'src/SnippetXamarinApp.sln'
    solution_build_configuration: 'Release'
    # Output information
    artifact_folder: 'artifacts'
    application_package: 'windows.msix'


Of course, once you’re done building your applications, you probably want to deploy the applications for testing. For this you can use the deploy-appcenter template. Note that you need to add a stage for each platform you want to deploy but you can use the same template as it knows how to deploy iOS, Android and Windows applications to AppCenter.

- template:  azure/stages/deploy-appcenter.yml@builttoroam_templates
    # Stage name and dependencies
    stage_name: 'Deploy_Android'
    depends_on: 'Build_Android'
    deploy_appcenter_enabled: true
    environment_name: 'AppCenter'
    # Build artifacts
    artifact_folder: 'artifacts'
    application_package: 'android.apk'
    # Signing information (for Android repack to APK)
    secure_file_keystore_filename: '$(android_keystore_filename)'
    keystore_alias: '$(android_keystore_alias)'
    keystore_password: '$(android_keystore_password)'
    # Deployment to AppCenter
    appcenter_service_connection: $(appcenter_service_connection)
    appcenter_organisation: $(appcenter_organisation)
    appcenter_applicationid: $(appcenter_android_appid)

For a more detailed walk through of using the pipeline templates for building cross platform xamarin applications, please check out this post that covers the process end to end.

Call to Action: Contributions

The Pipeline Templates project is an open source project and I would love to get feedback and contributions from the community in order to provide more templates (not just for mobile).

Specifically, if anyone has built out the tasks necessary to deploy applications to each of the three stores, it would be great to create a template similar to the AppCenter template that targets the actual stores.

If anyone is familiar with both GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines, it would be great to get someone to give me a hand to convert the existing templates for Azure DevOps across to GitHub Actions.

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